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Ayer's Pilis cure constipatioii, improye the appctite, promote digestión, restore healthy ction, and regúlate every function. Tliey irc pleasant to take, gentle in their operation, yet thoroujrh, searehing, and powerful in subduing disease. After quoting the Courieb's arMcle upon the nortiierii extensión of the Toledo ifc Aun Arbor rallroad to Durand, the Owosso Times adds: "Ve agrec with tlie Courier and disagree with the Post correspondent. OwotM want the road on the practical route - direct to South Lyoni - and has not 'nivea op hor claims tor the soutlieastern extensión.' " In Holland, Mich., C. J. Docsbury publUhestbe N"ews, anil strongly recomuiends Dr. TbomM' Boleutric Oil tor coughg, sore Mlioal, rutan h mul aslhllla. Jere. Vralsli will not live on the farm, hut has titted up rooms in town and will reside in the city. L'GHT HEALTHY BREAD BfiwVrCTPruc ISiiitAjIlitMb The best dry hop yeast In the world. Breid raisert by thl5 yeast 11 llght, white nd whol. come like our grandmother's delleloul bretd. CROCERS SELL THEM. MCPtRIO BV TMB Price Baking Powder Co., HanTrs oí ir. Fnce's Special Hamlij Eilractt, C h Icogo , III. 8t. Louis, MO TEST YOÜR BAKING_POWDER TO-DAY! BraniU advertí sed as alis(lutely puro THE TEST: I'líicp ft can top down on a hut ¦t0T untll hOatd,th rvmora Um eorar mui ¦melt. a tuwmliit win nut b ntQlUrnd to dttOt Uu pltísciice oí umiuunm. .Tíü Rí:ccr madQ DOES SOT CONTAIN AM3Ï0NIA. its IIAimnBMa has NEVER bïkk qi-wtioxed. In a mltlinn home fnr a qnarter of a century It hai dood t ii- ii'fi-.i-m-fj1 reliable tMt, THE TESTJF THE OVEM. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., makrrs or Dr. Pricc's Special Fïavoring Extracts, Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gams lur Llglit, llinllhy BrPHil, The Best Dry Hup Yea.t hl t!ic World. FOR SALE BY CROCERS. HICACO. ST. LOUIS. AfFIVllk.1 noBtetter Stome Ufld' "I ltliCartlcle for ( %C orftteB (he body aud KrT raÉh enablea the ytcm zíjb'Jri&W unnae fiitiKncjiirei . c i-nú rij 4Ê eDtp are BAfe,and ili aTOMArTfcC rrtdenilal, whfch H XiF3ci)!M! In tbe ho,irty I b M endoreeinent of por son- of evry cIebb of society, are moet convlncin;. For sale bv all rDtigglsu ftiid Dealers jeDerally. . F. HINGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, SKLL3 MIXED OANDIES AT 15 GENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick Candy for 1.1 eenta per poand ftt A. F. HANGSTERFER'S, 28 South Main Ötrect. Freuch Mixed Candles for IS cent per poiind, at A. F. HANG8TERFERS, 28 M.iin Street. Nlce Oranges only 15 rent 'per dozen, at A. F. HANGSTERFER'S at 28 Main treet. AU kinds of NUTS, F10S, DATES, RAISINS and MALAOA GRAPES, ai A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, v, o luiiiii ötreei, - inn ArDor. Á FRUIT FlilToTSALK Ten Acres ;of Land, one-half of WUich Is planted to FRUIT OF EVERY VAEIETY! bocnted In Ann Arbor Townshlp, three mlle from the city. Inqulre of A. R Hchmldt. cor of Detroit and North sts., Aim Arbor, Mioh. Ifotlce to Credltors. STATK OF MICHIGAN.County of Notfee Is hereby elven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Connty of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-elxth day of Jannary, A. D.;1886. eix niiiutha from that date were allowed for credltors to preent thelr claims against the estáte of 1 lumia!] M. Cate, late of said county, decetsed and tbüt all credltors of sald deceased are reqalred to present thelr claims to sald Probate Court, at the Probato Office, In the city of Ann Arbor.for eiamination and allowance, on or befdre the 27th dy of July next, and that sach claims wlll be heard beforesald court, on Monday, the 27th day of April and on Monday, the 'J7ih day o! July next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ii eacb of ald days. Dsted, Ann Arbor, January 27, A. D. 1885 W1LLIAM D. HARKIMAN, 1281-1284 Juds of Ptobate.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News