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Compifcd from Late Dispatches. DOMESTIC. BBEAD8TUFF exporta from the United States for the ben months ended October 81 aggregated in vabje $120,998,047, against ,+ l4.",l:i"', ::;i for the eorrespondlng period in 1SS3. Ten car-loads oí uoney, valued at $10,(Hii), were reoeutly purchased at Santa imu, t'ul., for shipnu'nt tb Liverpool via New Orleans. The prlce paid was foor and one-half cents per pound. FuiiTiiKK attempts of the lloeking Valley strflcen f intimídate laboren were made on the 1-th ut NcLsonville, O. The mili! ia was In readinesa to be callad upou. Joseph 15ii;i;krs aii'l Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, residing near Coluiiibus, Ga., died on the l'Jtli from drinking coffoe in whioh anenlchad been placed. Suspicion pointed to an oll negro woman, formerly a oook in the family, as being gnilty of the crime. The New Orleans World'a Kxposition will open December lii and tíos June 1. ïhere are in ciroulation ia Boston counterfeit gilyer dollars so íineiy executed as to almost defy dete.'tiou. Tliey are of a whitish color, dated IW-I, and havo a fine, clear and almost perfect ring. The die is excellent, and the size and thickness c.orr gpond with the standard silver dollars. Diphtheria in its worst form prevailed on the l'Jth at Oil City, l'a.. aisl adjolnlng towns. Nine stores and thHr r-ontents and 2oiJ bales Of cotton were destroyed byflre Wednesday moruing ;it Knfaula, Ala., the loss bain Wrkckjerh opened n switch the othi day ontheOhio& iiNsisslpi Road, near Vincenne, lir!., causing the death of Gad Falrbanks, the ol lest engixteer on the ünp. Neak Dayton, Pa., : foqrteen-year-old boy nanied llouser, during his párente' absence a few day 8 ago stripped hls youngest sister anrl placed her ou a red-hot stovo, burning her tatally. The Wasbingii-.i monument on the lith reached a greater hcight thán thatof any other structme in the world, beiug MO feet ten inches above the fioorof themonuinent. The next highest structure is the spire of the Cologne Cathedral, ."il") feet high. Tho monument will be dedieated February J2 next. Pexsio.vs to the anmber of 822,768 and to the amount of ,fM,oos,."07 were paidinthis country doring the last year. Of the 027,922 claims filed since 1861, 545,190 have been allowed, the total ammmt disbursed during that period bein GT8,346 8i4. In HePhersou Coanty, Kan., a few dnys ago August Ttixhoin fired his house, bajrn andgranary, andthen blew out hia brains. It was alleged thut he ulso intended to kill liis wife and four chiidren. Included in the $11,000 toss was $4,0iWiiicashwhich was in the house. ís'o cause was kiiown for til? deed. The charters of T'Jl National banks, with au aggregate capital of over .fI!S'.l,OOO,OOO, will expiro diuiug the year 1885. Fromiui "-matiou received by the ComptroUer of the Currenc3r it is expected a large majority of these bankswill continue their ei - istence. Arthcr D. Jakvary, of Sacramento, Cal., Deputy-Treasurer of State and son of the Treasuror, was arrested on the 13th for robbiug the county-deposit fund of $89,.)O0, which he coufessed to have spent at gaming. Masked ïr.en a iewirghts ago robbed the honso of Captain John Morrow, n invalid, at Mansfleld, Pa., of $300 andvaluables. They bound and gagged Mrs. Morrow and a feiaale friend in a brutal manner, and the former might not recover. James Dacey, convicted of the murder of Alderman Gaynor, of Chicago, and sentenced to be lianged Nbrember L'l, has b&en granted a stay of proeeedings by the Supreme Court. The ship Andrew Johnson, of Thomastiin, Me., was Sluik reeenüy in West Indian watera by a colusión, seventeen of the crew beiug drowned. Tex tons of giant po-.vder in Rnmmel's magazine, near Toledo, O., vrere exploded a few morninga ago by the detonation of a tub of nitro-glyeerine, whlch had been placed near a fire to thaw. The explosión was hoard at Detroit, sixty miles away, and in the inimediate district smashed windowa, leveled fences and barns and tore limbs from trees. Several persons were injured, but none fatally. Governor CbOsbt, of Montana, in his annual report on the 13th to the President, stated that the population of the Territory was 84,00, the taxable property was valued at $60,000,000,. and that an application would soon be made for admission as a State. He said many of tho Indians were iu a deplorable condition, and he feared many would die during the eomiDg winter. He reconimeuds that their reservations be thrown open for settlement. Robert Staxdrixg, anordained preacher of the anti-polygamy branch of the Mormon Church, and his wife were on the 13th found murdered on their ranch, Dear Pine Grove, Col. Btandring was a wealthy pioneer. Rev. Hknby AVilmamsox. pastor of St. Paui's Episcopal Church at Trenton, N. J., committed suicide on the 13th with a revolver, blowing out his brains. A freight-traix on the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohlo Railroad was wreeked early the other morniag near Ashland, O. Two persons were killed outright, and the flremau, wbo jumped uto a creek, was seriously injured. The Sac and Fox Indians have leased two hundred thousand acres of grazing lands to Kansas perties for ten years, at 510,000 ])er annuni, the wiro fenciug to revert to the Indians at the cxpiration of the lease. A sevehe shock of earthquake was feit the other nijrht at Concord and other towna in New Hampshire. About one hundred Hormon converts left Chattaoooga on the 13th for Utah. In the party were three negroes- two men and a woman. These were the flrst converta to Mormonism from that race. The Shoe & Leather Insurance Company of Boston has retieed from the business of iire inaorance. BJohx Maxwell, of South Argyle, N. Y., many years insane aud confiued in an old house, was burned to death a few daya ago in the destruction of the building by fire. The National Stockmen's Association commenced its second annual session at the Sherman House in Chicago orí the l.'ith. Over two hundred delegates were in attendance. A FRiOHTMr. railroad accident orenrrod early on tlie moining of the 14th at Hempatead, Tex., on the Houston t Texas Centra) Jtailway. Xhenorth-bound expresa crashed through a bridge and into Clear Creek, drowning twelve of the passenger8 and wounding twenty other. Many of the 'lead were mangled beyond recognition. Amonujiext to eommemorate the revolutionary battles of 177S was unveiled on the 13th in tho presence of 30,000 persona at llonmouth, N. J. the month of October 36,441 immigrants arrived in this country, and T,!)l) titizons of the United States returned from abroad. For the ten months ended October :U the total number of itnmigrants coming to this country was 414,3'J4, against 601,087 du ring the same period of last year. FotTR persons were probably fatally injured by the bursting of a cannon at Littlo Falls, N. Y., a few eveninga ago. A xumber of wealthy gentlemen of Cleveland, O., havo incorporated the Cleveland Farmlng Company, and purchased l.'),000 acres of land in Richland County, D. T., whlch wül be put under cultivation next year. The capital stock of the company ia lixed at $300,000. Kino & Uptox's glue-works at Peabody, Mass., were burned a few mornings ago, causiug a loss of $100,000. Durino the ten months last past this country exported $37,!)39,74C of gold. Great Britain took $26,474,870, France $4,352,824, the West Indien $3,880,014, Germany -- - w n- - - - -- - a- i i i places $795,419. Ourimportsof goldaggi gated $13,558,018. Differeuco between exports and mports, L24,881,698 in favor of the former. Foor men were ilrowued ncar Cape Vincent, N. Y., a few e-venings ago by tho upsetting of a row-boat. T hk safe in the dry-goodn store of David Beiglc, at Houcktown, O., was blown open recently with dynamite and robbed of $3,000 in money aud notes. Couxtekfeit $10 bilis on a Cincinuati baak ore plentiful at Camden, N. J., and William L. Thompson, nu engraver, was arrested on tho Hth at Philadelphia as being one of tho coiners. Doxby's Opera House (which cost $60,000), a mimber of businass structures, and a livory stable, containing horsos, vehicles, etc, at Anderson, lud., were destroyed by fire early the other morning. DiTRixu a politiek] celebration at Wellington, Kan., a fow evenings ago Mrs. John Schnarr and a hotel clerk were struck by a sky-rocket and killed, and AV. H. Hood was scriously injured. The National Board of Health on the 14th addressed a circular to the Governors of the various States advising them that the presence of Asiatic cholera in epidemie form in Europe is a constaut nienace to the people of this country, and urging them in view of the imminent danger wliiuh threatens the people of the United States to advise their respective Legislatures to provide thorough sanitary mcasuros. A fire recently in the lumber yard of Kramer, Maun & Co , near Lock Haven, Ptf., destroyed lumber valued at $200,000. One hundrod and ninetv-one new National banks were chartered in the United States durinp; the past year, addins; a net aggregate of about $15,000,000 to the National banking capital of the country. During tho period namod eleven Natiooal banks have failed. Dry-goods import? at New York for the seven days ended on the 14th reached an aggregate ralue of $l,0S7,0U0. The amount marketed was $1,112,000. 8. C. Baker, one of the wenlthiest landowners and ooai and iron producers in Altoona, Po., nifnlo an assignment a few days ago. hundred mon were throwu out of work. ADVICE9 of the 14th from Portland, Ore., stnte that the sinuggling of Chinese from British Colombia intoWaahington Territory still continúes. Recently a small schoonor landed forty at one of the lower wharves in Soattle. It required the greatest vigilance to prevent th country from beiuR overrun with them. Opium was brought over the same wav. the United Stat f s and Canada there were 200 business failures dui"iug the seven days ended on the 14th, agaiust 108 the previoua seveu days. The distribution was as follows: Middle 8tates, 37; New England States, 20; "estern, 61: Southern, 4S: Pacific States and Territories, 10: Canada, 22. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. James Schuvler Crosby took the oath of office on the Jlth as First Assistant Postmaster-General, and began the discharge of his ollirial iluties. John McCui.i,ough, the actor, who disappeared f rom New York a few daya ago, reached St. Loóla on the llth, where he expected to play. Ho was considerad deranged. None of the .State officers of Connecticut having received a majority of the votes cast at the recent election, the Republican Legislature nmst clect the eutire State ticket. The Alabama Legislatura met at Montgoraery ou the llth. The Sonate organized by electing Thomas Seay President. Both prupositions receatly snbmitted to the votéis of Illiuois - the constitutioual amendment enlarglng the veto power and the appropriation to completo the StateHouse - have been ïatilied by kirgemajoritiea. Mor. Capel, in au addresa in New Tork on the evening ot the 12th, said that the bad side of American politics was that which showed the attempte to pull down the character of the mea who woro to rule the nation. The official vote in Mississippi for Presidential elector at the recent electiou was asfollows: Cleveland, 78,457; Blaiue, il,774; Cleveland's plurality, 86,6S8. ME. Ormsbv PHll-r.tPB, oneof tho proprietors of the Pittsburgh (Pa.) Disputen, died suddenly a few mornings ago. At Reading, Pa.,recently agreat-granddaughter of Governor Joseph Heister, of Pennsylvania, was married to the greatgrandson of General Peter Muhlenburg, of Revolutionary fame. The following is the official vote given at the recent election in New Hainpshire: Blaine, 4".1GC; Cleveland, SO,1(!G; St. John, 1,37.3; Butler, V2; Blaine's plurality, 4,000; Blaiue's majority, 1,875. Carrier, Republican, for Governor, has a majority over all of 498. The official vote of Delaware at the recent election was as follows: Cleveland. 17,0."4; Blaine, li',77S; St. John, 05; Butler, C. Cleveland's plurality, 4,'2'M. The official vote of Penusylvania at the recent election gives Blaine a plurality o. General W. S. Harxey, the oldest oflieer in the army, was married in St. Louis a few days ago to 51rs. Mary St. Cyr. who has beeu his housekeeper for twenty years. His two daughters aro the wives of titlcd gentlemen in Europo. Michiga.n's delegation in the Forty-ninth Congress will consist of seven Fusíonists and íour Republicans - a Fusiou gain of one. Rev. Dr. Wobthixgtojí, for many years Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Detroit, has decided after repeated cal)s to accept tha Episcopal Bishopric of I braska. Lieutknant Greely, despito the acMae of his physician, left his hotne receutly for Washington to prepare his report. He walks slowly, but claims to have fully recovered his memory. Truman B. Handy, a noted grain speculator at Cincinnati, was fatally injured the other evening in a mnaway accident. Services commemoratingthe lOOth anniversary of the consecration of Samuel Seabury, the first Araericau Episcopal Bishop, were held on the 14th at Trinity Church, New York, and Christ Church, Hartford. William H. Duncan, who at the recent election was re-elected by tho Demócrata toCongress intheNineteenth Pennsylvania District, died at his residence in Gettysburg a few mornings ago of consumption. FOREIGN. Three daughters of Richard Tetherington, of Toronto, Ont., were found insensible on the llth from gas from a coal stove. Medical aidwas summoned and thevietims taken to the hospital. There were slight hopes of their recovery. A fatal disease has broken out among hogs in some parts of Canada, from whicb many have died, and farmers wcro on the llth slaughtering their stock in large numbers to sare themselves from furtherlosses. I Thk Legislature of Jamaica lias voted solidly against annexatiou to Canada. The free takinp; of landl by wkites about Metlakahtla, British C'lunibia, has I censed the Indians, aml au outbreak was threatened on the llth. A war ship had been ordored to the scène of tho disturbanees. The pólice of Paris, in their determination to stop public gambling, on the lltb closed thirty -three club-housrs. . Patrick N. Fitzgerald, the Feniau suspect arrestel in London in April last oc the charge of treason-fclony, has been acquitted. ! A bevere shock of earthquake was feil in Colchester and Kingsville, Kssox County, Can., on the morniug of the 13th. There were flfty-four deaths from i era and eghty-two uew casos reportad in Paris during the twenty -four hours ended at nine p. m. on the 13tli. O.B of El Mehdi's chief lieutenants was on the 13th reported to be marcliing against Dongola with 12,000 men, wliile aiiother with 9,000 was advuncing against the i babish tribes. f Peacs once more veigns ia the United I States of Colombia, and wolk oa tha Panama Canal is progressing actively. twilGRATiox to Canada has materiall i tullen :T duríng th tirst ir, iuouüus n! 188-1, when tha arrivals were 138,88I, ai comparad with l(3t4.v for the corresponding poriod in 18SÜ. üf this year's arrivals 80,510 settled in C'au.i da n mi i7,7 passad through to the States. FoRTY-iiMBT deaths from cbolera occurrod in Varis during the tweuty-four bours euded at nine p. ni. 011 the 14th. Tb weather was colder and tha seourge waf said to be abating. Clitïierok, in Lancashire, Eng., eiperienced a sovere shock of earthquake a few nights ago. Houses were thrown dowu and prent constcrnation prevailod among th torror-stricken inhabitantfi. The schooncr La Victorie, of Quebec, capsized near the PilgTims a lew days ago, and the seven persons ou board wer drowned John Downey and wife, of WJudaor, Ont., being dostitute, killel themselves i few days ago, the wife drownint; heraeli and the husband shooting himself. LATER NEWS. ' The ennvass of the vote in New York City was oomplotcd ou the lOth, the result being as folio wc Blaine, 90,0!K ; Cleveland, 188,157. The total vote in the State was: Cleveland, 868,108; Blaine, 561,996; St. John, 25,227; Butler, lfi,87.-. Plurality for Cleveland, l,10.". This result gives Cleveland 19 votes in the Electoral College, and insures his election to the I'resi - dency. The complexión of tho next Cougressis nsfollows: House - Democrats, 180; Republicaus, lió; Greenbacker, 1. Sonate - Kepublicans, 41 ; Democrats, S&, The busiuess portion of Huron, Kan., was redueed to nshes on the 16tfa, the liss being $10,000. The tanvass of the oflicial vote of Ohio at the recent election shows a total of 786,179. Mr. P.laine had Í00.982; Cleveland, .'ïfiSi; Bt., ll,ü; Butler, f,170; Blalne's plurality, 31,802. Aftkh a strike of nine months, the coalminers of tlie Jlonongahela Valley, hungry mul half naked, resumed work at the old ratea on the 16th. Inc. kxdiahism on tbe lötii was the cause of a csonflagratíon at Brumswick, tla., wliich swept away about sevonly buildings, causlog a loss of fJWO.DOO. WHHJC eugaged in a dispute over rents on the Kith near Macon, Ga., Colonel Ben Beek and his sou Ben were shot and killed by Jobn and Stephen Stubbs, brothers. The losses to all iuterests by the Hocking Valley strike siuce June 27 was ou the l.tth placed at f 1,011,000. The loss to the city of Columbas amounted to .f;i, 511,000. President Arthub has appointed Otis P. (!. Clarke Commissioner of Pensions, vice Colanel. W. W. Dudley, of Indiana, who resignad several months ago. The safe of the Texas Express Company at Bryan was unlocked n few nights ago and robbed of $10,800. A young Spaniard had been arrested for the crime. Six buildings of the Wilmiugton (Del.) Class Works were burned tho other night. Duiïixg the forty-cight hours ended at nine p. m. on the Kith there were seventyseven deatha from cholera m Paris. The total number of deaths in eight days was Tukxty-kive leadiug busiuess houses at Goldsboro, N. C, were on the lOth destroyed by flamea which aróse from boys smoking1 cigarettes uear a lot of cotton. The loss was estimated at 1360,000. The followiug is the ofHcial vote of Arkansaa at the recent election: Cleveland, 7l',íWO; Blame, 51,,")44; Butler, 1,038. Clevetand'a plurality, 21,414. Thmhe was aserious riot on the Iflth near Dungannon, Ireland, the colliers attacking the Pi'Oteatant Church, assaulting and expelling the worshipers and holding undisputod iKRSeBSÍon of the town for two liours. 'i hey were finally dispersad b}' the nolloe without anv amt.


Ann Arbor Courier
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