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If Anj Doalcr Informa Yon that lie has for sale a dentrifice identical wlth or contuininsr Ingrediënt! eqiialliuff or superior In eflicacy to tliose of SOZODOXT, dlscredit the statement aiul insist npon having tliat alone. By doinjf so, yon wlll seourc a dentrifice par excellence the best in the maiket, containing botanie elements of rare preseivative influeiice apon tb teetli udoM whioli wlll endow tliem with the most becomtag wliiteness. Anotlier deeirable fea tare 01 Uil stanle toilet article is that it Imparta fragrance ' to the breath. Sold by druvgisls. fr in 1220-1223. Defect n naannera is uaually the defect of fine pereeptiuns. Elegmice comes of no breedinfj, but of birlh. - Emerson. ForOoIde, Croup, Asthma, BronchitU and Sore Throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, andgetthe genuine. ü Locáis. Do not forjret our splendiil stock of IbooU cases and secretarie, Koen & H.u.i.ER. Heavy Gloves and Mittens ut The Two Sa5ïs. A very fine assortment of Itatlan goods can DOW bc foood at Koch & Haller's. Arcliitictiiral Plans and Snccilleations. l'eople wli.i want Honses built accord"ÍÍ to modern stylc can obtain same from AndrewCliniie. Hexting and Ventllation ! M Bpecialty. Sec houset of O. Eberbach, ¦ E. E. Beul and E. S. Worden. Office at ; resldence 2o Maynard street, Ann Arbor. PROPOSA LS BE IE F. ItHBnndtralgned wtll recelve Sealed Propounis, up to November 21th, to( lurnieti the oonotv with DOt exceadlüR Bve tooe oi beef, to bedellv eied at the i ounty House. The beef to be from oung cattle, bat not les til n two years1 (Jd car ¦MU, not to welgh lesB thaa 4U(I pounds, to be delivered ag may be hereafter sieed npon, and between November ili and December 30th, indall (ul.i iet to the. full apitrovul of the keeper "f the County House. The board reserve the rlght 'o ppject any and all lilds. Proiiosal can be ent to I). B. Qreene, Ypsilant!; L. Davis or Wm. Aprill, Ann Albor. D. B. O REENE!, ].. HAVIS. WM. APKILL. Bnp't Foor Maihiena ('o. Cout.ty IIou?e, No'. 7, lsl. l'JLM 2ï. Estaic of AaiMii F, G-iy. JTATEOF MICHIGAN, Conuiy ol Washtenaw. On At asepion of the ProbateCourt for theConntv ol WuBhtenaw, hol.lenat the Probate ihecity of Arni Arbor, on Tu.sday, the elevontli day oi November in the yenr thousand eight hiimirec] úá elghty-four, Prureut, Willlain D Unirimaii, ! iiidtie ol Probate, In t];e matter of the eetate ol Aaron F. Q, eceased. On reading ond fiiin the petltlon .luly venfled, ol VVüliain H. lirace, pnyins t ,] ume be apporated byiheConn towiaMs i.imto niuke .nofui'a claim m;itliit s'iul W te (the lime "(r provlnt' claim as [Ued by tbe cotiri haviii" i plre ). Theretipon it Is ordered, that Monday, the Öret duy of December next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, be asnigned for tbe hearin of nald petitlon, aud that the lielrs at law of sulil d. - ueaied, and all other persons tmeraeted loaaldeatnte,are required lo appear at a sesclon ol' said court, (hm lo be holden at ihe l'rolmle Ufllce.ln the cityol Ann Arbor, and show cause, il' auy ihrre be, why the prayer ol ihe prtitiuner nhuuTd not be granted. And it is furlher ordered. that saiil petttlonw _'ive notie. ¦ to tbe partona Intereated in said estáte. of the pendency of said petition, and the heariii" Ibcrvuf. by raiiíinf; a coi.y of this order to be pub iiHhrai in The Ann Arbor VourUr, a Dewapáper prlntud imd circulated in said county. two anccetsive weeks to saiil dayo: hearini.'. (Atru. copy.) W1LUA.M 1). HARIUVAN, lude of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY. Probuta Rejiiater. 1K4-1177 RmI Estáte for Sale. QTATEOI'MICUIUA.N, Couniy ol WaBhteuaw, O sa. In tbe Matter of the Eatate of Clara I!. Freer, (Mowenon) ¦ minor. Noties is hereby Riven, that In pnrsunncf of an order graated to the nndentgned mtrdUnor aald minor, b tbe Hun. Jndge of Probate for the County of Waahtenaw, on the elfrhth day oi April a. D. 1884, tbere wlll be eold al public vesdaa, to ] the blfheal bidder, al the dwetllaa house, on the premiaea belov deacrlbed.ln the Townahtpol 8apertor, In theOuaatj ol Waahtanaw, iu state, on Tm's.lin, the thini.ih dav ol December, a. D. ÏSHI, at ten o'clock In Ihe forenoonol that day (aabject toall encuinhratKTf by mortjage or otherwtse exUÜDH al the timo of the aal), aii ibe i-iUt, mie and of siid minor In the fullowlng descrilted real estáte, t i-wif TIn wi'.-t ttixiy tH) acrei of il. e eait half of tbe i aoatbeaat qaarter, and ttie aast ten ( LO) orea ol the wet Imlf oi the S'iutheast quarier ol te.-ii.ui live. - tv (_)). in the townanlp ol Superior, Wuabtenaw eonnty, In Mlcbljjün. JANK E. FKKER, (iiüirdian. Dutnl, NoTember 10, 1884, i-:ji 'JT


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News