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Tlie coming rage In hair is a soft and f tender red. like that of a tomato whieh . bas grown old and lost usefulness. The Hair was Herer Told of j ;ie wonderful powers and vlrtues of tha best of all medicines, Ki'lney-wort. It hn been tried and provecí, lts cures are num r berless and the record of (supposed) incur t able cases tlrat yielded to its influence, i astou nding. If yon naje trola ble wit! your Kidneys, JAvpr or Bowpls, if yon .ut 3 fer from Constipation and Piles, if yon ar t a victini of Kheirhiattam or Malaria, tak Kidney-wort. You will tind it the renied; you need. The professional mnsher is not alone to S blaine. It takes two to "make i mash."- f Burlington Havvkeye. "Buchiipaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoyinj Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Dlseases $1. Druggist. The first thimble was made in October . 108 1, by a goldsinith of Amsterdam, wliost . dea in the manufacture of the pretty con . ceit was to protect the fingere of tiis lady. love. The English were the flrgt to ado'pt the new invention; they lmve been celebrating the second thimble centenary in Amsterdam. Don't Die in the House. 1 " Rough on Hatg," Cleare out rats, mice, roaches, bed-buffs, flies, ants, moles, chlpmunks, gophers. 15c. It is not generally known that Rebecca and Jacob first broiight the weartng of uudressed kids into fasnion. "My wife has been a seveie sufterer with indigestión, and kidney and liver troubles. 1 I feared it would termínate in Brijtht's Disease, as there were symptoms. She commeneed using Hunt's [Kidney and l Liver] Remedy, and found by the use of only one bottle she had been relieved." R. S. R. Armstrong, Auburn, N. Y. We never hear of Oscar Wilde any more. He and his wife were made one, and it is feared that ske is the one. "Mother Swan's Worm Sjrnp." Infallible, tasteless, harmless. cathartie, for feverishness, restlessness, woruis, constipation. 25c. A prominent physiclan of the Hub is quoted as saying: " If a cliild does not thrive on fresh mllk, boil it.'1 Boiled chlldren is evideutly the latest Boston craze, but will never become popular. ¦WTira Baby ni slok, we gare her C ASTOIU A. When iho wm Child, ihe cried for CASTORU. WLeu ilio bocune Min, slis olnng to CASTOKIA Wku U lutd Cbildrea, tU gv tbam C AST' A


Ann Arbor Courier
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