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Theclear.oold questlon cbills tofrozen doubt; Tlreü of belief, we üread l live without ; O then. if Iteusou waver M tliy slde, Let lm obler Memory be tliy Kenlleguiüe; üo to tliy birth-pliice, and if f.iltli was tliere, Kepeat Ihy taluer'a creed, thy nn.ih.-i-s prayer ! - 0. H'. Holmes. Lent begins to-day. Did you hear the birds sing yesterday morning? Co. A will, nietapborically speakin:, cover up its face aud hop next Monday evening. What's the matter with our cold wave slgnal ? It fails to sigual the cold waves any inore. Iu tliis progressive age progressive euchre niay he considerd an oft'shoot of the roller skating craze. At the state enoampment of Odd Fellows at Allegan, last week, Harrison Soule, of this city, was elected grand treasurer. The passenger train on the T. A A. A K. K., Monday, took from '. . m. until 2 p. ni. to make the dlstaoce between Milan and Ann Arbor. Aiulrew DeForest and Johu B. Dow of this city have been diawn as traverse jurors for the Marcb terra of the U. S. circuit cc urt at Detroit. The Minnis boys, wlio have been living at Jack8on for i-ome time, catering to tht; lovers of rausic, have returned to tlieir old home in Ann Arbor. Spencer Crawford, the janitor of the court house, says he would prefer to mow the lawn all suinmer to keeping the snow and ice oft'the walk during the winter. The grain market quotations are gubitantially as follows : Wheat- 80@82c. Corn - in the ear, frora farmer's wagons, 20@25c., shelled 40@t8c. Oats- 23@20c. Kev. Thos. Hughes, of St. Louis, Mo., wlio was to have delivered a lecture in this city Thursilay evening last, failed to reach here, and has agreed to come on the 25th inst. There is a general complaint of small attendance in the district schools. Some teachers reporting as low as two pupil?. Even our city school liave been efltcted by the terrible weather. The local market quotations are as followg : Butter- 15@17c. Eggs- 17c. Chickens- 10c. Potatoes- 25c. Apples - 30@40c. iiour- patent process f2.50 (3$3.00 per cwt., lower grades $1.50. We bare been shown gome beautiful banneretts, in sil k embroidery and raised work, the skillful work of Miss Lizzie M. Church, forparties in Detroit, which were unusually handsome specimens. "Charity balls" are all the rage. Flint wants one, Grand Rapids has one iu tow, Adrián is wiggling one toe. Why can't Ann Arbor shake her charitable foot ? And give the poor a $5 g. b. for the pleasure ? Town Treasurer Kearns, of Scio, settled with tlie couuty treasurer Monday, and had only $9.56 upon bis books that were uncollectable. The village of Dexter only lacked 33 cents of being clear. The nearest perfect the townshlp has been in many years. The next regular meeting of the Washtenaw County pioneer Society will be held at Chelsea, on Wednesday March 4th. As Clielsea is one of the favonte meeting places of this organization, there will be a good attendance insured by the mere announcement. Jas. A Kobison, deputy county clerk, who is quite an adept at type writing, says he can do thrce timos as much work upon a type writer as he can with the pen. He bas been at Ypsilanti forseveral days taking testimony with his writer, upon an important suit. R. M. Snyder, of Indepenuence Lake, knowiig the weakness of the Coüriek boys for apples, brought in a bagfull of delicious Baldwins aud Northern Spys last Saturday. These apples traveled tliat long road where so niany have gone before, and were pronunced delicious. The Detroit Evening News is authority for the statement that Mrs. Mary Tuttle of this city has been awaided a judginent of $230 froin the Lake Shore R. R. She desired to go from Toledo to Cleveland, and neglecting to purchase a ticket tendered the money for the same to the conductor, who declined it, and put her off. W. J. Stimpson has a five gallon can of Bartlett pears in his store that was put up 'n 1870, ninc years ago, and the fruit is apparently as good as it ever was. He bas used the same as an advertisement for the fruit can it represents in the etore where he now is, for five years, and proposes to open it only wbeo his youager brother, (the best-looking Stimpson) gets married. Under the ausploes of the Student's Lecture Association. llon. Wm. Parsons will lecture on "Ileroos of the Honieric Age," in University Hall, Friday evening Feb. 27. Mr. Parsons is well known as one of the most popular foreign lecturere that ever spoke in America. His explorations in Greece abundar.tly (juaMíy him to speak on the above subject, ana the sati.-uiction that he has given elsewhere shows how well he is appreciated. The Boston Daily AdvertlsercalU it, "the most interesting and charminf; lecture of the season." Reserved seats Weduesday morninjr, Feb. 25.


Ann Arbor Courier
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