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John 8. ÉinkbÁd, th ñrst Gorernor of Aliuska, in his receutj report tp the l'nesilent sayg he was -ni(liiilly resolved by th people, whö wrr: enthusiastio over the prospect ol uaftng at laet civil govrnmcnt. Tlie miuing interest, he says, is of the liifrhost, impórtanos, and he predicti that within the next decade the production of precious atetáis in tln Territory wül ba au important taotor in the flnanc g of tb--: General Governmeut. Au Inorease in mail fttcil (i.'s .-nu I the iastltution of a aystenj oi licpnse or tuxiiMiin bo defray the expénsela of the local goverameni ís Buggested. A desperate IUIm between the local aothorities of Dunegan Beitlement, Ga., iiiid ii gang of mooiisliin.'i-s resnlted in tlií ieatfa oftwoof the moonshlners. Eajuy' 011 tli morning of the lTth the ïnercnry iu C'liii ago tel] Pour degreefl beïow zero. California reported a heavy rain throughout the Siate, Ra Iway trafflcwas suspended in the WilUimette Valley 01 Oregon by the worst snow-storin knowu in thirty yeara. The telegraph operators in the Western Union ottloe at New Orleana strtick on tiu 17th, c'. í:il; to a reduetiön of vrkgè and a increnso in the houra of lal.or. Thkek acros ol land over the Lauce Cí)l1 ery at Plyinonth, lJa., Sunk Hvefeet a lew days ag-o, the care-in being preceded by a rnmbUng rejiort. Bv directiou of the Board of Health a Bquad of sanitary poücexaon went the rounds i 11 New York City 011 the I7th amonj the thirteen Wholesale candy manHt'actu rei's where poispnous colora were fourul iu iis.1, and over two toas of camly were seized and dumped iutotheolïal doek. Tuk laok of snow had on the 17th b oupht the timber business In Maine ter a standBtiU in ahnost every section of the State. Farmers were anxious about tbc grtwa erop, which would be killed uulost snow feil. . OwiNQ to a feud enRendered by tbe vict:m takiug the part of a wonian who had been defamed by the ossassin, Kdwartl Richmond, a young lawyer, muiilerod üliftou Kirby,a woalthy farmer, at Hut8ville, Mo., the other night. ' Hog-cholera in Nebraska has causea a loss of probably ÍC)ÜO,000, the loss in Sarpy County alone amonnting to $75,000. ïue general treight agenta of the milroads permeatiug, loiva, Dakota and : nesota met in Chicago a few days ajjo and resolved not to reduce freight ratea on grain, as they did not ask a share i i tbc; snippers' advautage last year. Representatives oí the Lakfc Superior ¦ iron interest, claiming to have Y86,000,000 ] behind them, met at Cleveland, O., th the 17th and memorialized Congreaa in opposition to the ratiflcation oL the treaty witb Spain. The mercury was below zero on the l,th on a line across the continent lr,-M Washington to Portland, Ore. The thermometer marked 23 below at Milwaulee, l(i at Chicago, :( at Öt. Paul, ¦L) at Rockford, 111., and 24 below al !¦ Moinea, Ia. At Davenport and Dubuque thé Miasissippi lliver waa Erozen out. L.'iidville, Col., reported two feet oL s.vow and all railroadg blockaded. Heavy snow-.storms prevailed at Lyuch'mrg und -Uichiuond, Va., at Mobile, Ala., lid at Raïeigh, N. C. The iudicatiuns. were that the cold would be more severe. 1t is said that owing to the general de]in ssion In (rade therailroadi running east front 8t. Louis are doirig only about hall tln business done atthi3 fine las! year. At Philadelphia a recont explosión i' the buildina oí the Metallic Car Company killed the Superintendent, O. M. Hughes, and George Owens, a boy. Railway disasters occurred on the 18th at Christiana and Reed'a Road, Pa. ín the formar a pawenger and a sleeping car vore thrown partlv down an embankment, the amates being badly shaken up. At ! the latter place the snginaer and liremau veré crushed beneath the locomotive. The eold wave rom the Northwest struc-k New Orleans early on the moruing of the 18th, and the day was raw with the thermometer near the freezing poiut. The attendance at the exposition consequently was small. - T At tíeneva, O., the other night farmer Harrington was shot dead by a burglar, who also shot Mrs. Harrington through theehoulder. The wpinan recognized the murderer as Lewis Webster, a neighbor, and the district was being searched ft him. Fibb deatroyed the Catholic Orphan Asylum for boys in Brooklyu on the It was feared that some of the childrenpertohed in the I1mih"s. Thero were 785 orphans in the building. Ijuv::i (1 ii.i'i.Ncs. whr, attempted to burnup his wife and chil.l, vas sentenced at Baltimore on the 18th to h've years' imprisonment, and expired in the city jai] in the evening. LlEUTENANT ABBRCROMBIB, who recently returned trom Alaska, reportad luiving explored the Ynkon River for '2,71)0 miles, and found gold placera paylng !f30 a day te the man. Hoo-CHOiiEHA. around Dayton, O., has "been ohei ked by the cold snap, after a loss in elght counties of ten thousand hogs. ïhhee negroes shot a bachelor niiiiml William Somerville dead near Hazelhurt, Miss., on the lSth, and robbed him of $2,000. Tivo negroes had been arrestad on suspicion. Street-cars going down Capítol hill in Washington on the 18th collided, iuflicting painful injuries [to Messrs. McAdoo, Hemphill, Cobb and Eaton, members of the House. A lakqe portion of the Government Works at Pine Bluff, Ark., wns recently swepc away by mgn wawr m tne Aruiuisas River. ] the ruins of the burned ('atholic Or phan Asylum at Brooklyn the charred bodies of eleven boys and (wo grown ]erI sous vvere disoovered on the UH.ii. Toos of rubblsh and timbera we yet to he removed, and t jiere wevc fpurs that other corpssfl would be found. The roster of the little ones showed nbout 120 as missing, bilt these wen; suppoted to be lioused in tlie neighborhood. The property destroyed was valued al $260,000, The steamboat Pred. A. Blnnks, valued at $100,006, wm simk nt Hew Orieana on the mili by ccllUiöB with the teamer Victoria, 1,yman STROKG & Co., of Cleveland, O., the largest niarble lirm in the country west of New York Ctty, fallecí on thi l'.'th för jl 70,000. Thb retail dry-goob house of ï-nb.-:ei Brothers, in St. Louis, was closed on the J'.iili by oreditors. UabHities. tiiki.ikx. Ikvkstioations by Bradsti-eet's CbnfmerciaJ gency on the M'th showed %hui in twenty-one Siates were nt tb present time 316,000 persons-owt f empMjr meut. By ii receñí explosión in the cartridgi factory it Bridgeport, Conno an eniploy? vüm blown to pieces and a sritall structure was reduced ti splinters., Thb velocity of the wind rri Moui I Washington on the nlght af the ü'th exceeded one Imndre.l miles au aur nnd the mereury as (rozen, . The epirit.ihronottteter tñarlced V2 below, and was sriil mn - Ing dowaward. The weafher is iotoniielv coiil in New York and .e Bngland. Vi K l,HiKI-baiTel oil-tanks weiv barrted a few day a4 at Bradford, Vu., to-itn-r w th other ralnable property. It was II abore zero at noon on tlic1 lh in Petersborg, Va. the eoldest daj ia (es j-ers. DPBING theseren iCnvsendrd bn the Wh thfi ' were 887 busiircss fallures in tht United Statts-and Canada, againsi '' ]n'c ious si'wn days aad JN' in cor e-.pondlng period of 1883. Oh iiïtnnnai ton furnifelied by an am mous letter, tl-e sanltary authoritiee ¦¦{ New York recently discorered huge I ¦ of hkiIiIv liiiinan sk"l luns in a lolt ut Xt. I 1 Wol Tliiri Street. Tuk 'í t ittin House at Yonni sti.vvn, Qt, was burnt'tl uil.y Vil' other inornin.u. anr? a umnber oJ' tibe gogstfl i'caied by juni j - ing out of the windows. JOSBPB BjiaZDS, ; Lancaster, l'a., htsin ten ycars sommitted forgeriês aggregating $BT,OOO. Thebaukn are heavy lnseaa by his operationv. PERSONAL AND POLIT.'CAL, Fou the Gtarfield monument at Cleeland the people of the Dnited Stateu and Zi HT& rorein countries nave 5182,889. !. il. Ml I I :. oí' Pos N. Y., was on the I6tb aominated by l'ie-ident Artaur for ( tovernor oí Blonl Mr. Ulaine ou the líith instructed hisatttorneys to il.--uijss his shü asaiust the I dlanapolis & Ifn ' ur libel. THI seventy-sevcntli birthdfty Of tb poet Whlttí sor oeouixed on the Tth, amia large w ais fri aá ¦ caUed on hiui at his resideuce in Danvers, Mass., to exleml their coogratulal i":s on theoci?a The Kansiis State Eohlbitíou Conren tion ííiet at a the I7th, and r lntioud wre adopted ranouncing all alle¦ to fornwr partieg, declarin ;inl oí National prohibition, demanding w Lvoríng I !n: u ertiinent Lsauing all mouev, a . tariiv for revenjte aad a ínli tax on lnxqriesi RKV. 'i'. 1(. FULI.BR, E]isioiial lsbn]i oí" Hamilton, Ontario, dted recently from blood poisoning caasad by rnnni i ¦ a lile Into his hand. Temí'EHANCE people mét at Des Moiucs. I ... on the ISth and resolved to culi a State wtion for Jánuary 21 to coñsider th c.itloni; for th,' l'rohitni iry law. Tuk (fearaéf Olivelo. from Kn-laml, went ashore on the beaeh at MoricUcíS, L. I., ou the 'Jlst, añil the eutire e.r, ¦¦- was lostThe steel aud rail clepartinents of the Cleveland (O.) rollin;;-mi)l, one of th largest establishments in the country, s'.in: down ou the L'nih, lln-ovving about 1,000 men out of emplo3 ment. Une death from cholera was reported on theiilst at Toledo, Spain, aud tour new cases and three deatha at Tarragona. k ur.NDHRD armed men broke into the court-house on the 20th at Traverse, D. T., Stole tli" saté ancl destmyert raluable papers. The raid wns the result of a row about the county seat. The residence ot William liabe, at Washington, Pa., was (iestrOyed bj explosión recently, and Mr. Rabe. nis wite and child perished in the ruins. A ckowd of drunken rougha recently trieil to break up a school entertainment ai ('Innata, Tenn. A riot ensued, during which three men were shot and many bbëd and béateh. A KA'ii i! i. ;;a i m theothérday iji thi ¦ of John Cales, at Bn Pa., lelt the buil ling e maas of ruins. 'i'ho family, ( of six persons, were rescued trom the debria alive, but were geverei} Injured. Uj; to the alt i iikm.ii o!" the 'Jlst the remains of twentv-two childr.en and two adulta liad bren taken from liie ruins of tho St. Joh u's Orphan Asylum, Brooklyn. A number of the boys were stiü missing. Pbatt's astral oil-works, in the castern part of Brooklyn, valued at $100,000 or more, were. destroyed by lire caused by an explosión on the 21st. The thermometer registered fchirty-eight degrees below zero at Utica, N. Y., on the aoth. t. The United States Senate on the 20th refused concurreuco in the House resolution for an adjoitrnment to January 5. A secret sessionwas held to consider the resolution onposiug the expeditiou to Nicaragua mere nemg no quorunj presenil an ad.jouriiment to the 'JL'rl wum ordered. In the llonse a b 11 was pnssi'd nmkiu;; jiiíh. sií.n tur lile mppDrt of the navv durlng the month of January. J AítT íi'iint'pon the [nter-ötate Ctrmruerca bilí, a motion to itrike cml the Bectton pro hiliitiuK rallroadi (rom charglng u reator ; compsna&tíon for short tlian tor long frelght limils wns defeated. An adjonruriiebi to the Üth h ordered, with un undei si.-iiidiii, consecutivo adjourmneuta for three dnys at a time wonJd be taken


Ann Arbor Courier
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