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aaaBSBBSSSBBBSBSSSSSBBBSatBBBssga Estáte of Kancf Wheeler. ITATÍ Of MICHIGAN, County ot Was&tenaw, J At a fednion of tbf Probate Crurt for the County Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office In the j ty ot Anti Arhor, oo Thnreday, the eli;hth rlay j .Ianuary ín th year on tlioutand Ight humlr"d id oiehtyrtva. Present, WUllain I). Harriman, f ol f'rohat. _ S Inüie m.iti.Tnt the mtute of Vani-y Whe.Oir. 3 cea-d. On readln aud nlir.ihe etttton, ily TurtHed, of Calvin BU, praylng that a irtaiii lnntruuii'iit now on tile in court iuri irlillli til hu thr last wlll HIlll tKHImOlCUl (il wild ' Ktwsed, may be admlited U prulialu, aud that he ay be apnointed rxeentor tbereof Theroupon it 1 ordered, that Monday, the ninth ay c.f Fehruary nert, at ten o'clock in tbr irenoon, be aaeigned for the hearing of sald etition, and lhat the devise. legstee, and elrn at law ol sald deceased, and allothur peruns iterestud In said ette, are reqnlred to appear t a tensión of said court, then to be holdun at the róbate Office, in the city of A nn Arhor, and ahow luwe, if any there be, whvl the prajrer oí tbc etitioner should not be granted. And It la fiirtherordun'd.that saldpetliionorglve otice to the persons tnterested in ald estáte, ol the endency of aid pi tltion, and the acariñe thereof, y causing a copy of thls order to be publisbed In _ ie Arm Arbor CourUr, a newspaper printed and irculatlng in sald connty, tbree sncceBsiTe week f tosaiddayof hearing. Atruecopy. .¦ WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN. ! Judgeof Probal. WM. O. DOT Y, Probate Kenter. U'W-Ml n Estáte of Matthew Howanl. 1 1TATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waabteuaw, Át a seaílon ol the Probate Coort for th County j I Wanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. In the . ;ity of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the twelftli j ay of .January. In the year one ttaouand elihi ( red aud eiKhty flve. Present, Wllilam D. Harrlaan. Judge ol Probate, lu the matierot the eatateof MaUhew lloward. lerraped Willard B. Bmltli, the administator of aid caíate, come into coort and represent tbat icix nuw preparod to render hl Í aal account 1 .- such adininiatrator. Thereupon It la ordered, tbat Tnwdcy, the tenth day of Kebraary next, at ten o'clock In the foreloon, be aeslgned tor examlning and allowing 1UCÍ1 account, and that the belr at lavr oí aid ( luccaaad, and all other persons interei-lcd in aid state, are reqqiredto appear at a suííiou ol ajd , ¦min then to be holden at the Probate Office, In heri'tvof Anu Arl.or, In nald county.and show ;aue, if any tbere bo, wl.y the aid account sbonld 3' And 'it Ie"fnrtber ordered', that aid admtnistrator I live noticc to the persons interestad in eald :Ute '1 the poudeney f sald account, and tlie hearing hereof, by causinp a copy of ibis order to bc pabiehed in theAiuiArbor(7oirir,anewfpaperprlnted nd circulatlng lu nid countj. three nccesniTe fftwW prertoa to naid day 01 bearine (Atruecopy.) WlLl-IAM D HAKKIMAN, Judse of l'robate. WM O. DOTY, l'robate Ketlstor. K ilute of Hanuah H. Cate. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Washteuaw. V Ata eeelon of the ProbateCourt for theConnty of Wanhtenaw, hnldcnat the Probate thecity if Aun Arbor. on Wedneeday, the Sist day ol December in the year ono thousand elght hundred and elghty-four. Present, Wllliam D Harriman, '"uffhe'matter of the eítate oí Hannah M. Cate, icceaíed. On readlng and ñllng the petition, duly verifled, of Kufu fat", praying lhat t errtain ii airumont now on flle io thi cuort puriiortinii to be the laat wlll aoil tentamentof said deccad, may he admitted to probate, and that he may t appiiinted vzicutor thcreof. Thereupon it i ordired, that Monday, the 2tith day of Jannary next, at ten o clock n the forenoon, br aadgiied for ihe hearing of sald petition, and that the levieii, legaee and helru at law of aïd dceaed, and all other persons intereeted in aid eetate, are reqnlred to appear at a seaslon ol aid court then 10 be bolden at the Probate the city of Ann Arbor, and êhow cauee, If any there be, why the prayer of the petitloner nhould not be eranted And it i further ordered. that iaid petlüoner üive mitlce to theperons interestcd In sald estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof by caninL a oopj of thl order to be pabnshed in The Ann Arbor t'ourier, a newapaper printed nnd eiren lated in aid county, thne suco-sfre weck previon toaaid dayol hearlni;. (Atruc copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, " Judaeof Probate. WM. O. DarY. Prnhut Heelster. I2ÍH-1281 Real EiitatH for Hale. OTATKOF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wahteuaw,is. In the Matter of the Estáte of Loi D. Burnett and W.ilter B. Burnett, minor. Notictt I hereby irlven. that In pnrsnance of an order granted to the nuderegned vuaidian oí the Kauto of aid minors, b) the Hun. .lude of Probute for the Ciranty of Washti-naw, on the Kifth day ol May, A. D. 1S84. there wlll be.aold at pnblic veudue, to the hitiheMl bidder, ar the Kist Irunt door ol the Court House, i 11 the City of Ann Arbor, tn the CoiiHty oí Waxhtruaw. tu iwid State, on Taeeday, tho tenth day of Marcli, A. D. 18S5. at ten o'clock In the foreuoon of lhat day (sohject to all encumbrauce hy mortaiie or otherwiae exiaÜUK t the time of the sale), all ihe right, tille nud Intesi-st of sald minor lu the follo,lng descrlbed real estáte, to-wlt: ('oiuini'ucinü at the carter of the road on the soutti eide of ection fourteeu t.llj iu ihe township ol I.odi, Wiiehtenaw county, in Michigan, at a polni ttfty-f0Hr54) rod west of the center line ol caid hiction aud running thence due nurth eighty (80) rod. thunce due West thirty (30) rodí, theuce due south eightr (80) rod. thence due east to the place of begiulng, cunuiniug fltteen (13) acres of ANN K. BURNETT, Guardian. Dated. January 17, 1886. 130 36 Estáte of Margaret C. King QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wabtenaw, At a aesalon of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the fourteenth day of January, In the year one thouaaud eight hundred and eighty flve. Present, Willlam D. Hai riman, Judee of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Margare! C.KIng, deceaeed. On reading and fillng the petition, duly Terified, of David W. Kine, praying that adminixtratlun of Buld eetate may be granled to George W. Bailey or some other sultable perton. Thereupon It ia ordered, that Monday, the 16th day of Feoroary neit,at ten o'clock In the foreuoon be at igni-d for the hearing of said petition and that tho heirs at law of sttld deceased, and all other pursons Intereeted lu said estáte, are requlred toappear at a ttecmou ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor. and show canee, If any there be, why the prayer of the pe titiouer Bhould uot begrauted. And it ia further ordered, that aaid petltloner give notice to the persona intereatcd In said eatate, of the pendency of aaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be published In the Ann Arbor Couner, a newspaper printed and circula tlng In said county, three ucceesive week previ ous to iaid day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Raftsur. ÜBS-U THE m YOI TBIBIE ron isee. A PAPER DÊVoTED TO AMi;itin imi:ki;vis, LARGE8T RKPIBLICAS 111(11 i.rrn i ihkiiih. The Tiuiu'nk begliis the new subacrlptlon yearwlth proapects unparallelcd in lta lila tory. lts clrculation for the seven dayaeud Ing November 9, 1864, was as followa : Momia), Novnuber S _ 99,100 Tuesday, November 4 1 o !,'.( . ln. xiIhj. November & 188,600 I huriilu) , November 6 1117,1111 1 ilila) , November 7 160,600 Saturdav, November N 1 7i,OOO Suuday, ovember 9 Üt9,UOO Urrkl), Xovfiuber 5, exclusive of all ahort term campalüa aubscrlptions 145,910 Seiul-Weekly 38.30U Total nnmber of Tribunen printed and sold during ¦ik eudlUK November 9, exclualve of campaign subscriptlons _ 1,O2,11O Ninety-four tons of paper were used li prlnllng the week 'a Issues. Tlits m of rourae an election week "'spurt." whlch "broke the record" In New York. Setting back lnlo It "Nteftily euli ." ThbTkibünk'8 record stoodon the followlng week : Average dally rlrrnlntlon of the Kally Tribune forweekeudliiK Nov. 16, 1884 „121,400 We-ekly Tribune, Not. 12, 1884,142,660 Seml-Weekly 3S,700 During 18X5 Thb Tbibunk wlll strlve more zealously una hopefully thun ever for It polltlcal fuitli. The return to power of the party that brought on the Hebc'Uon mus ranke the coming year one of the most luter esllng In our hislory. The more the people know of how Demócrata deal wlth thelr Uot erumeDt, the aurer la Republlcau succes the next time; uid Tm. Thiuu.nk appeals to It friendB to help spread suoh knowledge broad cast. The Tribü.vk glret the news fully. fairly aud early ; 11 Is a safe and altracllve pape for the famlly clrcle; and Is the persisten advocate ot' work for American workmen, a Krent, paylng boma market for American K ra 111 and invul, the extensión of our forelgn lr:iile, and the general prolectlon of Americai interoRts. It favors very practical effort to check lntemperance.andlHalwayson theslde of inoritnty. reform, aiul progre. lta Weekly iiiui Svini-SVerkly edltloua contaln notably complete and val nuble Agrlcaltural House I111I1I, Literary and Juvenil departmenls wi Ui serial torles,abundanlcorrespondence Intereatlug miscellany, and ome fun. Even member of the family, old or young, nud lu It Inslructlon and entertainment. Kvery poatmaster and club agent Is lnvlted to form yearly clubs at once for Tui Tri hink. The rollowlug premiums are offered In coinblnation wlth aubscrlptlons: Unabrlilged Dlctlonary.both Webster'aand I Worcester's. Wood's Household Practico ol Medicine, 1 I vola., illu8trated. 819 and 942 pngea. The Llbrary of Useful Knowledge, IS Tols. nciirly 9(0 pages each, embraclng Chambers Encyclopedla, complete wlth American ad illtluns. The Wnterbnry Watch, a popular and sue cesslul prpiulunñ. Hldpath's lllustrated History of the United State. Specimen copies, show bilis and circular wltb details 01 valuable premiums, wlll bi ient. free, upon appllcatlon, or can ba bad from your postmaster. TK.RMst TO MAIL 8UB8CRIBERS: WKEKLÏ, S1.25ayar; In olul of tn, tl a year. wlth extra copy to man sendlng olub SE.tlI-WKKKLY, Í2.Ú0 a year; lu du lis of ten, ?'.' a year; wlth extra copy to man sendlngclub. DAILY, wlth Hunday, $S.JO; without Sun day, J7 per year. si I % Y TRinnK, 1.SO per year. Sun dfty'i Tribune, Monday s. Wedneaday or öaturdav's, oau be subscribed for aeparately CounÜng poatage. Tjic Tribük costa about two cents a copy, all edltlons Addreas, stmply, THB TRIBUNE, iew Tork


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