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fROY,AL'l!iKJ Ja B POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder ncver varíe. A marvel of purlly.stiengili mul wholesmnpnfKN. Moreecouomiral Illilll oKllliitrV kl'uls. amlnannnl. ti ra in cmii tiiiiiiM w i ;Ti Ilie imiTlllude ol low t si. 1.I10 t eiglu alum or phoaphate p.wders. solil only n cans ItoYAL Baking Powder Co., 10 Wall st. N. Y. DliJRil HÜMORS. HU1ILIATIIG EEÏÏPTIOKS. Itching and Burning Tortures. 1 have trled for eleveo yenrs to hare mr wlfc curtd ol k tcrrib'e kin The Cjticuka Hhkkies (i'utk-ui.a Ki soi.vint, ihf new BI Kid Ptirtfier, niK-rnnllv and DTict'KA, the reat Skin Cure, nd (Cut.odra Soap au cxqairlia kiu Büaiiiin.r, ex ernally) have dnne In n weeks what I have trii-il lor il veo ye ira to h tre done. Yon ehall huve ihe particular m s nn as I ciiii if ve lile m to you, and M re are mi wen kDown In this purt oi the rouutrv, lt will lu-neflt jou, and the remedies will cure all w!io ae thetn. Mats H.I.K, Kt. CHAS. A. WHITK. BLOTCHES CURED. r ned yonr Citicüka Hbmeoiks for BWtche, and m comnletelj ran-rt to my inexpresi-ible j y. C'tiTicui a S'Aplsthi' hpt I have ever ued, anrl to the nro pskio i Ir la invim.niie ror cl'onainï ihe fkln, thcrt'bv removiniï all " corlt." ereaee. paintt and all te niufftixüd h thi'tn, Iciving tho kin puro a rt white and oit. My greatesc plearnre is In 'pcnmmend'ntr snih au articie. TomraaTOTM, Ohio. h. matk, Champion Comiqtte Holler Skatcr. SALT RHEUM. I hftvo had Tho Salt Rhonm for ahout three yeaw, and bttre fpnt time anfl mnnevtn h:ive it en red withouf -ucrenü, nmïi I trpd the Ccticura HbmEDIB9, wh'ch are doin ihe work. JMaiisiipifld. C. J. YOUNCÏ. Cooe Countt, Oreoon. S2OO.OO FOR NOTHINC. IIav'n?piUl ahont f201) to tlrtrlan doctors to cure my laby, wlthont pncCP", 1 trled the Cüti ctba RitMKDrfa, which completely cnred fter lugtnruebot'lx. WM. (jKRDON. 87 rllnetnn Ave.. rnAitLKi-oN, Maas. "old ever where. Price : (,'ntirara. 50-.; Soap. 25c; Re-.ilvem,$l. PorTig Dbdo and Chïmical Co., JosMii. Mend for 'How to cure kin niñeases" ffllldlIA SOAPIr Roush.rhopped Wit nd IC ilili ik l Skin - nd handa. CATARRH. Completo Treatment with Inhaler, for erery form of Caiarrh, $ i. SÁNDFQRÜ'S RADICAL CURE Utal Co'd-, Watsry Dlechargei from the Nose ar'd Ky8. Rinlni; N tiaes ii tho Ileid, Nervous Headacheand Fever in antly relicved. Choklnir macan di'od?ed, tnerabrane clean ed nnd healed, 're;ith wet-tened, smoll, taste, and hearing reaiored, and i-avi2e checked. Couí"i, Br 'n hiti', D oppiiis In'o the Throa", Pain In the ChcHt. Dyüpepjia, Wailn_' of Slrcngth and fli'sh, Loss nf ¦'leep, i'tc, cure 1. One hottle Ka lic il Cnr-, ons box C itarrhal Sol vent and une Dr. 8Ddfiirdd Inh iler, in one piek age, of all dniííiits, f.)r$l. Así f r Savdfo d Radical Ccre. a pure diítill ilion of Witch-Hazel, Am. Pine, Ca., Fir. Marlg )Id, CIovit BIosboois, etc, etc. Pot'er Drnz and Oh- i lel 'o., BoHton. -. I I ¦ k ¦ !w ! fe for Shattered VOLTAIC i „„ oltHir. Klftrtc 1 r Wfc l'lttHt r ffect' ; ( W )" w tti imrvooi eyNt-m and ¦XkSvT tlA ''aiii''i' piin. nerv'i.rei"f SïSi w3KVnl dehilüy. A perfect Vírríc Unir - Gulvarlf. ELECTR1U „1(,fl.y coniMnPd 3 ACTCRj"th a hlclily medl'nO fcA (Hii.ll'laiHTiwi'.l'ii. All drllïfriN. DrCLARKE HO FEE t Establised 1851 I Merrill üntli Bette: I DETROIT, MICH. BlOCk. yjwipg _"3-i The rfjularoltl estal)11i1ied ¦Ï5W?1 1 tyslriitn and Surgeon DR. Wffi BWkVVll LAKIilS, :it the olJ number ¦h f-ffi V I fonlimits to treat with his usual Hl Ül rjfíf lrJKr'at kl" a" private, Bl w JcH JSchronlc nervoui and perlal BtX C-Sk Jldlsea. DB. CLAKKR il HÍítf -PJBlnt' "' s' Physician, ppp TSm&XLA i g files of Papers show and all olJ Ilcsidcnts know. Age aad experlenoe Important. tW Nerron dlaoascs (wlih or without dreams ) or debldty and lss oí nerve power treated cientificallyby new methods with rever failing success. %ÉT It makes no difference what j'ou have taken or nho has íailed to cure you. TT Youny men and mldále-aert tnm and alfwho suffer should consult the celebrted Dr. Clarke at once. tThe terrible polsons of all bad hloodand skin dl cases of everv kind, name and nature complctelv eradicated. Kemomlier, that one horrible dlsease, if oeglected or improperly treatrd, onrltl the present and comine penerations. t3f Dlaed dlschargre cured nromptty without hindrance to business. Both sexes consult conlUlentlaliy. If introuble, callorwrite. Delays are dangcrous. Frocraatlnatlon Is the thlef of time." A wrlttm warranty of oure givea In every cate undertaken. y Send two stamps for celebrated TTOrkl onChronlo Nervous and Delicate Diseases. You have an ertiaustlve lymptomitoloiiy by which to study your oirnuin. Cnnsulution, personally or bv k-cter, free. Contult the old boctar. Tbouaand cured. OIBoea and oarlori private. You see no one mi tho Doctor. Htfore confidingyourcase consult Dr.CliABKE. A trlendly letter or cali may save future suffenng and shamc, und add golden ycars to llf e. Mediclnct sent everywhere secure from oxpoaure.- Hours, 8to 8; Snnday, 9 to 12. AdroBB letters: . 1. C1LAÍIKE, if. !., Merrill Block. Cor. Wooda7d Vjefierïon Ave., DETROIT, MICH. U11-13W


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