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THE 1W YOBK TRIBUNE 3TOK, 18S5. A PAPER DEVOTKD TO AMi.itn t in itiMv o - L.AHGF8T RKPIBLIPAX CIRCCi. tu IX a 'ii:uk . The Tkibunk beglns the new subsorlption yearwi'h prospecta unparalleled in lis Ijistory. lts circulatlon for the seven days ending November 9, 1884, was as follows: IHonday, November 3 - 99,lOo' Tucxday, November 4 101,500 V dnesday, November 5 188,600 TliurNday, .i iiiIk r 6 17, m l'riday. November 7 160,600 Kuturday, November H 172,000 Smiday, .oveniber 9 129,004 We. kly, Iturrmber 5, exclusive ut hiI short leriu campaigu bubscrlpllons 145,910 Senil-Weekly &8,30O Total nnmber of Tribune prlntcd and nold during week endlns November 9, exumslve ofcuiupatgn subsciïptlons 1,O2,11O N'lnety-four tons of paper were used in prlnllng tbe week' issues. Thls of course au electlon week ''spurt." whlch ¦ broke the recuru." In Now York. Mottlnjf hark Inlo lts "xteady galt," ThkTribunk's record lood on the lol luw ing week: Average dally clreulattonof the Dmly 'l'rlbune for week endino . K, 1884 121,400 VTt-ekly Tribune, o. 12, 1884.142,660 Meekiy - 36,700 During 185 Tuk Tribune will strlve mure zi'itlotioly ana lioperully than ever for il poilucal lallh. Tbe reiurn to power of the p riy ibal brougbt on tbe Re.i''ion munt inake the coming year one of the mout interest. ng in our Imtory. Tbe more Ihe people kuuw ufliow Demócrata deal wlth their Uoverumeut, the surer 1 Kepuullcan Buocess the nexttirae; and ThbTkibune appeals tu lts t'i ifiui.1 to help spread suchknowledge broadcast. iUE Tribune gives the new fully, falrly and early ; II la a sale and aiuai uve paper fur the laiuily circle; and I Ihe persistent advocate ui work for American wurkmt-ii, a uu-al, paytng home maiket for American graiu and meal, the extensión of our loroi irailc, and the general protect ion of A mei lean inleresls. litavors every practical etl'oit to check luieraperance.and i.-aiwa}ou ibeside ui inoruluy . reform, and progresa lu W eekly and tSeml-Weekly edilluns conlaln noubly complete and valuable Agrlcullural Household, I. leiary and Juveulle deparlinenls. wiih serial storles, abuudant correspoudeuce, luierestlng mlscellauy.aml somefun. Kveiy inemberor Ihe iamily, old or youug, fluds in il mimi ructlon and entt-rtulnmeut. Every posimaster and clubagent la Invlted lo lorm yeaily clnbs at once for Tiib Triih:m:. i be lollowiug premiums are offertd in combinallou wlth subscripllnns: Unubil'iued Dictiouary.bolb Webater'sand Worct-sler's Wooil's Household Praetlce of Medicine ï vi. In. illustraled 81 and 42 pages. The l.lbtary of t'selul Knowledge, 15 vols.. aearly 9 U pages each, embracing Chambers1 Kncyclopedia. complete wlth American additl ns. 'I he Waterbury Watch, a popular and sucoesslDl premium. Idpalb's iliu-trated Illat iry of the United Slates Specimen copies. Rhow bilis and clrculars. wlin details of valuable premiums, will be ent ure, upon applicaliou, or can be had Iroin your postmai-ter. l'KRMs to MAIL SUBSCRIBERS: WKKKLY, SüSayear; in clubs of ten, Í1 a vi in wil li cx'rn oopy to man sendiug club. SE.HI-WKEKLY, f'2.50 a year; in clubs ¦¦I leu, $2 a y tur; with extra copy to man Nenillne club. DAILY, wlth Sunday, 18.50; wIlhontBnnday. H uvr vear. BI MIAV TKIBi;ME,(l.0 per year. Sunday1 Tkibi'nk, Muiulay i, Wednesda's or Saturdiiy', can be subscrlbed for separately C'ounting postage. Thi Tribune cosu about two cents a copy. all edliions Addross, siinply.THK TRIBUNE, New York. Estáte of Xatiian Webb. STATKOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. At a pesslon orthe Prohate Court for the County oí VVaHhteuaw, bolden at the Probate Office In the city ot Anu Arbor, on M 'mUy, the firu-rnrii day ot December, In the year one thouoaud etght ïnndrcd and eighty-fnur. Present, Willlam D, Uarriman, Judi;e of Probate. 1 ii thi' matter of the eetate of hathan Webb '¦ivn-fd. On readiii); and filinK tbe peiltion, ouly Teritled, of Geo'gluna Owen, prayint th'it admin "tratlun of nid estáte inay be granted lo JameI. Wehb or Bome oth-ir enltable person. ThereapoL tt in ordered, thai Wondaj, the 19th iay of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ie 1 ir ned for the hearing of aid petltlon and that he heira at law of said decuaeed, aud all other perons interested in Raid eatate. are required toappear tt a Ki-HKion ol said court, theu to be holden at the "róbate OflBce, in the City of Ann Arbor, and how ao?e, lf any there be, why the prayer of the pe itloner slmuld nut be eranted. And It la further rdered, that said petltioner give notice to the emons interested in said estáte, of the pendency f sald petltlon, and the hearlnir tliereol, by causlnj; copy of tliis ord.T to be pnbllshed In tbe Ann irbur Couruir. newapaper prlntcd and clrrolang In said couoty, three succettsive weeka previus to íald day of hearing. (A true copy.) W1LLI&M D. HAKRIHAN, Judue of Probate. VU. d. D)VÏ, Pr;tj1t1iRxlatr. 1WS-1225 g


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News