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Klas her gently, hut be sly, Kipp ber when there'a do oue by ; Snal jour ktspFs, for then 'lis meetest ; Stolen kix-f are tne awceteat. Literary notea on 4th page. Siiow 13J-Í on the level. And nnotüer cokl wave coming ! U-g-h! Great shadcs of anthracite ! See corrtcted time tnble of the T., A. A. ft N. M. I!. K. in ts :ippropriate place. Stephen Hutchinson lias been appointed dcputy slurilV ;it ïpslUnti, bi' Sheriff Walsh. Dr. Hall has removed his office, corner Washington and Fifth sts., to the corner opposite. The Knights Templar, in preparation for going to Jackson on Fiiday eveninfr, meet tor drill to-night. The Atlrian Record says: "The Ann Arbor Coi'rier euters upon its twentyfifth year. Long miy she live." ' R. M. Xowland, of thig place, has been over to Laiinjr and pnrchmj of Turner & Hndson a rïne Berkshire boar to head herJ. A large number of name have been sent in limi this county for oommissions as iiotuiu8. Don't forget that uow's your time. The thermometer at the observatory registered 13' bclow zero Monday morning. Piivatc thermometers ran all the way trom 18 to 21 below. "The supervisors have not adopted C. A. M iiiifrt-.-on's ]laiis for a jai 1," f raiiticallyaffiirns "a usuully accurate and esteemed, etc, etc." Who said they had? Qeorge Muisden, a gar.lner of this city, about to sail for Ëngland, his old home, savs he oncu owned $1.500 worth of ftock in the Great Eastern, which he sold for $525. There have been 440 students enrolled in the High Schuol to date, two les than last year. The average enrollment is ten less and the average attendance ten more than lust year. It is hintvd In politica! circles that the next repuuliean caudidate for mayor will be one of the popular young merchante of the city, and it is thought that he will be Able to get there. Chauncey H. Milien has been the agent of the Home Iusurance Co., of New York, for thirty-five years and has issued 4,529 policies for it. Tliat is a pretty good record of continuous service. Michael Steeb, having purchased of Mrs. Ziegler her house and lots on Washington street, corner of Second, just west of Hangsterfer's, contemplate the erection of three brick stores upon the same the coming season.
Those who dellght in speeding their equines on State street were engaged Monday in leveling the snow banks thereon, by having a fallen tree dragged trom one end of the " race course " to the other end thereof. Dr. A. Dell, of Anii Arbor, U secretary of the State Veterinaiy Medical Association, and announccs the third annual meeting to be held at the Hibbard house, Jackson, Tuesday, Feb. :d. Railroads will give reduced rates. One trip down town of an eyening will answer the query, if one there niay be, "from whence are the inmates of our prisons, slums and houses of vice recruited ?" The anxious parent may well ask: "Wliere is my boy to-night?"- and girl alto. Mrs. II. E. Church, corner Second and Cathmïne sta., bas been engaged on some very fine Kensington painting recently, the designs beiug original. She Ims painted a nnmber of scaifs, banneretts, etc., for different Iadie9 tliat are works of real hhtii. There is to be a joint debate at the G. A. R. post Friday evening, Feb. 13th, the subject being whether Oen. O. O. Howard and the soldiers under bis command did their duty at the battle of Chancellor8vilie. To which all old soldiers will be admitted. When you are aked to slgn a petition for the reduotion of taxes, or restoration of the duty on wool, or anything else, don't do it, unless you know the man, for a gang ot sharpers is traveling ab'ut the country, and the3e signatures tuin out to be at the botlom of notes at last. The Centerville Republican gives us this kindly notice : "Lust week's Issue of The Ann Arbor üouriek was the initial number of iLs twenty-ft.urth year The Col-riek is one of our brightest and best exchanges. Mr. Junius i. IJeal, its editor, is a pushing and live worker and he makes a paper that Ann Arbor should be proud of.'' The riymouth end of the Wayne Ounty Review has this to say for tbe Plymouth polo boys : The Ann Arbor pololats carne OTer In a bn on edneday niijlit but notwlthstandlng their rlde In the bitter cold, were llvely nough to lay out ihe Plymouth team wllli tnreesli-Hlglit gnlH In n game al the roller rlnk Our boys ure well nlifh dlni-cuiraKml and Ihelr only plalnt Ih, " Wljy, we could not play enough to inuke It lnterentlngfor them." Cheer up, bo.VH. wlih careful training and plenty of pracilce you are ure to Bucceed eventually. lt Is always darket Just before the dawn. Rev. Fr. John Carey died at the home of his uncle, Peter Cary, in the 4th ward, Sunday last, aged 23 years, 6 mos. HU funeral will be held here to-morrow. Deceased was onn of the promising young men of the Catholic church, and had ¦ led us private secretary for Rt. Rev. Nhop Borgess last sumraer. HU death wan caused from lung trouble, froin which ie had been 111 several months. One Ii u ml red nd eighteen people were buried in Forest Hill Cemetery last year. R. E. Frezer is said to have received 17.000 for hU services in the Croiich niurder trial. John Wotzke is to opeo a etislom shoe shop in the old Weitbrecht store, on S. Main st. By exercising a little ingenuity jou can catch cold enough in live minutes to last all winter. If you have cactuses among your house I. hmts, read the true story about tliein on the first page. Davy Toban, whosc mWortune e noted last week, vvill bc taken care of at the county house. Thermometer on Monday morning 18 below zero la the 6tli ward, and 22 at Cornwell'8 mills. Henry Krause has sold out his boot, Nlioe and 1 cal her business to his son Samuel, who will carry it on hcreafter. Drs. Herdman and Jackson were reelected elders for three years in the Presbyterian church last Thursday evening. The flrst ward is very proud of its new snow plow which did such excellent work on the sidewalkB last Saturday mornin. Sarah A., wife of Eli Moore, died Jan. 13th, in this city, of tumor, aged 38 years. Eemains taken to Uuiou City for interment. The man who deals with a peddler when there are live, wide awake merchanu close by, shouldn't coraplain if he does get bit. Chas. W. Taylor, of Xorthfield, died Sunday last, aged 73 years, and will be buried to day. He had Iived in Northfield 50 rears. Will the chap out west rise and explain how long that thermometer was, from whlch he learned that the mercury liad gone down to 51 below zero. Christian Schmidt, of TptlUtntl town, kii insane patiënt, will have bis hearing in the probate court to-morrow. He bas been an ininate of the Kalamazoo asylum before. The entire alphabet is found in these four Unes: God give the graiine ox hla met. He quickjy heara the aheep'a low cry ; Bui man, wbo waste hts fineat wüeat Si-oold joy to lift hia high. John Smith, of Council Bluffs, lowa, was married to Miss Mary Stabler, Wednesday evening last, at the residence of the bride's parenu, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. 8table r, of Ann Arbor town. The Adrián I'ress publlshes a copy of a democratie ticket that one of its readers voted 32 years ago, and upon it we notice the following : " For circuit court commissioner, Thomas M. Cooley." Jere. Walh was married Wednesdny mornihg at 9:30 o'clock, at St. Thomas' church, to Miss Isadora Maloney, of this city, Rev. Fr. Flerele, offlciatlng. Jere. will go on the farm to live with his bride. Mr. Starks, keeper of the cemetery bas an ahnanac dated 1780, which he found in a deserted house in Virginia during the war. It has a very ancien t look, but some writing in it has been preserved remarkabiy well. It would take but a little time for those preparing articles for the press to underscore the letter u, and it would save the couipositors much trouble and newspapers many errors, especially in the case of proper names. The senate committees not buing announced last week when we went to press, we could not give Senator Kemprs a9signments. He is chairman of the committee on Fisheries, and the Northern Asylum for the Insane; also amemberof the Committee on Labor, Mines and Minerals, and Roads and Bridge. Pretty fair ia3r out for a new man. me enunciators or cali bells put in tlie court house, running from tlie clerk's office to the other offices of the building cost the county $45. The workman who put them in understood liis business, and has run the wires around the rooms In a neat marmer. The clerk will be saved many steps in the capacity of au errand boy for the telephone now. II. M. Roys, forraerly of this city, son of A. H. Roys, and son-inlaw of D. 8. Millen, has purchased the Farwell Register, and launches out on to the sea of journalism with a tirm hand, and a head well fllled with good comraon sense. May he succeed. In a recent fire at Farwell Mr. Roys had the misfortune to lose about l,000 on stock in the drug store that he owned, but it was covered by insurance. At a meeting of the superintendent of poor Tuesday, the board was organized by the election of D. B. Greene, president, and L. Davis, secretary. Dr. C. O. Darling, of Ann Arbor, being the lowest bidder, was reappointtd county physician for the year. John S. McDowell, was renppointed overseer, and Mrs. McDowell matron of the county house. The number of inmutes of the county house is 04, Inciuding the insane. Mre. Sunderland will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian church Dext Sunday inoniing and evening. The morning service will be commemorative of two former members of the church, recently de ceased, Mr. A. McReynolds, for many jeara a well-known citizen ot Ann Arbor, and Miss Fannie Wassall, a member of the literary departraent of the University in '81-82. Evening subject, ' The secret and the criterion of a successful lile." Anthony McReynolds, who lived in Ann Arbor about four years ago, died at his home In Cleveland, Ohio, last Saturday morning. He was born in the north of Ireland in 1804, was educated for the ministry and preached for several years in the Presbyterian faith. Lter on in lire he united with the Unitarian church. He left a will bequeathing all of his property- gome $10,000 it is estimated- to a Mrs Richmond, at whore house he was residing at the time of hu death. A singular circumstance is the fact that on Saturday morning two of his Ann Arbor friends each received a letter from hiin bidding them good-bye, and stating he would he cold in death when they received his letter. His death resulted from natural causes, however. It is with much regret that we have to chronicle the death of Mrs. Edward E. Appleton, formerly Miss Ellen Sill, of Dexter. She died at her home in Detroit, on Friday, the 16th, of typhoid pneumonia, after only a wnek's ïllnees, aged 41 i years. Her remains were brought to the home of her brother, George S. Sill, in I Dexter, Saturday, and services were held Monday from the M. E. church, Rev. J. i C. Wortley, of Wayne, preaching the 1 funeral discourse. Mrs. Appleton's death i vas a shock to the people of Dexter, ' unong whom she was born and grew to i womanhood, and who held her ia the 1 highest esteem. She leaves a husband to i mourn the loss of a faithful and i :lonate wife, and one child, to miss the ' :ender care of a kind and loving mother. '