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unarioite expects u ioom, [oom, [mom in llic wiiv of building next year. According to the Kecortl tliey take alli davits liy telepboneover at Adrián. Snow is reported m live feet deep on tbeleVel In tlic wooil of the upper panln sola. A bilí has been lntroduced In she legislatnre to make the legal rate of Interes! 6 per cent. Masón lias a clothes pin factory maklng 60 a minute. That's tlie kind of a clothes pin slie Is. Col. Délos Philips has been appointed deputy oii Inspector for that district. Happy Phillips. Lansn lias orgnnlBed a new military eomj)any. and a]lied for admission to the M. 8. T. The original Great Scott lives at Adrián, and lias been on trial for resisting the collection of taxes. Great Scott ! Gov. Aljjer and military staffwill attend tbe Wasliinton monument dedicution in a body. All except Maj. Osmun. The oigar makers of Detroit, sonie "00 or upwards in nnmber, are on a ptrikc agajngt gwi wluuuwi m tJjes. Ttie people of Jackson county have giyen $10,000,000 toward building tlie varloua roada that intersect the city of Jackson. Ís Adrián infested with " knights of the peen cloth?" Has the gambung inania broke out in this city?- Adrián Record. Givc 'er up. A bilí bas been introdueed in the legislativo prohibitingtheemploymentoi'oliildren in faetones- boys under 12, and girls under Uyearsof i:e. LansinR bonds hciself for $100,000 to build S80.000 water works. The extra $20,000 betterbe given to the city fathers, just to boss the job. West liranch is said to have witnereed Ifa lirst funeral a few days sime. Well, it's oíd enough to not throw any great aiuuunt of nasal exudation upon the occasion. Tlie Michigan Association of Spiritualists will hold their animal convention at Seduce Hall, irand Hapids, oommencing it 2 p. m. Friday, Fcbruary 27th andclosing Snnday, March lst, next. The 28tii gradiiating class of the Detroit liich school took their sheep skins last Tlinrsday. Pretty cokl weather to cotnmence "the battle of life" in. Why Ooti't they wait until " vernal spring?" The efforts put forti by the Methodist last year to plant a great central camp meeting are uM to linve been quite succeaful, mul this year, we observe, they are laylng the foundations tor a pretty strong movement. Representative Howell will make an effort at the present gession of tin; legjtlature to have some of the tlefects in onr present drain law remeüied. - Adrián Times. A thing that needs remedying badly, as the law now stands,practically nothing can be accoinplished. A law agsiinst Knjrlish sparrow has been passed bj the legislatura, looking to Ui exlinetion. And now theEnglish parilameni ighould retalíate by prohiblting the iinportation of American red lieaded woodpeckers. Jack Krost is probably iloing more to annihilate the sparrow than the legislature can do. A correspondent claims that the Post is mistaken lll asserting that " Únele líarry" Deano is the oldest Mason in Michigan, and siiys that Col. Kdward 9aTge of Grand Mane, now 97 year of age, was made a Mason in 1808. He was boni in Oxford, N. H., Aug. 22, 1787. This Isffettinr iudown " fine," and soon it will poIttvely be known who is the oldest MaflOD in the state. Mlcblfwn Congregational cburoh aummiirv : Nnmber of cliurchea, 378; membersbip, 18,280; the Increase durlng 1884 was 8,086; number ot minister 615, of whomSfil are putora or aotlng pastors. One minister dled dn ring the year and had ao charge. Sabbatliscliool membershlp, 27O7 ajfain 0(1,850 durfng 1884. Increase in home expenditnre 911,942, and In briii'Volentcontributions $3,010. There wer SOS adult and 257 Infant baptlsms. Memb.-rship of largest churches In thelr order is : Grand Raplds First, 541; Jack ion 165; Detroit Fint, 406. EnrtSaginaw, Detroit Sii'ond, Ann AiIiop-, oiivci, EaUmacooand Unslrjg have ovw 300 membei each and rank In tifa la the order we '¦ (uve placed thfin.


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