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BACH & ASEL'S COLUMN. CLOAK GOSSIP AT BACH &ABEL'S Even at the risk of being thouglit overboastful, we really with to repeat a few of the coaiplimentary things whicli are constantly being saiü of our ga:inents by kindly disposed customers. "You cannot possibly speak too strong about our cloafc collection," says a salrslaily at our clbow. "I know Unit it has no the foumy, and iiot ten minutes in the day passes tliat soine pleased cugtoraer does not corrobórate this statement." Said one of our lady patrons to an attendant only yesterday. "I am chartned witli tlie beauty of your wmps, butwould like to look a little further before purcbuiug." ''Excuse the intrusión," said a lady sitting near her, "and permlt me to teil yon uiy experleuce. I have hunteü the iity over, and have seen every stock in it worth soeing, but have found none equal lo this. Look where you will, I feel ure it will end in your purchasing here." And so it did. Said another lady customer. "it seems odd to teil, but 1 was sent here fiom 's (naminr a fashionable cloak store) tliey had tricd in vain to rítame, wlien in my dissapointment, 1 remarked to a s-trange lady vUitor : HoW I wish I eould find something truly' becoming? There seems to be uothing here." "I think," was the reply, "you will scarcely fail In gettinir suiied at Bach & Abel's. I have just cone trota there, and mn more thau satuuied with my purohase." And, thanks to that lady, her recotnmendation made tot us another sale. To iinike a long story short, our continued success has so far ppoiled us that, when soiug to look elsewhere does not end in a return customer, we feel as thougli our bread liad tullen apon the buttered side. Perhaps one of the best evidences that an oily tongue is not at the bottoin of our sales is, the larjje Dumber of our order by mail, through wliich agency goods are constai:tly being tent on approval witliout other note or coinment thati the garment asked tor, with price ticket alrixed, and it is a cold day when we dou't luake a sale. Notwithstnnding the immense In our clo.ik business over that of every prcvinus year, the assortmeut is still full and piices lower, owinjr to sevei'al lecent reductlonsvery much below their original prices. ciiildren's cloak?. ¦Vhat we have said about Imliei' cloaks, will apply equally well to children's garinents. We have a line issortinent of Sacques, Havelock and Newmarkets in plain and mixed cloths and plaldB, with astrakan and plusli triminings and are everywheiecompiimented upon thegracetullness of shape and our very reasoiiable prices. run fnmi 4 to 1G J'ears, and sonie large ie luctions are shown in several desirable late lanchases. BACH & ABEL. The Hunter Sifter Hanufacturing Company, of Clnclnnatl, Ohio, want a good agent in this county. Their goods sell tast, MWflta make two to six dolíais per day. Write for circulara.


Ann Arbor Courier
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