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, ! ' 'TT T for working people. Send 10 centa 14 Li I W '"J wo wlll mail jou fret a I P I , F royal, valuable sample box of goods JLJUJJJA lnat wlll pat you In the way of making more money in a few days thau you ever thonsht possible at gDy business. Capital not reqnlred. You can live at home and work iu spare ume only, or all tbe time. All of both , pxes, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents to fj eaeily earued every evening. That all who want ¦vork may toet the business, we mako thiannparalleled offer: To all who are notwell satisfled we wlll send $1 to par for the trouble of wrltlug ns. Full partlcalars, directioni, etc, sent free. Immenso I pay absolntely snre for all who start at once. Don't delay, Addrcss Stinson & Co., Portland, Maiuc. A71TTf7Tl Send slx cents for postaee. l N I ƒ Ij and receive freo, a costly box II I ¦ P of Boods wnich will help you [11111, to more money right away thau anything else in hls world. All, of oiiher sex,!succeed from flrst honr. The broad road to fortnne opens before the workars, al)?olately ure. At once address. Tboï Jfc Co., Augusta, Maine. ÑfÜEMt A HEALTHY AND EXCTTING EXERCISE Can be had during the winter months TEN PINS COCKED HAT, Or any of the games of a bowling alley. On I Ol It 1 11 MI-REET, opposlte the Court House, Is KJLXSS' Boivlins Alley, whlch han reoently beau lluely deuoratedand fltted up In good style. PRIZESÖFFERED ! A flne S1O mtedal wlll be glven to the person making the most polnts in 25 games, betwei-n now and Jan. 1, 1885 ; 2d best, a Hoi 1 ofCignrs; M best, One Dollar1 vorlh ol Bowliug Tickets. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. Htudent here can get one of the best advantages of a gymnasium. The exerclse glves good circulatlon, help digestión and appetlle. COME AND TRTIT 1 A. C. BLIK A CO. Mortgage Sale. DEPAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditlons of a certain mortsage executed by LydiaKlrchhofer, of Manchester, In the Couuty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Lapham. of Northville, Wayne County, In sald State, hearing date tbe Seventeenth day of Apill A. D. 1879, and recorded In the office of th Repiiter of deeds for sald County of V'ahtenaw, in llberS5 of mortgages, on page 596, aad by whlch default the power of sale contained In said mortgage having become operatlve, and no snit or proceedlng at law or In chancery having been Instltuted to recover the amount due on sald mortgage, or the note accompanylng the same, and therbelne dow clalmed to be due ou ald note and mortgage, the enm of Two Thousand Thiee Huldred nd Fourteen Dollars [12,814], Notlce Is therefore hereby glven that said mortgage will be foreclosed on Fnday the twentysixth day of December 1884, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, by sale at public auctlon to tho highest bidder at the south front door of tb Court House in the city of Ann Arbor In iald county of Washtenaw, (sald Cuurt House being tho place of holding tbe Circuit Court for said county) of tho mortgaged premlses descrlbed In sald mortgage, or so much tUereof as may be nrcessary to satisfy the amount due on sald note and mortgage wlth reasonable costs and expenses; whlch sald mortgaged premises are descrlhed u said mortgage, as follows: All tbose certain parcels of land sitúate and belng In the Village of Manchester, In the County of Washienaw, nd State of Michigan, known and descrlbed as lot four (4), flve (6), lx (6), seven (7) and elght (8) In block one (1) in Granger and Morgan 's addition to the Village of Manchester, accordtng to the record' d plat of said addition. Dated, 8ept. 29th, A. D., 1884. JARED S. LAPÜAM, E. D. KINNE. MortgaVe. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1215-1297 The above sale Is adjourned to Frlday, January 2, A. D. 1S85. for one week, at the same place, and hour of the day. üated, Dec.ütith, A. D. 1884. JARED S. LAPHAM, E. D. KINNE, Mortgaeee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1227-'28. The ahoye sale Is adjourned to Friday, Jannary i), A. D. 1885, for one week, at the same plaoe and hour of the day. Dated, January 2, A. D. 1885. JAREU S. LAPHAM, E. D. KINNE, Mortsragee. Att'y for Mortsagce. li28-'29. SUBSCRIBE for the COÜRIEB.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News