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Mis. Mary Livermore is to lecture in this city Feb. 1-t. BherUF Walth huí ppolnted u deputj ut Clielsea, Tommy McNamura. Aun Arbor will grow considerable in 1885. Many new buildings contemplated. 2i' below zero last Wednesday inorning. Thursday morning A rise of 40" in 24 hours. It is ramored tlmt SílM H. DouglaM, 8 to be a candidato for mayor :it the coming election. Jack Frost played the deuce with Alfred Thomas's lace on hia way to churcli durtng a late cold wave. A lady in tlie 4th waul actually liad bel feet frozen wliile woiking in her kitclien a few days since. The Detroit Eveninjr Journal will please take notice that it is oiily ten days to St. Valentina'! Day. The Stockbridge Sun wauts everybody to sign the ptedgB. Wliat will you do with thoM' who cau't wiite? There ne now 212 inmates at the county house, more than ever before since ince the dayt of the tramp régime. With the comps. of C. A. Qower, the annual " Keport of the Board of Control of the Reform School '' is receivcd. Israel Huil is about to put up a laige block iu Toledo, opposite the Boody House to De used for stores and offices. The eounty superintendents of the poor of this eounty are visilinjf the Wayne county poor liouse to-day, by invitition. Au old colored man namcd Josiah C. Watts, living iu the 4lh ward, died Jan. 28th, and was taken to Pittsfield for buiial. The masquerade by the A. A. T. V., at Hangsteifer's hall, Friday evening Feb. 13th, will be oue of the events of the season. By the quantlty of wood, logs, etc, being hauled in these days, one wouldcome to the conclusión that this is a wooden country. Fiuer ice was never harvested in these parts, and a good quantity is being put iu. Frank Hangsterier hal his harvest completed. According to the Brighton Citizen, Miss Mary Murray, of this city, was married recently to Philo Cunningham, of Rondo, Chebogyan county, Micli. Frank Wagner. seeretary of the Y. M. C. A. of the university, presidid at the young people's meeting at the Presbyterian church last Suiulay evening. Two intere8tinj( commuuicttions are neceeüai'ily laid over to the next issue. One in reference to the equalization controversy, and oue from Xebraska. The Aun Albor C'ourler says that Chas. M. Jones is one of Cuarlotte's live business men. Bro. Beal, you but echo our sen timen ts. - Vermontville Huwk. Mre. Heese, an old lady 80 yearsof age, living on North State st., and mother of Mrs. Cliapin, teacher in the high school, teil and broke her arm a few days since The Keek Furniture Companv, which has been shut down for a time to make necessary repairs to machinery, boilers, etc., will resume business again in a few days. On Friday last Supt. Davis received a consignment of eleveu human beings, all colored, from Augusta, all transients - aged from 4 weeks to 40 years, for the poor house. The assertion is made that prosecuting Attorney Norris is the crack bllllard player of the city, but there is a crack player in this office who is aching to cross cues with hiin. The contract to bulld a residence for the high school janilor has been sigued. It will be constructed under the superintendence of Mr. Morwick, and Is to be completed by July lst. Washtenaw politicians are trying to impose the Indian agency, now held by Gapt. Ed. Allen, on a roaring deaiocrat of Ann Arbor, but the r. d. saya lie will not have it.- Evening News. Dr. Steele, last Sunday evening, while givlng an entertaining review of the events of the month just past, gave a very forcible and excellent defence of the late lamented schuyler Colfax. At a meeting of the trustees of the M. E. church, Monday nlght, that body organized by the election of Dr. W. F. Breakey, president; Dr. P. B. Rose, secretary ; and A. L. Noble, treasurer. Another sudden death has to be recorded this week. John Strceter, an old gentleman aged about HO, who ha been subject to epilepsy for many years, wai found cIcikI in his bed at his home in Lodi, last Sunday mofülng. City Treasurer Watts reported $49.244 received of the city taxesFeb. lst, leaving about J,000 to be paid this month. Last year $531 were returned as uucollectable and it is thought that about the same amouut will be returned this year. Monthly moeting of the Pomological ociety next Saturday, the 7th day of February. Topics: Subirrigation, Mr. Whitlark; Forestry, experimental station for Washtenaw; question-box ; exhibit of the fruit of the seasoa, canned fruit and jellies.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News