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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. HAVE YOU SEEN Our large assortment of New Embroideries ? We have all widtlis narrow or wicle. We do not Intend that anybody, iinywhere shull supplv you as well as we. Good Embroiderie8 at 1, 2 and 3 cents per yard. Very handsonie Embroideries at 6. 8, 10 12i cents. Thousands of yards from lö to 50 cents. It will pay you to examined theM gonds The last opportunity to get Gloaks at tiiilf price. The variety to choose from s large, though the numUer is sm:i 11. A littlc whlle ago we bad Ril aboaudlng stock ; it is time to have few. It is time o put a price upon theni that will Diake them wnlk. 1 Lot of Cloiiks, $1.50, redueed Ironi 'fi, $4, $" and $6. 1 Lot of Cloaks, $5.00, reduced trom $S $10, and $12. 1 Lot Ottonmn Slik Dolmans, $12.00, reduced from $18, $20, and $25. 1 Lot of Silk Uusslan Circular, $12.00, reduced from $20, $22, and $35. l Lot of Plush Coau, $25.00, rednoed from $35, $37, and $40. 1 Lot of Misses Cloaks, $5 00, redooed from $7, $8, and $10.00. 1 Lot of Dress Goods, 5 cents, reduced from 8 cents. 1 Lot of American dress goods, V2% cents, reduced from 15, 18, 20 and 86 cents. Urown and Bleached Cottons at prices never before named. Everything cheap this inonth. BACH & ABEL. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦III ¦¦¦!¦¦¦ I1III1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - Atblophobos Is a novel wort to moet people who apeak the EiiKlih Unguage. The a GreekB used it centuries ago, moaiiinK by it w "THE PRIZEBEARER." Athlophoros is the first and onlr medicine which has carried off the prize as the perfect remedy for KIn i - matism and Neuralgia. Llke two relentless tyrants thoy have for affr held their eufforlntf virtiniB in ui imu (frip. Theee poor suffereni have bten a laves In the power of thelr oppresaon. Athwphoros has entered the arena, on t wvl in oonflict wit h the monateni, and won tbs w rtctory. As the competitora in tho Orccian framra of old oould win only by tho mout eevere Mala of ability and enduracce, bo Athlopboboh haa won the prize, not alone by givingr temporary relief, hut by brlnginK n endurin? cur, aa well, to thone who have auffered the excruciatiiu; agonieu of Khtuniuüainand Neuralgia. Athlophoros is a novelty, not only L in name, but in its elements. It is unlike any preparation yet introduced. Atblophoros acte on the blood, muscles and Jninta, remoTing the poieon and acid from the blood, carriw them out of the ayntem. ATnu)pnoRO8 Is put up wim consummate üVill, and contalnfl nothlng that can pomiibly harm the most delicate constitution. . Now, do you want to suffer on and on t ordo you want tobe well f % "Athlophoros" WILL Cure You If you cannot (jet Athlophobob of your drugglst, we will send It expresa pald, on recelpt ol regular price- one dollar per boltle. We preter that you buy It from your drugglst, but lf he hasn't It, do not be persuaded to try sometulng else, but order at once trom us aa dlrected. ATHLOPHOROS C0.II2 WALL ST., NEW TOflK. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBH Illlllllllllllllllll GRAND OPERA HOUSE! FEIDAY EVENINa, PEEUARY 13. Urand production of the Qreatest of Modern SuccesHes, JAMES A. HERNE'S Scenlc and Dramatic Plctnre, mm op oak INTKOnrCINO JAMES A. HERNE In hls original cliaracter of TERRY DENNISON, Supportwl by a Carefully Selected Company. Etcry Beent nete and Appropriate. Kvery Effect Starüing and Realittic. Rvery Picture Perfect. Geueral Admlssion, 50 Cents Reserved Seats, 75 Cents Reserved Seats wlthont extra charge now on sale at Boughton's News Depot.


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