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i tho Indy who hr cosmetlc,faoe lotion, ...

i tho Indy who hr cosmetlc,faoe lotion, ... image
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i tho Indy who hr cosmetlc,faoe lotion, white lead, bismiith, powders, BlWWa, etc., in tlie belief of-nrcliiníaiid beautl(ying ilie complexión, ll la ltt témporary and ultim:it!y.t.'-l in Iteyond the power of natoie tprfertom. Slop il! j Stop now and u-c only Dr. llurlci's I ron Tonlcwhicli lite rigor itnd lovellnewi of yoilth. Fultta muy ií.ho luto mlracle of mi.nlit: I and íaitli nia riuk uto credtdities of weaknew. llon't Die in the House. "Roughon Kat-.'" ( lciiirtdiit rats, mice, roachei, bod-bugs, flle, un, mole, Himuuks, gopher-. lr('. T(lerutom:iiiil fathlnn of men changa liku leavex on tlie bougli, mme of wliirh jfo and other come. Dr. lïosanko. Tliis name bas Uecorae 0 fiMnilhir witli the mosi of people fhrouirlioiit the (Joitetl i States tlmt it is iiHi-dly necrteury go stüte that he is the oHgiiwwwof the ureiit Dr. ISoHuoku Cnugli imd Luns? Syrup, peo1 ple'B fitvoritc lemedy, rhererer knowiv, for Cin{lis, Colds. Öonauinptfon Hiid all affertionxof TliiOülHiid LnngS, I'rioBO oento n4 $1 0. Sold by & ¦ Son, dnigglsto. i j Xatural abiliiy without ednentlua hdi ottener isiwil men to jitory ;nnl vil mu. thmi edncatlun without naiuinlaiUlty. "Uougrli on Ka!." Clear out rata, mico, ronchen, tlies, Hiits, bed-buga, skunks. chlpUunka, gopbera, 15c. Urugyitfts. As to matterH of èrem, I would recommend one liever (o be tii-l Ui the fa-liion, nor the laat out of it. - I. V h y. Health l bclturtlmn wcalth. bat ealth will bHnf bcalth to . 1 HUlTrrers fmmdiseaiM of the khlney. llrerand artnitry orgaua, f it la expended In judicioiisainounts for the old reliable Hunt's [Kidni y and Urer] Kemf.dy. irop-y, KhcamatUm and Brijfbt's Discasc are Immedlately ielii'Vfd by Ita use. If dre? hi.ies dcformitit-s, it bides beauties alo; a vvell foimed iiian I i-astly known. but generally there is gutplcluu siwini a troman, Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Benewer" restore bealth and vijror, rures Dyapepaia, linpotance, hcxual Uebility. fl. It Ih agreatart in theeducatlonof youtb to flnd out peenÜNr aptitudes, or wlu-rr none -xist, to créate iHcMnationK whicll iiihv -erve a substituten. "tliiii!f Made in Yaiu. ( ure told that nothing was made n vain ; hut what oan be sald of the f.isbionuhlo uii l of Uia ii't Uid i [aulj ihjG niaiden Viiin? Hood's SurMparilla is mad In Lfnvell, Mass., where tbere are more bot tles of it sold than of any other SHfaapitrilla or blood puriller. And it is never taken in vain. It purities the blood, strengthens the system, and gret new life and vigor to the entire body. 100 iloses SI. LOVC is blind - e-pwialh' if tlic gfirl i lich. "Bik luipaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and L'rinary Diteaae.f. $}. Druggtat. The best education In the tvorld I tl a" got by sting'gtirtjf to g-et a Y.T Bg. The Burdock plant is one of the bet diureticK or kidney rexulnton. Bardnck Blood Bitters is unsurpassed in all distase of the kidney, livcr and blood. liiiin,s Locáis. We aie sellinff finest water white oil at 12c per g ilion. The brst Lcgxl TvhI al 0c pfcr gallon. Shall heren ft er retail botb kind- at the relative ditfi-renci' in cost. Dean & Co. 44 M.iin Street, South. f Une iliem once and yn fi I 1 II F! I 0 SOD.l will use theiu again. Ol ANII -I t ïuai antee them to UüLWnU 0 AND bethel)t..ut.em„r Siiaraïss 1-kft or niuni-y.reranded THE INTER "OCtAW. In 188S Thk Intkk Ockan enters upon the fourteetth year uf ita exisu-nce. Ulven ' su;tl' by the poople in lis t'Hrly Inys li luis sieadl '_v irown Ui favor nntli Uil : day. whin i he publishers ake prlde In the lucí thai the paper gort lnto laore Uoiiifs unl hns a yrejut-r iiuiiiii.T ot randera Itiuii uny pulillcation wem of the Allt-Khenns From tlie bt)i)nnini I fw-: i.ntkk i icka hns stuoü firmly by tbn principies ol lile Kcpablican pariy. unil ban, in rMion uiu] oui of M-ason, ooulaniled rur ¦ pruieotion ia Amerl nni liulusiiy." It d'ns nul Kree wltü lite idrathat llieinisHlouof the Uepunllcuii party Ih flnlstietl ; O'i the coniiaiy. It beheves (hui pmiljed by advernlty, It will iu tho near 111turu agaln riselo tlie iji-h.r planesof thought mul ui-nou and bu compleiely rehtored to uie couñdencu of tlie Aiaertcun pt-oplw Tho ra st Important agencies In luvompllshitig lliis icsult wl 1 be Ke. ubllcuu lourüals. II a FeiiaUU?, ntttticlt I ti i utilU-uu ii. ut..inr wwa lrupoitanl wlien the Rt-publica i pariy was in power, ii Is doubl.v so now tliat tne i raey control tlie National Uuvemmeiu. Tui Itkb Uckan will in ihe future as in the past be ihe medium through wlilihthe hent llnpnbllc in thougnt will b n vm to the people. Il will volee the conviutlous of adVHiieed Kepniillcaii without being unlalr even to Bourbou Demoornt .twlii beug KrosMvHy HepublIcHii witliout being bltteny pari isan. and will give as mucli alleiillou to Ihe affiilrs of Cleveland adininihirution u It would have glven lo the Hdminilratinn ol Mr. Itiaini' liail he been elecied. Wlih an Associated Pretus fraiichlxe, with special wlres reaehlnu to New Vork and Waslilugton, wlth special corresponden ts in all Important pol u In ol Ihe couuiry. Ihk Ivtkb UCK. will ue lts Iftillliies for collectlng uews wltliool lear or lavor, and so faras govi-i i uir-ii t . I atTaliH or party muv ineiits are conceined will give a luller record thau uny ottier paper. Allóf tlieold departments will be pontlnued. I hescopt-ol tne WOM AN'.-S K I NU UU M will be wldeued so as to lake all the industrial and retorin movenient In whicll wmnen aie Interes led and eugaged. UUK CUK1ÜSITY WHor. now a tandard, will be given greaier varlety and Interest In the KA KM AND HUME and other deparline nts tlie wldest pos.slble range of toples will be discusKed. Uf original short itorlet and strialt, the very best by Ainencau and Knglish authorswiil De givt-n iiu.i,., ti, o ..... tri.ii-inii _ nu have been made lo publlsh durl k the year hort sturies y BUYKSKN. HUWKI.I. LATH KOP, and others. and a new iserlul bv the auitior of 'One Ommmtr," and to publish all tliese lu addltlou 10 the seríais by MISS BRADDUN aüd other Kngllsh a thois lu fvery departinent ot news and llterature Tt-E I tkr Ui kan will make a bfttrr record thau It ev-r hus done. TKK.VS TO MAU.SUBSCUIBKHS, POSTPAII). DAILY, includlng .Sunday. per year $li 00 DAILY, excludlng undiy, per year ... . 10 uo WEUNBHltAY'H KL.ITIUN, wllh Musical Supplement.... on SATU KDA Y'd fcUITIUN, slxteen p.Vge's' per year 2 00 SUNDAY'S ED1TIUN, s2xteen pages per year o 00 8EMI-WKEKLY EDITIÜN, puhllshed Moudty and Thursday, per vear 2 50 WKEKLY JtDITIuN, per year , ...'. 1 00 Kor the accommodation of the pntrons of the paper, the publl-her ot Thk In'kk Uceas has made gome valuable comblnations wuli the weekly editlon. viz.: Weekly ínter Ocean and National Standard Encyclopedia 8 1 60 Weekly Ínter Ocean and National Dlctlouary 1 50 Weekly Ínter Ocean and Llves óf öüï President ., 1 go Weekly Ínter Ocean and Popular 'HÍátory 01 Civil War j flo Weekly Interoceanand Iji.ü.n1 Mimual 1 3j 1 Weekly Ínter Oceau and M lliokwicat lict iimnr 1 3-ï Weekly I nter Ocean and Dictïonary of Synonvms j 3, . Weekly Ínter Ocean and Uaages of Best Socl.-ly j S5 , Weekly ínter ucean and Whnt Everyoüë Shouid Know 1 56 ( Weekly ínter Orean and Dr. Dauelaon'a Medical Adv nor 1 go ( Weekly luier Oceau and ínter Oceáü Watsh 3 5o 1 Weekly Inter Ocean and Llttl Detective Scale 300 1 Weekly In Ier Orean and Family or t unlon Scale j 05 1 Weekly Inter Ocean and Our Cuiiósity (shop 1 ijQ Weekly Inter Ooean and Q.ioil Clieer .... 1 25 i Week y ínter Ucean and Tlie Ínter Ucean Sewlug Machine _ 18 00 s Sample copies of the paper sent on appllcation o Remlttarices moy be made nt our risk elther by driill, express, posti.llh e onler or d regNiered lener, in.ney iput In anv other s wuylsHt the rllc of ine penuin sendtiiKlt Adüieu TUE INTEit UUKAN, 85 Madlton treet, Chicago. '


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