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The clouda rnny drop down titles and estates. Wealth inay seek us- but wisdom must be sought. Younq. For pastexperlenoa tells in ever soil, Tlmt those wh tliluk must govprn those who totl. GOLDSMITH. Secretary Wade s now Grandpa Wade, University of Michigan alumni at St. Louis now numberGO. Messrs. Twain and Cable at university hall Friday evening, Dec. 12th. Chas. E. Powell, lit. '83, isstudyinglaw at the Washington, D. C, school, Fred. A. Travis, pharmic '84, has taken a situation in Dr. Pratt's drug store, at Howell. Job Tuthill '82, and Miss Florence B. Craig'84, weremarried Nov. 15th, and are now living at lonia. Prof. Trueblood, of the Kansas City school of oratory i tiying (o get up a class In elocution in the university. The sophomores hare resolved to adopt the same class cap as last year, a black sil k skull cap. Sensible sophs. Perhaps Mr, Clementsor Mr. Cable can solve this problem : A by ==. VVliich is the name of a book and ts author. E. T. Shall, formerly member of thelit class of '85, instrnctsthe youth at the high school in Muscatine, Iowa, in Latin and Germán. Newton HoMUlan, B. A..'7i, L. L. B83, formerly of Ann Arbor, will represent the New York World at the New Orleans exposition. Jt is reported that T. R. Chase will publish a revised edition of the " University Book," Ihis yeiir. It wOllld be a good thlng to do. A reception was glven last week Wednesday evening to the Gamma Phi Beta sorosis and the Beta Theta Pi fraternity at the home of J. E. Beal, The Yale college catalogue for 1884-5 shows a list of 1 ,086 studente in the various departments. There are twelve residents of Michigan attending the college. Miss Wright, class of '87, of Port Huron, because of the continued ill health of her mother, has been compelled to leave college work for the balance of the year. A novel scheme tocatch pen nies for the gymnasium fund is in the shape of a musical bank which phiyp a tune when a penny is dropped in. It is at Osius t Co's. Mark 'J'wain has kept off the lecture platform forten years. Hedoepu't believe in becoming an oíd story too soon. He lectures here Friday evening in company with Geo. Vf. Cable. Treasurer Soule is making the necessary arrangernents fora New Orleans visit during holiday vacation. Tickets for the round trip will be sold for $20.35 each, providing 25 tickets are taken. The following committees have been announced by the president ot '85 : On senior reception- Messr9. Corbett, Reed, Hawley. On class emblems- Messrs. Denney, Higgin, and Clarey. The following book-nvirk was recently found in the seminary room: " Fur Guvner, J. W. liegole-J. W. Be-Gol-eeJee W. By-Gol-e=Jee Whitaker-By-Golly- JeeWhitaker-By-Gosh."- Chronicle The Detroit Evening News should know that tbere is a wkle.Vide chasm, between sub-frcsh and a unlverslty student. In appropriating oor shirt collar item it comniits the grave blunder of getting them mixed. Ceitain university girls have a scheme by which late callers are sent home. At a secret signal the landlord stands in the hall and sings out: " Everybody in? Time to lock up." Tiie boys generally travel.- ('lironicle. Prof. II. Y. Ilarrington speaks before the Ann Arbor Scientific Association next Saturday evening, Dec. 13th, on "The Earthquake of Sept 19. and earthquakes in general." Studente, and the public generally, invited to be present. Lecture given in room 24, university building. Mr. Moran thinks that about 35 stu dents will accompany 'bis excursión to New Orleans, leaving Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d. They expect to speud twelve days In that city, and the minimum estímate for entire trip is placed at $."0 each. It will tuke close ecouoiny, boys, to come withlo those figures. Dr. Sara Craig, medie, class '84, now iiouse physician in the woman's hospital at Detroit, is making an enviable reputation in that institution. Health Offlcer Wight, and othcr prominent physicians, speak in the highest terms of Dr.' GYaig's sanitary improvements, ürgiog other Institotioiu of like nature to adopt her system.