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Catarrh Is nndoubtedly cuised by impuro blood. Henee a medicine which purifies the blood removes the cause of tlie disease and opens the way for a tliorough cure. This in xuctly what Hood's Sarsanarilla does, and it raakes the cure complete by giving the systeni health and strength, and enahling t to tlirow ofl the depressing eiïects of the disease. Catarrh Is permanently cured by Hood's Savsaparilla. Mr. A. Balt, Syracuse, N. Y., says : " Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrli and iinpure blood than anytblng I ever used." "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh, and think it has done me a grcat deal oí good. I recommeud It to all witliin my reach. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias been worth everything to me." Luthek D. IíoiiEIN8, East Thompson, Conn. Catarrh May be breaklng down your health. Be wise in time! Thatflowfrom the nose, ringing noise in the ears, pain in the head, inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration wlll be cured if you take Ilood's Sarsaparilla. " I had been troubled by general debllity, caused by catarrh and humors. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved just the thing needed. I derlved an immense amount of benefit from it." H. F. Millett, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. SI ; six for $5. Mado only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. 1220-1224. GRAND OPERA HOUSE MCNDAV and TUESDAY, DEC, IS ui IS ! SHOOK & COLLIFR'S UNION SQUARE LIGHTS 0' LONDON COMBINATION! Under the Auspfces of Shook & Coll:bb, Proprietors UNION SQUARE THEATRE, New York, In Georse K. Slms' powerful Spectacular Melodrama, the Union Square Thtatra ,s (ireatest Success, the LIGHTS O'LONDON Prescnted wlth all the magniflcent scenery properties and mechanica! efFects used at that theatre, painted by the world-renowned Richard Marston; mechanica! efleets by O. B. Winnie. Act. I Park arid grounds of Armytage Hall, wlth a view of the Hall and Lodge. Act II. Interior of Armytage Arms. Act III. The road from Chathain to London In Ihe snow and moonlight. Act IV. Scène I. Exterior of Londou pólice station. Scène 2. Jarvis' lodgings, No, S Boston Street Borough. Act V. Scène 1. "TheHawthorn." St. John's Wood. Scène 2. Exterior of tlie Marylebone Work-house. Scène 8. Tlie Slips, Kegents Park, by moonlight. Act VI. Scène !. "The Borough" on Saturday night. Scène 2. Mechanical change, showing interior of Javis' Lodgings. Scune !. Interior of Boston Street Pólice Station. Admlssion SO. 75 and 1.00. Sale of Iteserved Seats now in progress at Boughton's News Depot. Wauted! 100 Sup.Tnumeraries, apply to Stage Manager on Dec. ló at 10 a. m. A Bargain! The Oldest, Urgest, and Best Agricultura! and Family Weekly of the Country, at ONLY $1.25 PER YEAR. THE OHIO FARMER, publlshcd at Cleveland Ohio, is one of the oldest and very best AurlcHltural and Family Journals of AmerIca. It bas been eetabltthed S8 years, la a 19page 0t-column weckly, with frequent 16column ropplemenU. giving to lts readen about 3,700 colli ni ns of most valuahle, reliable, lnteresilng and instructive matter lu year, at only $1.25 PER ÏEAR. POSTAOE PAIDTHE OHIO FARMER Is a thoroughly practical Agricultural Journal, coutainlng each Issue over oue hundred artieles written espressly for it by actual, practical, successful Pannen, Horticullurisis, ïhoroughbred Stock Brceders, etc It alma to glve acliinl Instraction fniiu rellable tiource, that sny farmer can undcistand aud put intopiactice. It is ACK1VOWLKIGEI AUTIIORITY'OX A L V A ti It 1 1 ¦ I ITl K . t. 1 MC, and i conducted by an alle and experlenced Editorial Management, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to 'tHKUHIO FA RMER has now a paid st-Bsciiii'TioN list o over 50,000 si'HSCKIBEKS, GOINB TO EVKItV STATE IN THE lIOX WUICH ISt"NQUKSTION"AHI,K KVinESTKOF its valuk to thk Intelligent farmers oF ' THKCorTRKiKR and THE OHIO FARMER wlll both be sent one year for only $2.1O, whlch is only about the price that elther one oughttobeoffered at. This is a Imrgain to any farmer who wants the two BEST papers of Uil oountry. Addrew, OHIO FARMKR. Cleveland,. taSend for a specimi-n oopy and l'remlum Llsts of THE OHIO FARMKR, lee.


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