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Susle made a pretty cake To please her papa's palate. Her parent put lt on a stake And used it for a mallet. Better practice Wlitlng '8ü. Monday was the shortest day of 1884. Some good readhig on the supplement this week. Only $1 per year for the Courier, anj one issue of which is worth that much. Enigma : How often does the foreign reportorial sta ff of this city eet "scooped' each 11101)111? L. Davis has been writing up some early day experiences in Nothville, for the centenary services in the M. E. church there. Geo. R. Reese, froto Des Moines, Iowa, a student it the telegraph college, was married to Miss Dora Stanbriilge, of this city, ut the St. James parlor iast Monday. Fifty-tliree issues of The Courier this year. The first issue for 1884 was on January 2d, the last on December 31st. Of course our readers wil] appreciate the láct. A horse that will push the front half ol hlmselï on to the sMewalk and stand there and snap at every passer-by leminds one Ihat there's some human nature even in a horse. If you wüiitto expend SI. 00 foraChristmas preseuc wisely, send the Cocrif.h one year to an absent fi iend. It will be the best investmeut for the money you ever made. Consumerb report that never, in the history of Atm Arbor has there been such ïlluniinating gas furnished as recently. Yerilycompetition does benefit the people doesn't it ? Don't send any Christmas presents to friends in Canada ibrough the postoffice, for they never will reach there, but be contisciited at Detroit and sent to the dead letter office at Washington. The bazar at the M. E. church last Weduesday afternoon and evening was a succeós, both in the way of numbers and sales. There's nothinjf like having brigln, pretty and witty salesmen. Randall had out one of the best advertisingdodges of the season Saturdar. He had old Santa Clause himself going about town In a barrel, drawn by a black and shining charger. It took tiie eyes of all. Has nny of our city readers an idea of how much is expended here eveiy year for insurance against fire? Could it all be placed in a conimon fund, would there not be a handsome surplus over and aboye all lossta? The insane man, ffra. Kile, that Chief Fall picked up on the street last week, has been found by him to be a resident of Livingston county, and the authorities ot that county have been notitied to take care of him. The Hamburg correspondent of the South Lyon Excelsior says : "Ann Arbor's electric lights have been plainly seen from this place during the dark nights of last week." Should a light be placed upon the dome of the court house, it could be seen for miles and miles. The manner in which some people leave their poor horses on the streets for hours, uncovered, while they are warming their shins at some corner grocery, is cruel. The home missionary society might flnd some heathenish subjects to work upon right in our city, every day. The power that gas possesses under certain coiKÜtions, was shown in this office Saturday afternoon. A gasoline blowlamp that had been used by workmen, to ovjtuci luu lii_i-) uviug ÍUI U 1U1 C1CLUIV. purposes, had been put out and placed upon a bench in the press room. About an hour afterward an explosión was heard and upon examination tlie lamp, minus its bottom, was found lodged on a board at the top of the ceiling. It required agreat deal of force to do that deed. At the rink Saturday evening was witnessed a very interesting game of polo, between the Llght Guard polo club, of Detroit, and the Ann Arbor club. The Detroit boys came here flushed with victory everywhere, and with a confulence that seemed to keep sweeping the air with brooms, and roosters, and "sich like.'' But they went home with their hats full of goose eggs, goose eggs, nothing but goose eggs. The Ann Arbor club beat them at nearly every point. The result had such a depressing effect that not a Detroit daily paper made mention of the game. Our club did gome remarkably fine playing for one that has had so httle experience, and bids fair to make a Etrong orjranizatioii. Chri8tmasdny, 1S68, witnessed the stnrting up of the engineand machinery which has been constantly in use In tliis office since that day, a peiïod of sixteen years. And what is quite wondeiful r.ot a day in all these years has been lost by reason of accidents or for making needed repair; all the repairing and monding haring been made and attended to during other than working hours. When the electric llght works were put in a few weeks ago, it was found necessary to alter over the er jdne somewhat in order that its speed mightbe increased, and it was found that the main shaft was worn less than an eighth of an inch in all that time. The same brass boxes and hearings are also used now that wêre first put in. The speed has been increised from 100 revolutions to 200,and the old engine is so little worn that no vaiiation is perceptible }n its movements, the light produced beng subject to no chiinges or flicker. These Jacts speak well for the ability of Mr. C. Uavison, -.vho has al! this time had the machinery of the building „nder his su)eivision. It also provea how faithfulness intelligence and the will to do, saves both ¦ time and money as well as machinery. They talk bout a woman'g sthrn As though tt had a 8phere' T here s nut a place lu earlh or heavnn T ere s not a task to mankind giveu ' T here's not a blesslng or a woe Bis addltton to the slelghlng Saturday i.isht. Be good to yourself by being good to othcri - tomorrow. Rev. Fr. Ensene Brady. of Cincinnati, will lecture In tliis city, Jan. 16th. Just as we go to press we are pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Sedgwick Dean, of this city. They tried to get a meeting of the council Monday night to settle the Street lightinj; question, but failed. It is announced that Mrs. Mary A. Liyermore will deliver a lecture in Ann Arbor soinetime in February. Wednesday night of tbis week (to. nlght), the orange contest and the green race will be repeated at the rink. Miss S. T. Speechley, of this city, bas leased rooms at Dundee, and will open a photograph gallery there about Jan. lst. A. L, Noble reeHved a box of delicious oranges from bis friend Harry Gallagher, who owns an oiange plantation in FlorIda. m The Ann Arbor Savings Bank recently dcclared a seniiannual dividend of 5 per cent., and the lst National one of 4 per cent. r The Christmas story on the first page written by Charles Dickens, is one of the prettiest little sketches in the Englisb lanjruage. Uead it. It is a fact quite notíceable that a few of the best cleaned walks in this city are in front of the residences of ladies- who have no lionid men around. Mrs. Pritchard having resigned as teacher in the 3d ward school, Miss Anna L. White, a graduate of the Detroit high school has been chosen in her place. It is said that a Bobemian oat company with a capital of $100,000 has been organized in Ypsilantl. The question is. whether they propose to raise oats, wind or the tl - 1. To-morrow, Christmas Day, the great New York and London roller skating and bicycle combination will appear at the rink. The compauy consists of seven expert artists. Sopliia Hamliii, n resident of the lst ' ward, died Dec. 18th, of general debility, ( at the advanced age of 85 years. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. L. Davis, of Ann Arbor town. Samuel Fay, one of the old pioneers of Washtenaw, having settled in Lodi in 1831, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Dillon, of the 2d ward, on Dec. 21st, of olil agc, haviDg reached his 82nd f year. Yes, winter does seem to have opened S -and let iu a heap of cold. Therniomei ter reported all the way f rom 10 to 15 below zero the past week. At the obser- vatory Friday morning 13%" were chron{ icled. , It is understood that the Brush elrctric , light company have made a bid to light our city. You can't come the tower sys. tem on us, gentlemen. We want our streets, not the roofs of our houses, 1 ligbted. An error was committed last week in stating that the Thursday evening reception to Mrs. Hayes was given by the W. C. T. U. Such was not the fact. The reception was givrn by Mis. Royer indii Tidually, and not by any society. At the M. E. church to-night the recular annual Christmas entertainment will be given, the card of admission for which will be an apple and a potato. The idea is to show the chüdren how much good a little will ace omplish. Iiivitation is extended to the public. At a meeting of the Juvenile Hose company, held Monday evoning last, the following offleers were elected for the ensuing term: Captain- Edward Jolly. lsl Asslstant- Gtorge Parker. 2d Assiatant- Clyde Kerr. Hecordlng Secretary- Wm. Gcetz. Corresponding Secretary- Chas. Cline. Treasurer- Henry Kyer. Chairman - James Barker. The Schiller lodge, Royal Arcanum elected officers Wednesday night last, with the following result: Regent- Geo. C. W'ltherby. Vice-Kegent- Levi D. Wines. Secretary- J. Q. A. Sessions. Albert Schmacher. Collector- Chas. Richards. Orator- Chas. Hendrick. Warden- Homer Henderson. Sentinel- Charles Markley. Trustees- Ottmar Eberbach, H. J. Brown, W. R. Henderson. Joel W. Hamilton is about the happiest man in town. In his second suit against Prof. Geo. E. Frothingham, for amonnt due him for making a sale of the Register office, the jury went $820 better than on the lirst trial, and allowed the full amount claimed, $1,000. The case was decided Thursday forenoon. An appeal bas been taken. The selection of students to take part in the high school exhibition, March 19th, has been made. and the following are the lucky ones: May Breakey, Catharine N. Falconer, Kate Speechley, Susie Whedon, Martha D. Taylor, Lucy A. Parker, Harry Jenkins, Edwin F. Gay, Ernest B. Conrad, of Ann Arbor; Louise F. Randolph, Toledo, Ohio; Catharine Campbell, Ypsilanti ; Ida E. Backus, Delhi Mills. Three tramps (said to come from Detroit) after hanging around the M. C. R. R. depot, and various other places in that vicinity during Monday last, visited Herz's saloon in the fifth ward, and, on attempting to leave each appropriated a half pound paper of smoking tobáceo. They were promptly taken care of by James Murray, constable, and Wm. Porter, deputy sheriff, and landed in the hotel de Wallace, to be boarded and lodged at the public expense. Mr. üJüwaru JJuny uas acousin ín JNew York who :is a judge lias tnany opportunities for treating some peculiar cases. One of them is thus descnbed in the N. Tribune: Recently in decldlng a case coming before bim, Judge Duffy unconsclously perpelrated an oíd satire Ín a Lew forra oo the marital relations. A man was brought up charged wlth klaslng hls fnrmer sweetheart agalnst her wlll. He pleaded that when they were engaged he kigged ber "athousand times a day,' and the bablt had become Incurable. The Judge discharged the man wlth a warnlng, but soon after he left the court room he repeated the oflense. He was called back. The girl refused agaln to charge hlm wlth assault. The man sald he could not reslst the temptation. The Judge sald he could Dot punlsh hlm unless complalnt was made, or prevent hlm klsslng theglrl a oíten as he thereafter llked. " 11 1 tell you what todoto stop lt," sald the Judge to the glrl. " What, your honor?'' she asked. He seems a decent sort of a fellow, and evldeutly loves you. Marry hlm, and stop hls annoylng you Ín that way." Thls seems a parallel caso to that of the wlfe who sald she had married her tiu-icmd " to get rid of him "- meaning hls importunltlen. The Detroit Evening Journal sneers at its country exchanges because they have all annotinced the close proximity of Christma. Well, suppose they have? What of it? The Journal man needn't read such items unless he wants to. But we venture the assertion that the majority of lts country exchanges will not seek advice of the Journal what to or wliat not to put into their columns, and that they will keep right on announeing the approach of the different holidays, just the saine ae though the Journal had not said anything about it. But when did our Detroit conteraporary become so extremely nervous over trilles? Only about a nionth since it was telling its readers how many raore days there were before Thanksgivlng, and advising the turkeys to roost high. Peruaps the turkeys roosted too high, and soured his temper.