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ATHLOPHOROS Is x novel word to most ' pooi Je who speak th Kagiiih lAQtflUgS. Tho ,r A Qnaki tuad it ccnturioH iixo, ïncauiuK' by it w "THE PKIZE-BEAKER." AtHLOPHOROS is the first and onlv t medicine whicfa has car ried off' tliu prize as the pvnilct remedy for Rbeu niatism and Neuralgia. e Uke two relentless tyrants tliey have for apen held thcir BuiïVriiiy victima iu uu imn grip. Tbèn poW Kuflerera have been as slaven " iu the power of their oppresnoris. ATnr.oPHORos has entorcd theftronron graK-ediucouflictwith the moiiBterH, umi wmi tho victory. As the coinpetitorn iu the Greciaii samen of old omild win only by tho moHt Beven: trials L of ability andeudurnnce, ho Athloi-horos has won the prizo, not alone by xivixif? tomporury relief, but 1 by bring'iutj' au enduring cure, as well, to tboae who biive Burtered the ayo&ies of Khcunutbamand Neuraliiia. Athlopiioros is a novdty, not only L Ín name, but in its elementa. It is un1 Iike any preparaiiou yet intnxluoed. Athlofhokos acta on the blood, muselos nntl Joints, the poison and acid froin the blood, carnes thein out of the HyöUiiu. O ATHLOPnoKns is put up wltli consummate - Fklll. and contnins notliinK that can poaeibly hanu the most delicate couetitutioii. a Kow, doyouwant to suffer on and on? or do y ou want to bu woll ? 0 , "Athlophoros"WILLCureYou If 3"ou cannotet ATiiLornoRos of yourdrugglst, we wlll send It expresa pald, on recelpt ot regular price - one dollar perboitle. We prefer that jou buy It froin your drutfg-lst, but lf ho hasn't It, do not bc persuaded to try soinptlilug I else, but order at once trom ua as dlreeted. ATHLOPHOROS CÜ.II2 WALL ST., NEW YORK. 1 nminiiiiiiiiiiii N. R. iiiiiiiiummmi ÍÍÍ1SI Ei rH?1"'1"1"' dcbility, P' CELÉBRATE "1 and aguejlver cum plaint, inactivity of tfflfc V%vA bladder, couetipaffp TM$J Mc) Kallic niKladlw.HoailtfTn?r X'my Mg hood have lent Uit'ir Lt$i$S'ï- j tOHlc, alterfttive ard " ICAi' w for diHordern of tbt' fcSTOMACH-fcstomach, liver and Ulhni'iA'-l han au uuÍTÍ818 and ÜCMlers, 10 whora ajply for Hostetters Almanac l"r lS.S."j. T'ie ('lergy, Medical Faculty and Peoplcall endorse Bui'dock Blood Bitters as tlie best systein renovatiajf, blood purtfyin ton io in the world. Mot) ves are bétter than actions A litÜe Intfigrlty is Uetter thau any eareer. - Emerson. It is no Wonder Unit so nniny puople sink into untimely frraves when we consider liow tliey neglect their liealtn. Tliey have a disordered Liver, demnged Bowel?, Constipation, Piles or diseaied Kidueys, but tliey let it go and think they " will jiet over. it." It urans worse, other and more seriouseqm follow and soon it is too late to save them. Ifsucli people would take Kidney-wort it would preserve their lives, It acts upon the most important organs purit'ying the blood and cleansing the system, removes and prevents these disorders and promoli s licaltli. It is vain to atteinpl to keep a secret trom one who lias a rilflit to kuow it. We cannot live to Dursi-lVHu alone. ldin't !ir in the House. " Koulion Rat," Clears out rats, tnice, roadles, bod-bujt, tlies, ants, moles, chlpmunks, gophers. 15c. Nothinu; is iinpossible to the man who can will. Is that neuessary ? TUat shall be : This m the only law of success. - Mira beau. Amcricirs l'ride. 'l'nie American men'and women. by reason of their strongconstitutionf, beautlful forra, rich complexions and cbaracteristic energy, are onvied by all nations. lts the frenera! use ot' Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic which brings about these results. } lf ro do were as easy as to know whafc' 'twere good to do, chapéis liad been clmiches, and poor meii's cottages princes' palaoes. - Shakespeare. "Motlier Swan's Worm Syrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless. cathartic, for feverishness, restlessness, worms, constijiation. 25c. A man's charity to those who differ from him upon great and dirticult questions will be in the ratio of his own knowledge of them - the more knowledge. the more charity. - Norman Macleod. Free Distribution. " What causes the great rush at Eberbacb & ISon's drug store?" The free dfstriliulion of smnple bottles of Dr. Bosanko'sCough and LuncSyrup, the most popular reuiedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption. and Bionchiiis, now on the ra ark et. Regalar size 50 cents and $1.00. An old Spanish iaylng, fullof sense and geneial complicatioii ; Grandfather farmer; father trader; son gentleman; grandsou begu;ai-. "Itoogli on Rais." Criare out rats, mice. ronches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers, 15c Drugifists. What a man knows should find its expression in what he does. The value of superior knowledge is cliietly in that it leads to a perfonnini; manhood. ¦ V -¦¦- f 1 ¦ w 1 Lililí L: ILllJ IIII1M llt Nothing Made in Valn. We are told Unit iiothtftg was made in l vain ; but can it !e .aid of the fnsliionable i ifirl of the perlod? Isn'tshe malden vain ! ! Hood'a Harsapnrllla is made in Lowell, ! Mass., where there are more bottles of it Bold than ofany otber sarsaparilla orblood purifler. Aml it is never taken in vain. It purtfies the bloud, strenjithens the sys( tem, and gives new and vigor to the j entire body 100 doses $1. When God hasareat wolk forany one ' to do in the world, he usually gives him a , peculiar training t'or it. and tliat training c is ju-t wliat no eurthly friend would elioose lor him ; and sometimes it ia so long contlnueü that there seems to be but i llttle time lelt for work. I "Buuhiipaiba." Quiek, complete, cures all annoying c Kidiiey, Bladder and Urinary Uiseases. í $1. Drui;ri8t. , , Kvcry rose i8 un inl.ofr.iph from the c hand oí the Almijrlily God on this world I about us ; hejias imcrlbed hll thoughts i in tliese iii,ii velou liieroglypliios wliicli v sense and sciaiíca have heen these many lliouaand yeare seckinjí to underetand. t _ - . , s Dr. RoManko. P Tliis name has beoome 10 familiar witli t the most of people througjiout the United c Siates ttiat it is hardly neoessary to state that he is the originaior of the great Dr. j liosanko (;ou;h and Lung Syrup, the people's favorite ïuniedy, wherevei" known, " tor Coujths, Colds, Coiisurnption and all ulTi'CÜonsof the Tlno;it and Lungs. Prloe ! 50 eents and $1 00. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists. (' If one only wishcd to be liappy, this J COllld readily be HCromplIshed ; hut we c wish to be liappier than other pcopje, and this is alintiM nlwaya (ílffloult, for we be'' Heve oUhts to lic happier tlian they are. p, "lïright's Disease," is refjarded by inany is Incurable and it Is well nljrb io, ezoept e: ¦vhen oppoged with HiiNt's [KidneT and L Liver] HumkIiv. This old and reliable nediclne has special power in this and all w )tlier discases of the kidneys and bladder. t is purely vegetalle and is liiglily enlorsed by pliysicians.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News