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rcifiii attempd w Wow up tome oí Bagland pabilo buildings, that oam n mar belng perfectly planned and executed, Imve oreHtad au excitement all over the elTilked world. Wliile such methods are tu be deplorad and detestcd, we are of Iba tirin coiivkiion tliat t is none of our funeral, and that wlicn Congress passes a rtsolution upon tlie subject, t is ijmply maling a blamed fooi of ltself. lt waa Ëngland hom our forefathera fouglil to gain the freedom we now posIt was England who tned to ¦whale" us again UI 1S12, and place us under lier heel even as she has Ireland to-day. It was Eiijrland tliat gave all the pountenance and aid she possibly could to the southern confederHcy in 1861-5. It was her pcople who bought confedérate l.,, ij ds, and who yet cherUh the hope to s-e thera paid ; and it was one of her ships that attempted to depopulate the north liy spreiiding yellow fover thioughOllt ouicoast cities. It was England who planned and executed the establishment of a morarchy in Mexico when Dooie Snin had Kis banda so lull that he couldn't help himsell; and it is England that to' day hatas an American feoond only to an Lrbbqun. Althoufh Eng!ad is umother country, she has luid a grudfíe against this particular offpring since 1770; and 1819 kdded to il; likewise 1861-5. WhUe recognizing the valuc of her existence in Europc, and the great aid slie ha been in extending clylHïHtlon throuphout the eartb, we still do not believe in making a fooi of oiinett over any of her misfortunes. Slie never loved us, or gyropathizöd witli as. Furthermore she is perfectly able to take care of herself. If the poor, oppressed, down-trodden people of Irelunil eau flnd any method ander the sim to ïuake England reliniliüsh its cruel grp upon their throats, in the name of humanity let tliis country keep her hands off und moutb sliut. out in 0akota, a Uttle colony of republicana comprlglng about enoiiKh voters to mnke a congreslonal district aud fignllug for adivlslou of that land of bllzzimls and Ice-burgs soas to make two Btalee, deslre admlssloii lulo the Union as a state wlth all the prlvl leges thst belong to a sta: e of the Union. It wlll be a colder dny than tlie tberemometer ban ever vet reglstered In Hiat bleak home of offlce-seekerh, and polltlciil bu romers, before democratie congress consents to adinit U lntothe Union. The prop isitlons Is one of republlcan gall, worthy of Blalnelsm in its ,,.l,.il..t r..y Hai liiiy lulril any olhor late for us, untll Hiere is populatlon sufflclentsotliat a representativo and two senators won't rob the preclnct of all lts male cltizeDSïl years of age, thus leavlng the few women who don't treeze to deatb. at the marcy of luid speculators, and Indlan agentF. L,et tüe populatlon move into some towimhip and effect a settlement before asktng for two more republicau senators. Llke Nevada, Dakota ís no good except for lerrltory.- Adrlaa Press. The above only gocs to show the conuramate li cussedness " a man may pack away in liis epidermis in the name of politics. The blizzards of Dakota are as mild zepbyrs, laden with perfumes of orange groves and baiinana peel, compare to tho wind storms of the editor of the Pres?, and her ice-burgs meU iuto the most palatable congealed cream when placed side by side with tliat same editor's irony. " The little colony of republicana " he tiilks of c:9ts more votes than either of the democratie states of South Carolina, Florida, Arkansas, and sevenij others; h:is more lntelligence than anjdemoci4Üík.stJt.ftÁi.U"i..t;yiMV :íkL&.fm$ states put togetherj and il U inucli ent itled to admlssion us n state of tlie Union a9 any etate tliat has been admitted aince tlie original thirteen colonies were first added to. The troublu is tliere are too niiiny republicans witliin its boundaries. This is a grievious fanlt, a fatal stiiuibling block in the way of Dakota's secnring her rights. Bnt let Utah, wlth Ita horde of nasty, dirty, slimv, rotten democratie polygamistsknoek at the door of the Union, and see how quiek the tone of the Press would chance, and the democratie majority In the house be urged to hug them to its bosom. A fit place, we must confess.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News