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The scliolar Is the favorita of hpaven nnd earih; go wtific he will, tbe wise inau is ut h-ime. - Emerson. Fali & Heudrick furnished the senior medic's black silk tiles. One of the fomnost judges in Jipan s n gradúate ofthelawdepartment U. rf MProf. Adams was a captain in a student ttattnlion organized in tlio un-lverslty in 1SG3. Friday eveninljf the Pbï U's gave a very enjoyable receplloil at their State ft. mansión. Quite a mimhcr ni the nts will eat roast turkey with "motherand the governor " lo-monow. Mr. Lowrey's book npon the " Philosophy of Ralph Cudworth,'' is exciting considerable interest. It was Prof. üiis C. Johnson who endorsed the plundering pharmlc's forged dintt at the lst National. " The Search for God," was Dr Dewey's subject before the Student's Chrisi At-sociatloii last Sunday. Jerry W. Jenks, lit. '79, is now in Germany, hls address being 3T Wilhelmstrasse. Halle a. s. Germany. Jaf. E. Pilcher, lit. clas '79, is lst lieut, and asst. surgeoti U. S. arrny stationed at Camp Poplai ltiver, Montana. Prof. Proctor builded the "Great Pynniids," in an entertainlng raamier, at the uuiveisity hall last Friday evenlng. G. M. Bigelow, lit. elass, '81, now an M. E. clergyman, stationed at Tawas City, Micli., wa in tovtrn last Friday and Satuiday. A freshman is reported to be in trouble for trving to pie ree one of the piofessors with - a flanee of his eye. Dead failure, thougli. The university of Florida has been endeavoring to secure the services oj Wni. WestHi-maii, of Adrián, asoné of its law professors. D. E. Osborne and wife arrived safely at Shanghai. Oclober 0, after a pleasant voyage. They will spend the winter at Tientsin, North China. Enthusiasui must have cooled ofl' before Satuday night, or else that democratie ratIfleation meeting caught cold and sneezed itsf-lf out. No one heard it. The soeinl given by the Sludent's Christian Assoeiation Saturday eveningat the Episcopal parspnage, was a very enjoyable af air, and we II atteuded. The literary societies of llillsdale college and the faculty thereof, are makinji pugilislic motions at eaeh other, and a raptare is Hable at any moment. President Angelí is of thu opinión that the military spirit among the student wnuld beapt to die out, and a departnient ol that nature become a failure in the end. The medical faculty are getting their teeth .'et in respect to behavior in the lecture rooms previous to evenlng lectures, -itiii propose to have tliings a llttle more qulet. Sonie ladies in the literaiy dopartment are starting a chapter of the Delta Gamma ciety. It is a Grpek-letter society whieh stHitcd in the south ivhere now is its prinnipal Btrenjitb. President Angell's lecture before the political science as-ociation on Wednesday eveninsr last upon the diplomatic relations i-xisting between France and China, was a masterly tBort. And now the democratie staden ts In the univcrsity, have sent Cleveland a beautilully paraphrased edition of the llendrick's resolutions. Over which Grover should expreM hisunbounded dellght. Tlestndents at Harvard college have pctltioned the authorities thereof to make attendancc upou chapel voluntary forstudentsover 21 years old, and optional with the parenta of student who are under 21. Judge L'tt, of Dubuqne, Iowa. who bas become famous- (or nlanious)- by a recent decisión favoring the liquor men and the prohibitory law of' the state, is n gradúate of the university, law class Tliè senior class did well Saturday. It clected three offleers and again adjourned. The elect are : T. C Phillips, of Calumet, Mich., president; Miss Can ie Bell, of Ann Arbor, Tice pit-sideut : J. O. Reed, of Newcastle, Ind., orator. Althourli Chinese immigration is forbidden in this country the Coolcys are Stil 1 coming. Kor instance o young female rete i tl v arrived at the house of Prof. M. E. Coolêy A the law does not cover this coe the stranger will be allowed to stay. Spetkingof thefactthnt the attendunce of ladies at the university is graciually increasing, the Owoaso Times says " That is pleasant news to those of us who fought the battlc wlilch resultcd in opening 'the doors of the uoirerslty to the datighters of Michigan.'1 Detroit Every Snturday : " Prof. Clias. H. Stowell of the Michigan University has recently pubhshed a 'Studenfs manual of Hlstology.' Thebook has 370 pages of matter of greiit interest to studente of microscopy, and is illustrated with 178 line plates. Prof. Stowell ha had the requisita experlence to make this work h valnable addltion to scientific libraries.1' Some of the Harvard students- supposed- recently bedaubed the line statue of Jolm Harvard, lately placed uou the grounds of that institution, with paint. A miserable anti wanton deed. Talk about èaatern civlllzatloD ! Theie is not a heatlien in a western college who wouki harbor a thought of snch a deed for a moment. One of the prettiest games of foot-ball ever played hc re was theone Saturday be tween tbe University and Chicago eleven. The visiturs were beavler men, but being Enjrlishmen they bad been accustomed to difU-rent Rugby rules. Tliis made the two .-nies well balaneed, and a hot eontest engued. It resul ted in a vietory for the home team by a score of 18 to 10". Black pluga nowgrace the heads of the senior medies, and as tbe junior lits. have the same soit of a chapean, it isagreat puzzle among the young ladies to teil whicb is which, and which is 'tother. Bevies of the gentier sex organizo themselves luto a guessing school when they observe a black plug appi-oachinsr, and 'innumerable vvagers of gum and tatl'y are lost and won on the ideutity of the wearer. The most powerful argument vet pre. duced in favor of more light late in the evening in the halls of the main buildings is a little incide 't that happened there not long smee. An upper classman while coming down stairs from a late recitation rushed up to a co-ed and witb a swoop of liis right arm enclrcled her neek, sayit g: "Helio, Bill, oíd boy. How'de fio." When the time tor red lire and slow music carne he miltht have been seen hangli'g from the window sill of the 4th story hall blusbinglike a honse afire.- Chronicle, A few evenings since S. B. Parsons and bis clium, W. A. Conncll, both senior laws, rooming on S. Twelfth st., attended an entertainment at the opera house. Upon returning to their rooms they found that sorne one had been there in their absence and " gone through " their tninks. Parsons lost about $40 anr) Oonnell $50 iu cash. The poeketbooks were left, but a tine edltion ot Shakespeare belonging to Parsons was stolen. These gentlemen had their room raided last ycar, and ConDell'a gold wateh, valued at $150 was taken; but what is a little singular, the ehain nttached to it, worth some f98, was left. This year the saine chain was in tlie trunk with bis pocket book, and waaagain left. Tlie boys fee) that they are baring hard luok, The following account of the foot-ball gaine between Albion and the Universitics is taken trom the Albion Republlcan: The College Foot-Ball "11" and an e' tra. with their jiulge, went to Ann Arbor last Satorday. Aniv.d there about 11 a. in., and sspent most ot the time tiil l.-'iO u sitit-seelng -some In the university buildings ando h rs In the frateruity halls. Gmne was caüed uboui3p. m. Tlie flrsl goal was obtalned In about live minutes by ihe Ann Arbor boy. Ti'e secoud goal by them also, but It tok them about 35 minutes and the Ihird goal they did rot gain till lime had been called, but tlie count was allowed. thus givlng them 1, and we had i goose egg uur heavlest man weighed 18S pouuds tlieirs L'US pounds Our quarter back could throw perhaps 30 feet, thelrs has llirown 119. Their goal-keeper kioked the ball over bol h bars from the center, Ihus mak ing a kick of 165!4 feet. Our goal-keeper, Hagte, downed every man he tackled. e went to learn how to play Kugby, and are now a inuch stronger team tliau belore the vtsit. Only played one iunlng, as Uordon and Hagle were injured. We all enjoyed the visit. and carne hoine feollng Lhat when we want a good time we shall start for the uulversity


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