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One of the Brlghtest Charas Of a fair fiice is a fine set of teeth. The ladids being fnlly ulive to this fact, patronize SOZODOÑT In preference to any otlier dcntririrc, shico tliey know by experience that t preserves like no other the pristine whitencss ind cleanliness of the tt-eth, and makes a naturiilly sweet breatli additionally fraffraiit. It is one of the privilege! of the beaux sex to look lovely and tluü proportion of it which uses SOZODONT, lias learned that the article contiibute la do small dcjtree to the end in view. All druggists sell it. Ir m 1229-1232. Faith In God hallows and coiiflrms the nnion between parents and childreD. The removal of Prof. San bom of 'S. H. after bellig protiounced incurable by a score of physicians, frota Las Vegas, N. M. to hls home, was effected by admlnistering Dr. Hartei's Iron Tonic, which has re stored him to his fonner good health. Some lemarkable cuies of deafness are recoided of Dr. Thom ih's Electric Oll. Never fails to cure earnche. The higheBt exeicise of charity is charty lo the undmritable. Free Distribution. " What causes the preat rush at Eberbaeh & Son's drug store?" The free distrlbntlon of temple bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and LuneSyrup, the most popular reoMdjr for Coujjhs, Colcis, Consumption. and liionchitls, now on the market. Regular size 50 cents and f 1.00. "Mother Swan'a Worm Sjrnp." Inlnlliblc, tMteleM, harniless. cathartio, for feverishuess, restlessness, woinis, constipation. 25c.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News