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W Croyalk&'.'íj jk H POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls pnwder never varíes. A raarvel of purliy.stiiirujili nuil wholesomenesu. Moreeconrwníoul Ihun Ibu ontlnury tdmln, nml minini b k kl i ii comí etltlon wlth (he multitude ol low ttt, bo t welght alum or phosphate pnwdeiB. Holil only n oaiiu Royal Uakiso Powdek Co., 106 Wall BI. N. Y. DIH1KI1 ïll MIMÏS. HOMILIATING EEÜPTIONS. Itching and Burning Tortures, 1 have tried for eleven years to hnvs my wire car d o) a terrih'e wkín dijea ' Th-? Cuticoba IHüKi'i (('UTirunA Kholvknt, ihe new BlKid Purifler, itiit-rimllv aui ütici'ka, the krreat Skin Core, uid (COI cuba Soap. au txquMte !kn liunuillliT, ex ernally) have doue in ei weeks hi I have trii'd for el ven yeirsto h ive dime. You íhall have 'he particular 11-8 mis I can civethfm to yon, and a we are t veil kni)wn in this part 01 llie i'oiiQirv, it will bcaefit you, aud ihe remedies il' curi' hII wliiílne ihi' ni. MATsrixK, Kt. CHAS. A. WHITK. BLOTCHES CURED. T ued yonr Ct tipoiia HEMEniKg for Bl'Hches, and an cnmpletely carfi to my inexpresable j y. ('UTicui a S'Ai 1 thf be-r I have ever u-ed, and to the nro etic it i Invala-ible (or cl'-ongiag the kin, thcrebv removiní? all "cork." zreae palnr, and all tne stutT um'd h thetn. leaving the skin purea d wliit nnd o'f. My greatest pleaenre 1 Ín 'ecmmcnd1ntr pnch an article. YüUNoeTowN, (ür'. H. MAf'K. Champion Comiqtte Roller Skater. SALT RHEUM. I have had the Salt Rheum for abont three yeans tnd hnve fjïput timo anl nvnv tn hare i t en red, Yith'at Bcrrpp, nntii I f led the Ccticura Rkmediks, wh ch ar-í d.inií Ihe work. MA-tsufi-LD. C. J. TOÜNQ. COOS CüUNTT, ObBO'ïN. $200.00 FOR NOTHINC. Havn.' piid ahout f200 to first-clas doctors to ;nre my labv, wltont H?icc'f, 1 tried the Cutí :tra RcEDih8, whlcb cotnpletely cu'pd fier usmg tonta bot' Ik. WM. UORDON. 87 rlfneton Avp., Charliwon, Mars. Sold evcTvwhiTt!. Prfce : Caticura. 60".; Soap. (5c ; Kc-"ilvout, 1'ovtku Uboo and Chkmical rCo., ciopton. Nieiul for "How to care Skin Dlaeasea" Mifin it NOAPtor It. uli. ii,..i.d yUll "'¦' it. IiIiikI Ski ii i nd hands. CATARRH. Completo Treatment with Inlialer, for every fonn of Catarrh, $1. Al-K FOB SANDFÜRD'S RADICAL CURE Head Cold, Watery Discharges from the Noso ind Eycs, Bloftog N ies In the ned, Nerroas Headacheaud Fever ins'antly relieved. Choklnff mucart dle'odíjed, raorabraae cleanod and healad, raith ewectencd, smell, tute, ind boarlng resiorod. and raviïe checked. Coa?1!, Br nhiti. Doppini?ê Inro the Throa1, Pains in the Chest. Dyitiiepaia, Wmiídl' of Strength aud flesh, Loss of cleep, etc, cured. One hottle Radicó Cure, on box Citarrhal Sol vent and one Dr. Siindl'jrd's [nbnler, in one package, oí all dmïihts, for Aak fr SANDro' d Hadical Cuke, I imre d till ition of Witch-Uazc1, Am. Fine, Ca., Fir, Marij; ild, Clover Blossom, etc, etc. Pot'er IruE and lic ml ra 1 o , Boston. I Ui Mw I. fe for Shattered 'srtL IN CtN'rwi, Palnfal Másele and ' VOLTAIC i „ Voltio ElKtne Jf"-fcjji 1'lUMt r instanily bffect yn Uw iifrvoti eyntt-m and k hanfs'ies puin, nervoiuneee jyK ind dehility. A perfect &, V.Wvtra - nlvai'le ELECTRIC t,M,,el.y -..mi iii.-.l 5 AC-rCR5"iili i hltthly medlAO I ï final Piaster lor 25 Ct. All drneiri". DrCLARKE HO FEE I Eslablised 1851 I Merrill CaiU Botter! DETROIT, MIOH. f BlOCk. pmr- Tl Tl:r ric!1'ar old estaM!ih(l i[fyitiSlS rhjtiritin and Suieeoo DB. Wtll rfSKïli LAKKK, at the old number BrVJi-raü lllconlinuis totreal with his usual rJI GrW lySirrrst kil i all prlrate, bil Sj jK JBchronlc oervoui and aperlal Bl WSt ll.llaeaae. DR. CLAKKK is llBÏSKyilhc "'des! Advertisinfjr I'hysician, WraSLúPs5iJi n files of Papers show and all old KesidL-nti know. Age and exprlnco lmportant. &- Nervon dlteaie (with or without drems.) or deblllty and loas of nerve power treated scientificallyby nevr methodl with nrvcr failm? success. T&" It make no derence wht you have taken or who ha f ailed to cure you. tSf Younc nwn and mlddle-ageil men and alHiho suffer should consult the celebraUKl Dr Clarkeatonc.-. tXT The terrible polion of allbad hloodand klndl-easeaof every kind, name and nature completely eradicated. Kmembr, thal ooe horrible diiease, if neglected or improperly Ircatf d, cnrse the present and comme SeXtions. t Dl.ea.ed dUcharKe, cureS oromptiy without hindrance to business. Both m coniult confldentlally. U In tronble, cali or write. Delays are danf erouf. ¦¦ natlon la the thlf of time." A wrlttea wnrranty oí cure glven In every cace undertaken. Send two tarros for celébrate! Trorki onChronlo. Nervous and Delicate Diseaei. You have an exhauatlve ymptomatolOBy by which to study your own oae. Consultaron, personallv or bv Utter, fre. Consult the old Wctr. Thouand cnred. el nd ( parlor private. Youaeenoonebut the Doctor. Hef ore conficl n)r your case conault Dr.CLA K A iriendly letter or cali may aave future ;uffenn)t and shame, nd add golden yeara to life. Medicinea sent everywhere secure from expotir-Hour, Hto öunday. 9 to 12. Adres letten: F. W. ClABKE, il. . fern Block, Cor. Woo i7d I i Jeerï.n flo... DETROIT, MICH. mi-uoD


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