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Ettate of Naney Wlireler. S"TATLOr"MICHIGAN, County ol Wafttenaw, uk. At muioh "I Frótate Ooart r the Oonntj ol Wt hti d i . i lei ¦' Hm ' i ¦ dtyol Ano Arhor, on Thiir-rti.-., the oi Janimrj In ihï mu iin thoun ,i - si My-llve. P . ' .1,,.' .. p ohn ¦¦ In thr nutter "t llw el Ot .i 1 ''"¦ ! iiuiy Terlded, of alvin B ¦¦¦¦nuil: hitniiii"iii n ¦ rraflle m thl coai p ¦ portlnrt ¦ ' il'r taal UI .:il tentameat ol dm uoied, my b adml te p ohale, and thal bc may ba appolnti d en eator thereol Tbenuni Itlsordurndi ihui Mona dsy ..f Pebruary next, ai ten erdock o thi hm iiiM.n, !¦ .-iti;ied "' Ir"J hearing of Mld peiitioo, auil tlut Uw !!¦ , and ,i lm al Mld de 'easad.and II oin r p lmoretted In Mld .-stat'-, are reqolred tc apiicai it asemtion ol eald court. then to be holden al the Ftobate ' 'Hiiv In tl I "f An" Arbor, and ihow oase, if uny thsre i.-, irayltba praia petltioMiT shonld nol be nintcd. And it ie forther ordered.tbal aidpetlnonerirlvo noUce to the persons lntereeted In sald estáte, of the pendeney of -sid p itttton, and tl nereof, by cansíos acopj of thU order to be puplishea In the Ann Arbnr Courier, n oewfpapel printud and clrcnlacine in sald counly, l'hM weel iircvioiirttosaid day ol hearing. A coyy. WII.LIAM D. HAKKIMAN. l::i_''' of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Register. 1ÏS8-S2. Mor1gK' Sul'. DBFAULT BAVTNO BBSN MADB IU THI condltiona "i n eertaln h ted i'v Laura Barker to John I I AiinAriw', iu ihe cminty o la the State of Michigan, bear nu date, the oi October, . D., 1877, and reeorded i th office of the Heitlater of Dueds for the Con teimw. In Ltber 86 of Mortgaftes. pan 98. and ai I od tbe Ï5th daj ol Hay 1881, y wrltten a slênmeni tojohu Bmlth, of Aiin Arbor U rnshlp Intneeouoty albresald, and whloh ricoidcdin the uillce aforesald In Uber Scven ol Asdftnmenta r Mortirace, oa im ¦¦ I6Ü nnd bj whicb dciuuH, Ihe power al sale eonUuned ¦ -aid mortgaife havlng becomi operatlve, and no ruit or proceedlnga al uw or I i eqnlty, bm-M beeu liiKlItutfl to r cover tl"' amonmdoe o:, aici morteaee or ihe hond aro mpanylng the Mme. and idere btlng nu w clalmed to be do on aald bond and mortiL-i' the urn r Four hnndred ami elghty-iiii-'- di 'Har and uiuety-tw J conti (48C9S). NOTICB la therefore hereby giren, ti. I Moriga'e wlll be rbrcloeed on Sataiday. I8h day ut April, A. D. lüsó. ui ten o'clock In the forenoon of klist day, by a na)'' al public auctlon to the hitílK-81 bidder, at tbc Kt-t l""r of hu Conrt lliiiiwc', in thr City of Ann Arbor, iu the Counly afomald, aaM Conrt Hoos, beiiig tlie place "I holflint: Ui; ' 'iicuit üoort lor aald i onnty) of the ni'iriL'a."il preralses, dlscrlbi-d in ii'l morl .i miuli tbereof, a may be n o - tai f to fatlafj the ui ui prii.rtpal and Intereal r. inaiuin.' uiipatd Boon i"i"l rti ¦ ¦ eosia and ¦ nee; whicli premlvea n: decrtbed In -jiul in. r ¦:. i asfollows: All thoae certali or pu . ltnated m.d belnfflo ihe ijliy j oi Ann Arbir, Ín ihe County of Vaahteoaw and Bta'e "I Mlfhlean, nd dercrlbed ! (ollowa. to ' uii : The v ext-hair f lot nnmber Fifteen and Blxleen, in hlock hubiIht Kivc (5) onth "' Huroi t, iiiKiiil'i' number Blghi eait, agreeably to Ihe Ann Arbor. lnd i ompany'i addltlon u ihe raid City oT Ann Arbor. Dated,Janua.y.9,A.D.l,oiiNsMrrH E. D. KINNE, Auljjneeof Mortsrase. Estato of MftttiTew Eoward. STATBoF Mirn GAÍM, uouncf "r Wwhtootw, At ti iOBion of the Pmimn Courl ir the Coontj ui WartlitiTi:tw, tolAei ui the ftohnfc! Oftce, in rtw : t'lty Ol A il n Arbor. on Mondüy, ttit; ivilftli day of Jaimary in the ytarone thunêssd -ii.'li" hunArqd and eightyAra. Preacnt, Wililin D. UaitIman, Jndffe ol ffibaie. In Ui" inatteroi ihe entateof Matthi-w Ho decewed. Willard B. 8mltb, tht dm1n1t i omen into eoni hixI rmreeen is n iv preparad to n-ndi-r hif linal uccuuut il ii iiniiilui-trator. Theraopoo u li ordt-red, ibal Tuwday, rh'1 tenüi day ot FfhniHry nekt. BÍ ten o'cloeh in tl noon. wsigned lor examinhtg nnd eü iqc . accoont, and tliai tlic bdr at law ui pa ia i-'-.i, and uil othei peiwii f intern td Iu taid e, are reqnired to appear at t Oecion - nald conrt, then tobe Huid i al the Probate i ty ol Am, Arbor, in f-aid cunnty.and b '¦¦¦¦ i mee, II tny tb ere be. w i y fbe iota éccobdi brald Dol bfl HOU i '1 Aiu! it U iurili"i oraered, thntsald admln.atntor give notice to tae persona fañlerasted in cid ol the pendencj ol n;iid account, and th hearing thereot, by cansing copy oi frdw to bo j.uiiItebed in tbeAuo ürbor( 'ovri r%a new papoi prlntad ai.d clrcnhttlBv In suid county. three rai i week? w svlou to aafd da (Atrneropy.) WIIX1AM D. H ARRIMAN, Judee ol ProbattWM tí. IHVI V. ''roh-iti.' Ketiipter. Estáte í' Martfarel ('. Ring QrATKOPailCHIUAN, coonti of Wastiienaw, Ar ;i Beealon ol Wie Probate omt fui the Coaoty ol Waahtenw, hoiden ai the Probate Office, iu tLcity ol Ani. Arbor, on WodoeaUaj, the lourtiMaitb tlu ot -hinudiy, In the jrear one tboaeand eight btadred and etghtjflTO, Preeent, Wil I H.u Titnun, .1 udgt' jï Probate. in thf matter of theeetate ofMargarei 0. Ktnr, depeased. On i ¦ i.ti : _¦ and tiling tiie peiltloni Uuly vcriiied, of David W. Kiny, praytu: tint i-tnition o! m mi i Kranted to Uerge '. Balie; ui toiae saitable perton, Thenapon il i( ordered, that Monday, the l(i;h dii ol Kihrimry nxt,Htten o'clock in thA' lorenoun, be aMijrned (bi the hearing ofaaldpetitlon and that the tat'irí at law ol - 1, and all othcr persons Lntereated in !iid eetate. are reqalred i sppcar at a ürsuion ot Haul court, t!u-n lo be Molden at ituProbatu t.)tïico. In the City oí Auu Arbor. and rhow caute, if :iny thure be, wby the pwjevof ihe petitioner shoold not begrantt-d. Aud it in iuriher ordered, that said petitioner srive notice to the pureoiit lntereeted Ln aeid estáte, ol pendency ol'ëaid petitJon, and the hearing thereof, b caunin a copy of thiö ejrdr to he publiwlied in thr Ann Arbor ( hurte r, a newnpnper prmted and circulanu in eaid county, three anccesaive weeks previoiiH tt said day of hearintr. tA trne. copy.) W1LLIAM D. HARRIMAN, JtuU'e of Probate. WW. G. DOTY, Probate Resistor. 1SB8-122S THElÑTÍlTOCtAÑ: 'In 188-j TlIK I.TKH OCKAN Buten DpOD lile fmiittenth year f its extsteaoa. Cilveo inmsuul conrtdence by lbo people iu its duys it hns steadily grown in favor untll tliis day, wlnii ilic puollaban luke piule in the (act tbat the paper goes iuto more homes and lias a greuier number of readurs tlian auv publication wosi of the Allet;lii'ule8. Krom the buglnnlng Tuk (ntkb Uckam has stoodlirmly by the priuciplesoi the Kepublicau party, and lias, iu Beaaon and out of si-asun, couteuiled lor " prutvction ti Aiiuri can industry." It does not agree witn til e Ulea that the misalon of the Kepubllean party is tinished ; on th conliary, 11 bellevi purifled by lulversity, it will in tlie near In - ture anal n rist. tOUu niher plane of thought aini aotton and be oompletefj rostored to the CODfldoDgq or the AiiiiTioun pi-ople. The most Important acenelai In aooompllsblug tbis resuit will be Repobllcanjoarnals, 11 a lellabic, siaiicii Republloao Dewspaper was Impoi Laot wheo tlie EtepaoMcao party m is iloniily no now tliat tlie Demooracy control the MaUonal Government Tuk Intek Ockan will in the future as in the past be the medium tbrough whu-h the Beat Repablloan thought will b given to thu people. It will voice the eon vlottons of ad vaneed Hepulilimns without leïl unlalr evento Bourbon Demócrata". Hwiii be ag Kepublioan wtthoul betng bUterTy partlsau. and wlll lve aa muoh attention to the afl'airs of Cleveland s adminlatratloo as it wouid haveglven (o tbe adminlatratlon al Mr. lilaliii' had he been elected. With uu Assm-iated Press fiuncliise, witii Bpeclal wirrs raaotalns to New York and Washington, with special eorrespondents in uil Important poinls or the country. Tui: I OCBiM wlll use lis larilllii's rollectliiK news without lear or Iiivor, and so furas governmental att'alrs or party move mentí are oonoerasjd will glve a luller recotd thau auy other paper. Allot iheold rlepartments wlll becontinued. The scope ol the WOMAN'S KJNGDOM will be wldened s as to Uüce all the industrial and retonn inoverneiits mwlnch vromen are Interesled and engaced. OUB CURIOOI IV shop, now a standard, wlll be kiv.-ii greater vari.ty and Interest. In the kakm AND HOME and other depturtmenti tbe whlrsi poaalble range of topics will In ¦llsvi-, . Of original short slories anti seriáis, the v.-ry est by Amerlcau and Bngllsb aotbors wlll ie given .(uring the year. Arrangements lave been made to publisb durlnu ihe year short stories by BOYE8EN, HOwELL, LAl'H Iti ir, anl othcis. and a ni'W Herlal liv tbe lul.lior of "One Summer," and to publlsh all these In addltlon lo tbe seríais by .Miss BRADUUN aud olher English aithors. In every departmenl ol news and llteranre Tb Imh; Ocian wlll mak abetter oord thau il ever has done. TKKMS Ti .MAM, BtTBSOBIBBM, I'OS'I l'All). )AILT, ilK'luiliiiK Sunday. per year .lï n(i A1LY exoludlng öunday, pei year 10 w WKl.NKSDAY's EDITKJN, with Muslcal .-Miiplenn!nl o no SATUHDAY'a EDITION, Blxteen pages! per year 2 00 aÜNPAY'8 EDITIUN, aSxteen 'pages' peryeur 2 00 8EMI-WEEKLY KDITIOX, pul)li.slie.l Mondjiy and Tlmrsdav, per vear 2 ñO ] M-.KI.Y fclUTIUN, p.-ryar 1 I 00 j Fort lic nivoiuiinidatlon of the pntrons of ' i' I' iper, IhepuhlislicrolTiiK Im-i.k 11, 1 as made aome valuable oomblnatlona wltfa he weekly edltlon, vi..: VfcKly Inlt-r and National siandard Kneyclopedia SIGO Weekly ínter Ucean and National Dlctionary 1 Weekly luter Ucean and Live of oor l'n-sidents 1 (jd Wikly ínter Ooeán and Popular Hl tory ol Clvll War 1 (fl veekly ínter Ooean and Ladles' Manual 1 . Weekly Ínter Ocean and Ifythologloal 1 nel lonary . 1 :r Weekly ínter Ooaon and Dlotlonary ol ! s non vins Weekly Ínter Ooean and fjsagesol Beat Soolety 1 33 ' N'i'ckly ínter Ooean and Wnat Everyone Bhonld Kuow 1 ."x; Veekly Ínter Ucean and Dr. Danelsen'a I Medical Ailvisnr Veekly luter Ucean ami ínter Ocean I Watoh :: .-.o ' Weekly lnte.r Ucean and I.itile Di UveScale t iki 1 Weekly luier Ooean and Kanuly or j Uniou Hcale 1 j:. Weekly inier Opean and OurCurloaUy 1 Shop '.. 1 20 c weekly ínter Ooean and Oood Cheer IX ,1 Weekly ínter Ucean and Tbe Ínter , Ucean Bewtng Machine is 00 - Sample copies of the paper sent 011 amdlcation. Keinittaiices may be made at our risk. either by dralt, express, pusl ,,m,c order, or reglHtered letter. Mouey sent 111 any other way in at the risk of the persou .sendlng It. Address THE INTEH OCKAN, s& Madlson streel, Chicago.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News