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Poutlac- Charlty hall- $900 for the poor, Michigan, has 804 G. A. K. posU itli 14,596 members. 'i'iie gpiing term of the agí cultural college begins on the 25tk of this tnotitU. Stephen Crnoker, of Fltnt, bas jftven 5,000 pounds ot ttour to the poor of thal city. Vaam bad a 910,000 Cue last Tharaday nighl, whicli was a serious blow to the town. The state librarían aaks for $3,000- vcrv modest - with wliith to parebase new books. Senator Hubbell hopos to secure the pn.-uge of a bilí letiríiig circuit judges at the age of "5 yeara, after 20 veáis service. A bilí has been reportcil favorablv In the señale prohlbltlng the sale of tobáceo Id any íbi in to minors. A move in l lic right direction. The Michigan sportsmen will give a clay pljteon state to ornament at l'ontiac, Mich., March 25, 2G and 27, for which a programase has been arrauged. Olara is to have a grand jury callecl next niDiiih to enquire iuto several deetis ot rascalllty in tliat vicinity. Other localitios might well follow the example. At South Lyons the faithful got toffetber and votod for postmaster, M, .1. Kicliardson sectlring the majority. But he wou't have a walkaway just the sanie. The Fliut school tbr deaf mutes wants $92,000 for two years expenses, $46,000 for stcani beatlng etc., and (15,800 for hopital building. The latter is alraost a uecesïiiy Au Allegan man saved up the moucy he drew from tlie poor fund, and bought hini an elegant pair of roller tkates. Such is Allegan enterprise. He will keep rolling on. Petitions are being prepared to be sent to Gov. Alger, asking that the next encampment of the state troops be so arranged as not to include Suiuluy. Ohl Pshawl Bah! Senator Stephenson wants the logishiture togrant the upper península a braneh ot' the state piisou combined with a house of corrección, and an appropriation of $100,000 to build it with. Travelera on the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad were obliged to camp for three dayi this week in a trackmen's sbanty a few miles north of Owosso, the snow blockading them on all sides. The governor's levee givcn at Detroit last Thursday evening, by the Detroit Licht Guarda, was a grand afluir, probablv the graudest ever seen in Detioit, aside from its charity ball. The chief attraction was said to be the governor's staf!". Some 2,riOO people attended. Congrcss gave as an excuse for not favoring a soldier's home in Michigan that the climate was too cold. It wasn't a cold climnte when soldiere were wanted though, and luO.000 Michigan boys went niarching to the field. That's the trouble probably. Too uiany rebels in the house now, to give anión people any favors. Kcv. A. L. Crittcnden and Klisha II. Smith are the only men now living In Howell township who voted at ts lirst election, in 183t(. At that time the town included what is now Oceola, Deerticld, Cohoetah, Conway, Handy and Ho wel 1, the total niimber of vote cast were 30. Times and the country have changed some since those days, say the old pioneers. - Howell Kepubliean. At the animal meeting of G. A. It. posts of Michigan, held at Bast Saginaw last week, the followtng nllicers were elected: Department Commander, Chas. D. Long, Flint; senior vicc-comm ander, (. IC. Fisher, Fowlervillc ; junior vlcecommauder, II. T. Higgins, Petoskey; departmeiit rargeon, Norman Johnaton; chaplain, F. P. Gibbs, Grand Haven; couneil of ailministratiou, .1. W. Romeyn, Detroit; Geo E. Alken, Hay City; C. O. Jcnnison, Greenville; Albert Dunham, .lackson. The next annual eneampin ui will be held at Jackson. Representative Kodge has presented a bilí wliereby the body of a pauper who dies in that poorhouse or charitahle inptitution shall not be sent to Ann Arbor for dissecüon if claimed by a friend. The procent law provides that tlie cadáver shall be so sent if not claimed by a relative or legul representative. The remanís of a stranger or even a citi.en of this state who niay die in some place where,heis uuknown, may also be sent to Ann Arbor, uriless so claimed. The biggest liar in the newspapcr lïaternity In Ulchlgan lics in Luiden and wrltei for the record. Jlis latest is a story about two puppies which were put to'nurse a yoang motber whoe babeaied about three years ago near Linden. After a few weck the little brutes begnn to looe thelr halr and the liead and body and Ii'n all underwent astoundin# clianges. "Wilhin a JW," snvs tlie jocose ManohauMD of the Reoord "the clianfic had progrwrod so far tlmt nol a feature of the dog rematntd, and the tamily werc possrs-ed of two as brtght and hitelllgent appearlng chiMrpn of Ihelr age as can bo found in the coramunity. Now at i in; age of ttiree yews, the father and mothcr, while fllled witli wonder are absorbed in loving the little twins, i.uc a boy and the otlier a girl."


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