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I MICHIGAN ClIïMi The JJiagara Falls (Route. Ostral Miaudiird Time. N,,v. N, 1884. KA8TWAKD. ti tí i ! station. HLi " =ï . _l a J !-' - Ï Ï-? s 41?l_iíf íí a . i. . r.M ¦ P-. '¦ M -m. ChloaEO .I.v. 645 55 4 16 4 20 40 1080 Tw'tyser. St. 6 57 9 07 4 i5 4 32 8 R .0 42 7 86 SM5 4M) I 25 1IÏ0 llmniud.... 747 ÍS--' " w Tnllcalon .. 8 04 5. A M Lake u 13 10 43 ti 06 10 03 I í 0 Michigan Cit 8 6x 1 1 0t ti U2 6 H lu 12 1 46 NewBoflálo.. "2OI1S7 7 'O.... 112 ThreeOato... 937. L-" 1, , BurbfDtn .... 1005 p. 8 "O t' M NJU-e 10 70 U W ti6 8 15 II 40 2U7 DownelHC .. . 1046 84".... 82.... u.iimo 1152 8 . .. .... p. " A-1Kammacoo... 12D3 14Ö 8 10 i 50 1 ÜU 8 85 45 al.sburg 122 i -¦ t352 703 Battle Crick.. 1 0r, 2 J8 8 47 J . 1 44 4 M 7 33 Marshall [ AJ' ,5, jos'ii'Ó; "S5 Ó 4Í '8 00 Alhlon 2 15 325 ,"ö 25 SO 825 Parma 28ti M . .. 5 tu 8 45 ja kmin 3 05 4 03 10 00 7 00 3 25 6 06 ÍIH J .cks'oJun. . IH 70S Ur.iM.Uke.... S0 7 ai 6 17 39 Francl-co 3 8K 7 32 . . . rhrlsea ... 355 747 K38I0I0 Doller 4 iO 801. (16ÏI013 Delhl Mlll... 40 H 12 .. Aun Arbor.... 4 32 S 12 10 54 8 28 4 85 7 12 10 33 YpKilanti 4 50 5 25 11 07 8 43 4 52 T .8 0 47 WayueJunc. 6 15 5 46 H 10 5 15 i 50 II 07 Wayne 51" 112 Deaiborn 5 3". .. . . 80 . . 8 06. .. Huringwella.. 566 6 5 115" 50 45 K20II letr"t'....Ar. 05 625 II 511 10(10 653 880 1146 Detroit Lv 7 I I 161.... 6 15 II 6!l St. Th..mim 11 15 3 25II 15 1005 320 YWIiand 2 03 6 0 6 15 i 6 5' PhIIiivíkw Sl . . 16".. ....!.. 22 38 165 6 25 Sukii. Kridve ¦ 2 4 6 511 .... 2 15 tt-W ff-ilo 3 40 7 50 6 25 3 10 7 35 .... WK-T ' Altl. Á H i fl 1 . j i ÍTATIOK8. I S. á 2t tS ' 1 Lili. 11. J_l IF.M. P.M. A.M. ... A.M. A.H Baflilto 8 40 USO 5 6 15 II 30 ... 8nrp. Brldgc . ! 8 4( 12 5 7 80 r 2.'i Niarara FaluliOOl 12 46 7 4b I2 Kalln Vlew 755 25 .... Weiland 1025 106 8 14 '.85 la Si.Thomao.... 150 8 5-1110 .. 1140 4 36 Detroit... Ar I 6 0U 7 50 2 45 hm. i-.m 8 :i0 I A.M. A M. P M Detroit.... I.v. i n3U 0 4 UO 600 "00 IMiO 8urln?ivell8 I" W 1 1 12 RIO 910 Uoariiorn .... 6 57 4 24 ti 27 8Ï5 Woyn 7 13 h4i... WayneJunc. 7 15 9 38 4 38 6 44 8 40 8 40 Ypallanti .... 7 - 57 4 68 T 07 03 10 02 An.i ArW. .. OU 1U la SW 7 -3 OÏUIUlK Ilelhl Mills 8 12 . . H3I D.-XUT 823 53ll 743 9 3; ('hi-lm-a 81 5 4í 8 01' 95 FranclBCo.... 8 55 .. . 8 15 10 10 GiaMtake. 9 04 p.m. 607 8 ai Jaclca'n June '¦ 27 ........ i 4 10 28 Jackon 38 1130 6 50 8 50 1(13.1155 Paima l"0l . 7 ir. ; 1100. ...... Albion lUXtHM 73 g 1121241 M"hal'"f L 19 41. 145 807 ft'lUS 107Ü!!; Battle Creek.. 11 IS 10 84 "512 1 14-'... Oaleebnrs;.... 11 45 ... -.0 12 4 Kalamazoo... li i 145 4t. 4 45 1 u7 i 27 p.m Mattawan.... 11 i0 5 10+185 Lawion 12 88 5 18 1 5 Uowagiac 1 15 . . . R 58 U 32 Nile 2011 3 10 640 3'H 405 Buchanan.... 2 14 li 53 3 15 ThreeOiks.. 2 40 7 21 8 fi ... New liufl'nlo.. 2 5-JJ4 01 T3i 4 12 ... Muhigui.Clly 323 47 .... 8 8 4 . 6 18. Lake 407 525 8611 5 37 6 07. Tollexton .... 4 1 O5t55 Hammond... 4 37 9 27 l 20 Kenoinifton.. 4M 6 00 9 45 H 0 7 OS . Tw'ty-sec. st. 5 33 6 38 10.3 7 18 7 43 .. Chicago.. .Ar. 645 USO) .. . 10 85 7 8 755 t Stops ouly to let . ff passen;, ra. í Stops only on penale. O. W. KUGOLS8, n. W. HAYKS. Q. P. &T. Ageut Ai;t.. Aim Atbor. Cblcago. Detroit, Macklnac & Nnrquette K. U. JLLT 37, 1884. Over 300 Miles Shoi ter tlian any otlier Line to all Points East. WtST. KTATION8 KAST. 6 „1 1 H. A. M. ¦ p. M A M. 8 00 6 53 Marquette 2 30 7 00 1 5 3 05 Seney. 6 40 11 50 12 45 2 28 McMillan 6 10 PÍ2 45 12 : 1 4Dollarville. k8 1 22 12 m 1 40 Newberry. 6 33 1 4,5 A. M. p. M 9 i 11 22 Palms. 8 00 4 45 7 35 10 10 L.St.lgnace. a 8 50 R 06 Trains run by Central Standard Time. D. McCOOL. F. MILLIOAN. Oen'l Sup't. Qen'l Krt 4 Pass. Agt Marquetle, Mich. Marquette, Mlch. A FINE SUITE OF Booms fop Olees OVER THE NEW POST-OFFICE. SÜPPL1ED WITH WATER AND 8TEAM. Those recently occupled by Dr. Wilson can now be rented by lnqulrlngat the CX)URIER OFFICE. OPIÜJOABIT! lufftren tram tl.ii ptrnieioui habit will do well to tíU (o DR. AKSJt, of U,l.,7, Wh, wh hu a w.,,1,1 w.J, repul.ti.i, !,., th cue he hs mtJe duting th put ter )fr. Th miin mts to ba coniuiunictd mre the [T.-viit state ol hollh( lent-th uM, nd ptrcot unount of dr-if ul pr Mwt. Sn. rtam I-ctmrnt í.ín de.irM. Sr-A U„ ti.timonljj Irom Iwdiiic physic.uu anj repreuutiT u;L-a and woiueo cured. U.S.STANDARa Q JJ JONES 5??ü..?LaleL UJ ' n Iteaiti ir Bun Box BWGHAMTON S6O an(f JUÍ.MI,.,.. nl.wHhl-t,,, ,„. Pnc Llt mtutl n il n i,.,-, , ,i i , . 'a""ii)'inFBiaHMTB, lllf more moiu') tliun iitanytliiccelpe bi tak V1 I II '"K au aeucy lor tbe bent seMuK l.ook I III onl' ""K"11'" puccetd fttandly. N.ine .. a Lï ; Term8 "¦ Uallett Book Co., .¦rtlutitl, Malne. Estáte of Naney W heder. lTATS Oí MICHIGAN, County oí Walitenaw. At a seagioD ol the Probate Court for the Connty ol W jBhtenaw, holdeo at ilie Probate Office in the city or Ano Arbor, on Thursday, the eli;hth day ol January In tlie year thou.and eiglit hundred aiid eiíhty-ttve. Praatat, William U. Harriman Judue ol Probate. ' In the matter of the eetate of Nancy Whecler decea-ed. On rcadin and fllinffihe petitton, duly verlfled, of Calvin Bllus, prayine ihat a certaln lnntrament n.iwonflle m iht coart I porti n{ t. bo ihe Innt wlll and testatneut ..f iaid ' deceaeed, may be adm ted to probate, aud that he ' may be apuolnted rzucator Ihereof I l'hereuuon it is ordered, that Monday, the ntnth 1 day .f Febroary next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be asslgned for the hearlnit of sald c petiüon, and that the devleees, legateei, and ' Oilratlawolalddeeased,aud all .ulier peroij I mierested Id aaid eute, are requlred to appear 1 jt a aeaaion of ald conrt, then to be holden ut the Probate Office, in the city of nn Arbor, and huw :anae, lf any there be, whvj the prayer of the I ?etitloner ahoald not be eranted. I Aud it it further ordered, thai (.ald petltioner elve loiice to the pernonn iutenvtrti in aid eetate, ot the jondency of raid pitlilon, and the hearing thereof, 1 iycauslUK a copy of this order to be publiehed in c he Ann Arbor (Jourier, newrpaper prlnted and :irculatlng in aaid county, three aucceexlve week ¦ )revloutoaidday olhearlnc. A trae copy. p WILLIAM D. HAKHIMaN, 0 WM. O. DOTY, Probate Regiíief"" lí!í3A " i t SUBSCRIBE for the COÜRIEB. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News