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Robust Health r Is not alwaya enjoyed by fhoso who seem to possess" it. The tuint of COITUptad blood maj be secretly undermlning the ooD8titution. In time, the poison willceptainly show itseffecte, nul wit hall the mora virufence the longer il has been alluwed to permeate the systom, Each pimple, bou, skin dltorder and Bcnse of unnutural lasaitude, or languor, is one of Nature's wamlngti of tlic consequencea of neglect. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only remrely tlmt ean te relied upon, in all CMO, td erMicate the taim of beredr Itaiy dlatm and the special corruptiona of the liiood. lt is ihe only alterative that is luföciently powerful to tborougbly cIcum the iyttejD f Sorofuloua :ml Mercurial líapurities and the pollution of Contagious Disrasos. lt atoo niutrallzes the polsons left by Iiiphtheria and Scarlet Kever, and enables rapid recuperation from the enfecblemeut and debility oauMd by diaeasai. Myriads of Cures Aeliieveil by Atbr'8 S.i!f;.rARii.l.A, in the ]ut forty years, :ro attestod, and tkera is nu blood dlsease, :u all possrtble of euro, that wiU nut yii-ld io il. Whatover tha alimenta of Ihis Hass.and wlierever found, frora the Bcurvy f toe Arctie circta to the "veldt-rores" of South Airica, tHis remedy bas afforded heilth i the Bufferen by w-hum it waa employed. Driggistó e verywhere en cite nutnerous cases, witliin thetr personal Icnowledge, of remarkable cures wroughtb) lt, where all othcr treatment had been unavalling. I'eople wiU do well to Trust Nothing Else than Avrii's SAiïSArAniu.A. Numerous crude mixtures are oflfered to toe public ns "blood iniritien." wlilili ouly allure tho patiënt witli the pretenae oí many oheap doO, and wtth uliirh it to foily lo experiment wliile dlseaae U iteadlly becoming more deep-eated and Oifücult of oure. "Some of these mixtures do mach lagUogharm. Bear in mind thal ihe only medicine that eau radieaUy purUy the vitiati-tl bluoil is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PBXHBXB BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas. Sold by all Draggists: Price $1; Six boules for $5. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security fceld for the protection of the policy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK ma the foltowinsr first-clai commnii vhich one, JStnn. lm? alone laid $511,000,000 Ure In ixty-Iiveyur: Etna, of Hartford $ 0,10-2,1! ! 1 Franklin of Philadelphia 8,118,718 Uennanla, N. Y 8,700,729 Gierman A.merican, N. Y 4,066,968 London Asauranoe, Lonrton.. . 1,416 Michijran F. A M., Deuolt.. . 887,608 N. Y. Underwritcrs, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,605 PhcBnix, Brooklyn 8,769,036 Losses überally adjustcd and proniptly paid. Policies issucd at the lowest ntM ol premium. 1191tf THE AM ARBQR SÁVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOK, MICIlKiAX, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $5O,OOO. Oreanizocl onder (ha General Buiktas !. "( thls otate, the ttockbohlon indivMuilly liable tot tin ndditlmial amount cqual to the stock held ny them. tbereby creating a ouarantee Pond lor the benefltaf Depositors of $100,000.00. Tkree oer ci'nt. Interes) in aliowed on all Sovingp ihernleê of the Baak "! Interott compunpned h. mi-iiimi:illv Monej to I.oan on uniiiciimberi-d tata and uther t'ood secinily. DIRECT0R8: CHRISTIAN MACK, WM I). HAKHIMAN. WW WINKS. DANIEL HI8COCK, WILLIAM DKUBEl, WIULARl) B. 8MITH. OPFICERS: c. mack. Pre. W. W. W1NES, tfce-ftéi. C, E. HI8CQI K.Oaihler. J. J. GOODYEAR'S PHARMACY! THE PLACE TO BUY HANDSOME TOILET GOODS! ELEGANT BRIC-ABRAC, ¦ Statuetts, Mirrors, Plush Goods ETC, ETC. 1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. ! 1 No. 5 S. Main Street,


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