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A roLmcAL pearl frotn the Birmingliam (Ala.) Age. Read it : " The negro 8 not flt, a yet, for self-government, and it is not in the nature of things to suppose that any community in tlie south will willingly surrender its government into hU hands. The south would, rather than do this, gladly surrender the additional representación lt has acquired through the enfranchlscment of the negro." The N'ational Grange and the American Agricultural Congress have eat:h endorsed a National Agricultural and Live stock exhibition al Louisville, Ky., in the ner future. Such au ezhibit would doubtless be of great benefit to the farmers and livestock breeders, and in fact to all the people of the nation, for upoii the success of those two classes depends miich of the substantials of life. It wouldu't hurt congress in the estimation of the people to give the enterprise a helping hand. Nokthïrn democrats profess to be nearly paralyzed over the revelation that the South stands on too by a large mnjorlty, n the councils of Cleveland and their party. They have been warned often enough, but would not listen. Now, that the horse has been stolen, some of them begin to talk about locking the barn door. Too late! too late! "Possibly no state In the West bassin im the po81tion in the woilu of letters enjoyed by Michigan, and tliis fume ia surely due to the presence witbin bei borders of the Ann Arbor University. Governor Alger appeals to the legislatme for the small gum ot $23,200 for running expenses, and advises that as much more money be applied to the repair of the buildings. Ho amount of cash which the state could invest would in the end make a return so great as this. The old maxin of the shaving cups ran: ' Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee.' So one ma; ay to Michigan: 'Keep thy university and in scholastic renown thy university wil] keep thee '."-Chicago Current. It is with pleasure that we notice the appointmen t by the Qovernor of Will iam McPherson, of Howell, as railioad cora inlssioncr ; and it is also with equal pleas ure that we learn that he retains Majo W. C. Ransom as his deputy. He is the son of Epaphroditus Ransom, 011e of ou early governors, and probably he has as thorough a knowledge of the complex railroad system of this state is any one living. This is evinced by the rcports and mapa of his department compiled by him during the last four years, in which he has been engaged in the duties he will continue to fill. Another thing the legislature would be wlse in doing; that is, make a saloon keeper ineligible to the office of justice of the peace. Such a law would greatly assist the authorltie8 of our larger cities in enforcing the laws already upon the statute books. The idea of a man dispensing whisky and justice frorn the saine bar, as is of'ten done, is repugnant to an Amcrican's sen se of right and decency. If the legislature does what the people demand of thein this winter, they will submit the prohibitory amendment to the constltntion ; abolish the office of comml88ioner of inunigration ; abolish the office of swamp land commissioner; and be very cautious about e:-.acting new laws. There are too many on the btatute books already. Samuel J. Ranüall has developed an unexpected bump of good sense. The telegraph reports him as favoring tlie Edmunds' bilí which places Gen. Grant on ttieretlred list. Gen. Grant's services to this nation have been such tliat he should be cared for and well cared for. How any patriot can oppose t lie bilí, it is difflcult to uaderstand. The Adrián Record, regardlessof trutli, i states tlat " Ann Albor lias -10 saloons." ¦ A íuit for slander thould be commenced at once. The correct nuniber is 30, my deer. Recent heavy frosts have killed the peaclies - so they say. The Ann Arbor K. T.'s expect to muster forty swords on their Jaekson vinit Friday evening. Miss Morish havlng mlgneü her place in the high school, MUs Iludió Ailes has been appointed to fill the vacancy. A liurnlngcliimney in Mrs. Devaney's house, on E. Ann st., made things livcly there for a few minutes, Saturday. The Dexter Leader remarkg : " The Ann Arbor Cocribk has entered uion iu 2lth year. The paper is improving." Tha Ann Arbor polo club playcd a game with the Plymouth club at the latter place Wednesday evening of last week, and caine off victorious, taking four goal. A friend of ours, not Capt. Allen, either, Bays that the word love iu one of the Jnilian dialects is ''chemlendamoughkunagogeger." How the poor Indians must suffer when they are in chemlendamoughkunagogeger ! ! Talking about old people reininds ua that there is in tliis city n centenarkm. His name is John O'Ncil, and lic is 106 years of age, according to the chnstening record in thechurch where lie formerly lived in Ireland. The Hamburg correspondent of the South Lyoi.s Excelsior gets ort" this sort of a story : "Last Friday night the Detroit electric lights were plainly seeu trom (hls place, while those of Ann Arbor looked like the risiug of the iiioon on a clear aud frosty night." The Courier teil of a tramp couplc who pluyeil on Hupt. Davis's generoslty unnl he gave the woiuun u ticket to Detroit. They lli n visited Ypsi., wheu 'Supt. Brown" gave a Uke Deneflt. Tliereupoii bot rcxlu luto the metrupulls. It niay be so, bul who Is öupt. Hrowu.- Ypsllaulian. An Ypsilantian who couldn't answer tli-it dUCst inn must bo lin.t.n Hroi-il ÍS Greene, of course. I.nst Snturday moniiug ut uboiit 1 o'olotk, the heavens were bcaiuitully ïijiiaeil up ty a meteor passing over this city. lts course was from northeast to southwest, and the illumination lasted for several seconds. Those whosaw it sav t was a beauliful sight. Undcr the present law chUdran under three years of age can not be received at the state public school at Coldwater, and the authorities there have written Simt. Davis making inquiry as to the nuuiber of children under that age at the county house. Probably seeking ïo gat an ainendment to the law. An exchange makes a good suggestion in urging increased library facilities for our common schools. If our schools were 8upplied with good readlng matter and our youth could acquire a taste for beneficial readiug, there would be more real educütion n..oijii3ucu man nve or six years among text books. The weathcr went into the blizzard business last Friday night and Saturday with a viru. It suowed and it blowed, it blew aud it frizzed, it ronretl and it ruehed. Saturday the snow bauks on the west side of Main street were tive and six feet high in places. The thermometer - u-g-h ! b-u-o-z-z ! We can't speak of it. Myron Still, who celebrated his return to Ann Arbor af ter his release from the house of correction by snatching his little babe from the arms of its mother aml making off with it, an account of whlcli was given in the Courikr three weeks ago, was caught last Thursday, and brought back. He was Uown near the Indiana state line, with the babe in his arms. He was returned to iail. and tlie MI lll.. A1C T US M HIUll.K LI'J.lll, .11111 Ul! to its tnotlier, who was iiearly frantic over its loss. Last Friday was a bad day for Henry Mahaley, a colored man, whose home is in Ypsilanll, but who has been at woik for Wm. H. Rice, a farmer living a few miles east of here, in Arm Arbor town, since last March. Mahaley started for Ann Arbor with a load of green wood, and whlle comiug down wiiat is knowii as "the Green hill," on the Olazier road, the horses becaine umnanageable and starttd to run. Mahaley, who was walking by the side of the wagon, was jerked under the vehicle, and one of the wheels passed over his left leg, below the knee, crushing the bones the width of the tire, in sueh a Bnmvr umi il 13 iiiuuguioun„rf liall be necessary. The team ran to Geo. Orcutt's place before being caught, but escaped uainjured.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News