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Death Of Mrs. A. S. Pettit

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From a copy of the Daily Denver Times of Februury 6th, we take tlie followinx aecouut of the death of Mis. A. S. Pettit,wlilch was referred t in the last The people of Denver were shocked thls morulng upoa Jeamlng of the death of Mrs. A. 8. Petllt, the wlfe of the well kuown real estáte man. Mr. and Mrs. Pettlt were married June 4, 1884, so that up to the time of her death they had oniy been inarrled eight montlis and one day. The day after Chrlstniiis Mr. Peltit took bis Wlfe east for a vislt to hls re latives In New York Btate and Michigan, and they returued home only a week ago to-day. Mrs. Peltit had been sufrerlng ter a long time wiiti trachitls, a disease similar to croup. It Is eupposed that she caught cold on lier eastern visii, whlch greally aggrarated her disease, and ultimately 1 lt luto pneumonía, causing her dealh. siir was attemled by Drs. Bucknum and Hteadman. and her case was not consldered serlous until ulitht before last. Afler that time she contlnued to grow worse and dled last nlght nt 8 o'clock. Mr. Pettlt Is completely proatrated by the suddvu death of hls wlfe, and no arrangement for the funeral have as yet been made. However, lt wül not take place before Sunday, as her brother, who has been lelegraphed for at Detroit, Michigan, canuot arrlve before Unit time. Mrs. Pettitwasa Presbyterlan and attended services regularly at the Central etiurch. Bhe was ¦ highly uccompllabed lady and was possessed ofa most amiuble disposltlon. Always inosi considérate of the wishes of others than of herself, she waa loved by all who knew her. Her father and raother, Mr. and Mrs. Chase, have been wlth her slnce tier return home, and are very much afTbcted by the los of thelr daughter.