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Chelsea has two flddles over 200 years M. Saline speculators expect to get rlch out )f the wheat boom. Prof. J. R. Sage, of Ann Arbor, has a linging class inNorth Webster. The oyster supper at W. E. Boyden's in Webster, netteu $22, and was well attend;d. A unique class-dresg carnlval is on the :apis for the Dexter rink in the near future. Rev. Milo Smith, Baptist, preached hls fa re well sermón at Saline last Sunday. He goes to Sand Beach. The proceedlngs of Ilie board of supervisor printed by the Cbelüea Herald in pamphlet forra, is a creditable Job. Thi postofflce of Benton, in this county lias been discontinued. Mail intended for that office should be sent to Saline. Win. Romig, of Dlxboro, is going out of the grocery business, and will be "c' ceeded by J. A. Campbell, of ahu Arbor town. A uian by presenting a forged letter to Ducbel's in'ill, t Ypsilanti, one day last week, secured $25, and, raade biuiaelf 8Caree. A flre wasdiscovered in the jjrocery and saloon of G. W. Sinlth, of Ypgilantl, last Thursday oiglit, and Smith had lx:t;n ari-ested lor settiiij; k. Friday eveninsr. Jan 16th. there will be held an " Oíd Folk's Dance," for the bentit of tlie lndit-s' libraiy acstciatlon of Dexter, says the i.eader. At the meeting of the Farmers' vigiHnce alliance assochition recently lield at Dixboro, Ira Crippen was chocen president; F. P. Oalpin, secietary; and J. Q. Rook, treasurer. The Ypsilanti Commercial appearsto be an out and out democratie sheet uinceelection, as it really was previous. Perhaps Bro. Pattison wants a postofflce. - Saline Observer. Mrs. Mary A. Terry, formerly Miss Hatch.of Webester, died at Juuction City, Kansas, D-'C 31st. Dt-ceased was born in Webster 31 years ajfo.and had many warm friends there. The fblta of Michigan has between the ages of five and twenty, 560,630 children. The Hinoiiiit of scliool money is $720,812.33. Waehtenaw county ha's 13,022 children and entitled to $16,939 33. The followinjj offloers were elected by the gymnasium associatiin, on tlie evennij of theöth: Pies. O. C Bostwick ; vlce-pres., H. A. Williams; sec, Q. D. Crane; troas., Geo. Hijigins. - Dexter Leader. Mr. Geo. fly, of Stockbridge, and Miss Fannie L Kello}rr, of Dexter, w-re married on New Year's Day, at the home of tlie bride' pareu ts, Rev. A. B. Wooil ofticlatinjj. The same day there was a happy faniily gathering of the Kellogg family, some ot whom had notseen each otherfur m;i ii v veil rs. luany yeuis. The sult of J. M. Oroutt sgainst A. B. Smithof the Milau Leader, forslander on the Bohernian out business, has bevn the great even f the week at Milan. There were nine lnwyera including Hon. A. J. Sawyer and D. Oamer, of Ann Arbor, and Cupt. Allen, of Y psilantl. Court was held in the public hall toaccommodate the crowd. And the snit endad by the jury failing to ajfree. The following offlcers of Huron lodge, I. O. O. F., of Dexler, were inktaUed last week: N. O -Frank F. Taylor. V. Q.-J. B. Miles. K. 8.-8. L. Jenn y. P. 8.-B. J. Langdon. Treasurer- Jacob Rehni. P. N. O., R. C. Reeve, was elected Represen - tatlve to tho Grand Lodge of Mlchlgin.Leader. Reoentlycaptured: Chas. M. Cool, y acid Miss Minnie Vin Valkenburir, Dec 3Oth, of Manchester. On Dec. 31, Clarence Dixon and Miss Mary E. Lawson, all of Lodi. Dec. 31, Mortimer Yakley and Miss mira A. Covert, all of Lima." Jan. 6th, Theo. Stewart and Miss Ida M. Valdo, of Lodi. Jan. 8th, George W. Taylor of Milan, and Miss Ella E. Minsey, of Augusta. The following are the offleers of the Farmers' club, of Webster, tor the coming year: President- George Merrll. Vice-presidenU- Hon. Wra. Ball, Qoo. W. Phelps, Km. Ree Bcc- Min Marv Stark. 8ec -R. H. 8cadln. Treasurer- Win. Westoa. The club ha reached a meinbership of 27, and still others are coming. Chelsea HeralJ : The followinjr are the recently elecled offleers of R. P. Caipenter post No. 41, O. A. R., at tbta place : Commander- A.. N. Morton. H. V. CL- I. K. Harrlnglon. J. V C- James Arme. O. of D.- Jotin Wnltrous. Chaplalii- w. D. Hairlngton. Huigtion - K. Hammond. Q,. M.- G. J.Crowell. O. of O.- A. Sleger. Q M. 8.- A. W. Chapman. 8. M.- H. F. tlilbert During the year endlnjr Dec. 31, 1884, there was mailed at the Chelsea postoffice the followiiifr : 62,350 domeHie letteis, 730 loreign letters, 14,197 drop letters and newgpaperf. 19,500 postal cards, and p;ickages to tlieamountof $77.20. There were iilso Iwaed, 731 money orders cullinx for $7,818 37 ; 1.04$ postal notes ealling for $2,457.31. 286 registered letters were Rent and 229 received. 207 registered letters thiough the office. Questlons amwered . - Heiald. The Ypsilantl ÏAght Guard, attheirannual electlon, held last week Wcdnesdny, chose the followinft civil offloers: President- J. H. Manning. President- M. ForeiiBon Hfcretarv- Wlil J Hyzer. Fin. 8ec- O. I. Rogers. Treasurer- T. W. McAndrew. Trustee- O. I. Rogéis, L. K. Chlld, Clinton Chamberlaln. Hall agent- W. D. Thorn. HeaiiteanU- W. J. Hyier, E. Robtoy, Cha. NortoD, WUllam Meauwell and Harry 81mondx. Oorporalii- W. D. Thorn, Clinton ('hainberlaln, John Qeoghan, Bert Lumbert.