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BUSINESS CARDS. W. II. J A V KSO , X!Eü... image
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BUSINESS CARDS. W. II. J A V KSO , X!EülJa"ilT!ll!lSliTlL OFFICK : Ovar Bachs Abol's Dry Ooods Store. KxTRANCB BT FlRtT N4TIONH. BiNK. GEItMAN CI-ASSES by Fmll Baar, formerly teacher of Oerman in the Aun Albur High school. Beglnn ng Rii.l Hilvmic-d cnnverwilloniil clasgett wlll be arrniel ahove -hwlian & Con boofc store on Slate Street Sltiinoli Sieen's " litdi n mul Pliiudereien" wlll be nseil f.r conversattun. Knrgraiiiiniir elHsses any urmiiniur tbe denl deslíes, miulern limKOHges ure soon i geinen I! not practlced. Keinember the zreat i advanliiu'e ot 'knowing (ierman In btialnrsi ln.Tuiy puruiu. Beninu ng tbe 12th f January. Ileiereni-eti: Dr. Henry F. Frleze, Dr. Alexander Winchell Wiiller, I'rof ElUba Junes, Hupl. W.S Perry Kor eaxy lemiK enqulre of Messrs. Sheehnn 4 Co., Olus 4-, l'o , or adilress FKOK EMIL'HAÜR, City. W1LLIAH II E HZ, House, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! I'aperlue, GltzliR, CÜldii.R, nd Calcimlnlng, t.d work 01 every aaKcrluttOM done in the beat tyle. aud warranied io give atifactl'n. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. C. V II I Kl.ltl.l . Residbnci 57 SoüTn Mm St., Tkacbib or Piano, Violin and Thsory of Music. nTSTüUCTioiira Olven ou Plan of ihe Koyal Conservatory uf Mailr at Leipsic, Saxony. WW & A C. Milioi.v New Dental Room;, over Joe T. Jacob's Store GAS or VITILIZED AIR AmWilnterad for Itae lialnleee rxtractlon "f leelh. JOSEPM itlliltt, The Praotlcal TA1LÜR AftD IUTTER, Of the late 4rm of W1NANS BKRRY, han loented In place of buinen at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A FULL UNE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And wonld say to htn old frlends and hpw onen that if they m a(O(jI) FIT and a NOBBY PIT at RExSoNAHLS PKIOES, cali on talm and they will be cure lu get one. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S mtinjiow AND Flour and Feed Store. We kep coriFtantly on h ind, BREAD, CBACKEas, CAKES, ETC, Por and Retall Tr .de. Wu -hall ali keep a papply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! ¦ -! Il i FlOlir, Itjr I lour. Buvkwlioat Flour, Corn Itlvnl, l-'ced, Etc, At Wholesale nd Ketall. A general tock of GROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Constatitly on hand, whlch wil] be sold on as reauia)t terms as at any other hou-e tn 'o" cit . f'ah prd for BUTTIR, ROG , and COCNTKY PRODOCtt geneially ioo ik d livoud to auy part of the cuy wlihuat exiru cbare. UIXStï SEABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News