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Make $20.00 Por Cliristmas. The pablisher of RiitledLe".s Monthly offer twelve valnable lewaida in their montlily tor December, among wblob is the following: We will jiive $20.00 to the person tellus the midille verse of the New Testament Bcriptures (not the Itevised Edition) by December lOth. 1881. Sliould two or raore correct answers be received, the Reward will be divided. The moiiey will be fnrwurded to the winner December löth, 1884. Persons trying tor the reward must send 20 cents in silver (o postajffl stitmps taken) with their answer, tor wJiich they will receive the January Monthly, in whlch the name and uddres of the winner of the reward and the correct answer will be publtsbed, and In which several raore valuable rewardswill be oft'ered. Address Rltledgb Pub LISHING COMPAMY, Easton, Penu. A BARGA1N TO FARMERS. Every progresslve farmer needsa good, enterprlsing, reliable agi icultuial journal, siicli as Tuk Ohio Farmer is, and it i offered at a genulne hargain. See proas inent advertlseuient in this issue hended "A Bargaln." CARdTf TÏÏANKS. ¦Ve tenderour sincere and beartfrlt thanks to frlemls for their kindaess anil sympalhy In tliis uur hour"f anlietion, caused by the deatli of our loved md only üaugbter. Espeoially do we tender them to the little girls who so appropriately and tondeily bore the remains of our loved oue to tlieir last resting plBCe' ABRAHAM B. WINKS. .1UI.IAKTI' J. V_INBS;__ Catarrh Is undoubtcdly caused by impuro blood. Henee a medicino liich ])uri(le3 tlie blood removes the cause of the disease and opens the way for a thorough cure. Tlils is exactly what Hoods Sarsaparilla does, and it makes tlie cure complete by giving the system healtli and strength, and enabling It to throw ofE the depresslng eHects oí the disease. Cafarrh Is permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mr. A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y., says : " Jlood's Sarsaparilla has belped me more for catarrh and impuro blood thau anythlng I over used." "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh, and think it has done me a deal of good. I reconimend It to all wlthln my reach. nood's Sarsaparilla has beca WOrth everything to me." Lcthek D. 1!ociiiNS, East Thompson, Conn. Cafarrh May be breaking down your health. Be wise in time ! That fluw froni tlie nose, ringing noise in the ears, pain in the head, inllaimiiation of the throat, cough, and nervons prostration wlll be cured if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla. " I had beeu troubled by general debility, caused by catarrh and humors. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved just the tlilng neeilcil. I derlvcd au immense amomit of benefit trom it.'' H. F. Millett, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all (irupgists. SI ; six for $5. Made ouly by C. I. HÜÜD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. au y.n Walimt dlnlng chalrg, upholstered with leather, pillar dlnlng tables, marble top sideboards, latest 8tyle8 andlüwest pnces, at KOCH & Hali.kk's. Just received, the newest patterni In mohair and silk pluslies, suitable for parlor suits, patent rockers, easy Chaire, ounges, sofa'i, etc. Koen t Haller. If you wish to prepare for Cliristmas go and see Kocli A Huiler, as they carry averyfine and complete line of jroods md are also prepared to manulaeture any nuticular article that may be wantod, either in the upholstering line or m the cablnet ünc.


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