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Rev. John Alabaster is delivering lecturcs in the state. Miss Euima Hayley i; DOW witll Andrews & Witherby. Mis. Wtaver, of Carleton, N.'.Y., has been visiting Mrs. Win. Noble. W. E. Walker is getting about once more. Ed. has had a hard siege of it. Mrs. J. T. Jacobs eats her turkey tomorrow at her falher's, in Columbas, O. Mrs. Prof. C. H. Stowell has gone to Flint to spend TliHiiksgiviug with friendo. Hornee Noble, of Detroit, has been veiling at A L. Noble's during the week. Mrs. Jas. H. Hagoffln, of Cheboygan, s spenilinga few weeks at C. S. Millen's. Mrs. V. W. Wines and daoghter Fannie have been visiting frienda in Howell. Dewitt C. Pall has been isiting his brother, Trof Fall, at Albion, during the week. Deac. Loren Mills attended the Moody meetings in Detroit last Friday and Saturday. Il -gister of Deeda GUbert expecta to visit the New Orleana Exposition during JauuHi'y. Dr. Breakey visited Dundee Tliarsday last, to consult in the case of Dr. Muson, Of tliat place. Mrs. Lyman Hich, of Ann Arbor, luis been visitiiig frienda ut Enst Milan during the past week. Mr. nd Mis.C. Bliss will spend Thanksgiving in Detroit, uitli thoir danghter Mrs. A. T HUI. Mis. Willis lĂ­oughton has gone to Detroit to spend Tharrksglvlng, and will remain a week or bo. Prof. Griflith, the well-known microscopist of Pnirport, X. Y., was at Mr. UarmenV as a gnest, Buuday. Noble R Waterman and brother Ed. are spending a COUple of weeks in the city, previooB to another western tour. Frank P.aikerand wife, and J. Jacobs, of Whltmore Ij ko, will ent turkey with EraMus Gifbert and fiimily, to-uiorrow, in tliis city. Wol. O. Doty and wife make their annual Thanksgiving pilgrioiage to Manchester to-day, and will lemain tl. ere until Monday. Prof. C. H. J. Douglaa, is taking his Thtnkgglving vacation among college friends. He reports his uork in the Univ.-isityof is;ousin, at Madlson, as very picasant. Ezra B. Norris, of Miucheter, is making arrangeinents to take up hisresklence in Ann Arbor, as lie will be the public protecutor after Jan. lst. Mr. Norris is a gtntleman wlioni (mr citizens will be glad to welcome. Mr?. Emily E. Leitcr and daughter May, lcft Ann Arbor Thursdiiy cvening last for Fort Wayrje, Ind., wliere they were niet by Chas. A. Leiter, Mrs. L.'s ht s'jaiid, and all returned to Monroevillc, Ind., to reside pennaiiently. Many are the gool wishes that follow them.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News