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America's Pride. Tnie American men and vromen, by reason of tlieir strongconstitntions, beautiful forms, ricli complexión and characteristic energy, are. envied by :ill nations. lts the general use of Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic whicli brings about these resulte. The more one judges, thelessoive loves. - Balzac. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, fmDotence, Sexual Debility. $1. Lore eaanot be mingled wltta fear - neither eau it be bonght or sold ; its only price ia Iüvc. Relfability is the test of real valué. Ka ¦mtter how wonderful tures a medicine sometiimes have worketl if it can be relied on. Hl 'si's [Kidney aud Li rer] Kemedy is never known to fail and it has been used for thirty years. "Whenever yon speak teil the truth," said au ancient pliiks)her. If this principie were o prevail now, silence in this country woild be so thii-k tliat yon con ld cut ít with a ense-taife. Tfojere is nothing Klte Dr. Tliomas's Eclectrie Oil to quicklj eure a cold or relieve ïourseness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Felows, Borr Chik, St. Jeaeph Co.r Mich. Bad men exewse tlieir fanlt, good men will leiwe thero. - Be Johnson. Bo Mot be Discouraged ' even if you triool many remedies for your kidwey disase or Liver complaint without aceess it is 110 reason why you should tlnmk your disorder ineurable. The most intraitable cases readily yield to the potent viütues of Kidncy-wort. It is a purely vegetable compotind wbioh acts on the Kidney,.Liveraiid Bowelsal the same time and tlwis cleaüse9 the whole system. Don't waitv hut get a paekage to-day and cure youiseïf. When Geoi-jie öniid s-Jmffled off this mortal coil til the eioeks in the oltlfamily mansión at NohanS were stopped, and have ever sinee maikcd the hour of her death. "Buclmpaiba." Quiek, coajplete, eures tvll annoying Kidney, Blaklei aml Uriuary Liseases. $1. Drui;gist. Ella Matuite Moor?, winner of a $500 prize offerert by the i'outh's Coinpanion tor tlie best sliort story by a girl, is the author of poem "Rock uf Age?." Efecrbac-h & Sn the Druggisi,.who are ahvays looking af ter the incereets of ibeir enstoinprs, havo now geeumdl the &ale of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lii"g íSyrup., a remeily that never fails-lo cure Coíáí, Pains in the Lang AfEL'ctions. Forproof, try a f ree sample bttle. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Good actiwwis ars? the iivisiib?e itinges of tle doors-o6 keave. - Virtor Hugo. "Roiig mi Kais." Clears oit rats, miee, roaches, flies, ants, befl-bugs, skunks, cbipmunks, gophers, Ï5e. Iraggists. Out ofithirteen d run keu person? brought befoi'e a Iondoa nMglstrate the other daj', ten wei'e women. Jusl a.s (;od. Many nnscrnpulous dealers may teil you they haïe remedies for Cougbs aiul Colds equal in mei tand in every respect just as good is the old reliable Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, unlessyou insist upon this remedy and wil! take no other, yon are liable to be greatly deceived. Pricc 60 cents awd f 1.00. Öold by Eberbf.cb & Sou. Business Locáis. People in looking after Hollday Goods this year seem to want the useful as rel) as the beautiful. We have the two comblned and as the Hollday trade this year is not as good as expected, it rinds lis overstocked with Goods, and we propose to close them out at tlial will astonish you. Don't t. hink that the Goods are of an inferior quality, as they are not, luit are taken froin oui' regular stock. We have cot a good many of (hem 38Ji per cent. Gall early. (J. Í5LISS & tíON, No 11 South MainSt. Oi.dkn Times - Tlie days when our foref'aiheis burned cobs to make Saleratns and Soda, have pagsed ava_v. Tlie skill and science embodied in the manufacture of the celebrated DdLancCl3 S.ileratus and Soda, enables the ladies to parchase for a few cents an elegant pound paekage of DeLiind's Salei'atusoi Soda. noted for its purity and slrcngth, with which the flnest and most wholesome pastry eau be made. Try It. I nnnr Bendaix cents for postftge. and reM M M ƒ L free, ü costly bojï o fgoode which H I 1 f li"1" '"'H1 '¦" f i'ltlii-r six. lo move II 1 III 1 1 1 motu-v rlííht awuy tluui anythtug i'lse In tlits wartd. Tortuaee awatt the workfi'ü abaolutelr bqt&, AC oncu lulUveas Tkuk & Co., Augusta, Maluu.


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