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It Is not death todte, To lenve th weary road, And raid the brotherhood on hlgb To be at home wllh God. It !¦ not death to close The eyes lonu dlmmod wlth teai, And wake In glortous repose To spend elernal years. The reported sale of the Ypsilantian is a canard, so we have been infortned by telephone. Monday will witness ilress parade by Co. A. 'Sposin' the thermometer marks 20 below zero. ? Nine milis and elevators report 49,(88 buahcla of wheat marketed ia this county during January. Mrs. Rev. A. F. Bourns will speak xt the teinperance meeting next Sabbath afternoon, at 3 o'clock. One year ago now the good people of Ann Arbor were contributing fuuds for the Ühio flood sufferers. Mr. Crawofrd says he will be able to commence delivering the Sundín edition of the Detroit Evcning News next Sunday. The M. C. R. R. has secured souie low ratea to Washington and return via. Niágara Falls, to the president's lnauguiation, $16.15. Better go hadn't you ? In the i'rcsbyterian church, on Sunday evening next, the 22d of February, "The Religiou8 Opinions and Cliaracter of George Washington," will be Dr. Stetle's topic of discourse. John, Williatn and James Robiuson, all colorod, of the 5tli waid, were arniigned before Justice Frueauff last Ttiesda}-, charged with resistingan offlcer, and will li:ive their hearing next Fridny. Mis. Maiy A Iivcrmore is to lecture at tlie L'mtarian rhurch, Saturday evenIng, her subject being "a Dream ofToMoriiiw." Mrs. Livennore has the repnlation of being one of the most eloquent lccturers on the platform. The cali for a republican county convention, to be held at the court house, Tlmisday. March 5th, will be found in another column. Republicans in the various townsuips and wards will sec that their eaueu.H'S are not ueglectcd. A slcigli load of young people went out to Nutlmi Button1! in Xorthfield, Monday cvtiiing, to celébrate tlie return of aourfre Sntton lïoin his bridal tour. It tiiok th in two hours lo go mul the same to return, and thcy only tipped over twice, but they had lots of fun. The uucollected taxes have been reduced to about $2,-100, and only ten days more remaiu for the city treasurcr to collect the balance. Better settle at once and avoid misumlerstandings. A sale for uupaid tuxes umler the new law inakes the purchaêer i bona Ode holder of the property, and it is dangerouB to allow such a proceeding. Usually t Ctall st'ason of the year, good butter is In good deinand at frora 25 to 30 cents per pound. It Is now a drug on the market at any prloe. Oiir merchanU are completely overstocknd and some of them have the fruit of tbe oow ntacked up ia thulr oellars by tlie cord.- Saline Observer. If that is ¦ fact it would seem as though the butter market in Ann Arbor ought to be a little more reasonable. It is almost impossible to obtaiti good butter liere at any price. And mighty poor stuff brings 20 cents per lb. In another column will be found a eouimunicatiou from a friend of the uniVüisiiy In reference to the new proposition to remove the hospitals of the medical department to Detroit. The gentleman is usually level-headed upon nearly all snbjects. We do not foei prepared to approve or dissent from his posltion at Kesent, and will wait until we understand the subject more thoroughly before exprcsiingan opinión. Why don't the Street committee having the welfare and good condition of our streets in charge clean the gutters of snow and other accumulations? Should a few day's thaw strike us the chances are, with the gutters filled from two to ix feet ligher than the sidewalks, that nearly every cellar on Main and Hurón street would be filled with surface water. It would take some work to do this, but it would be time and money well spent. Senator Kempf has introduced a bilí ¦equiring all telephone, telegraph and electric llght companies to place their wires under ground lo cities and village?. lf Senator Kempf, or any other man, will teil us what injury is done to any person, ny business, or any thing by the wires ot these comuauies. raiuu Of vry largest cities, Detroit, for instance, he or they can have the Hoor. Such a law would be a bad thing. It would injure our telegrïph, and telephone enterprisc, as well as the electric light corupanies. Judge Joslyn held an adjourued term of the circuit court Monday. The case of Fletcher vs. Beaubien came up and judgment for defleiency was granted. The case of the appeal of Einina Ilutzel from the decisión of the judge of probate allowing the final account of Leonard Gruner, was settled by stipulatiou, and the account was allowed except two items, one of 458.34, for services, and anotber of $270.16 for money adyanced, being disallowed. In the case of the appeal of Ed. A. Gott, administrator of Jas. B. Gott, igainst a claim allowed of Siinon Silverman, et al., motion for a new trial argued mul submitted. The debate before the G. A. R. post, of this city, which was noted a few weeks ago, bas been postponed untll Friday evening of next week, when all old soldiers and their families are invited to be present. The question, it will be remeinbeted, is this: "Resolved, that Gen. O. O. Howard and his men did their ilnty as soldiers at Chancelorsville.1' The afirmativo will be taken by Dr. W. H. Jackson, Capt. Campbell and Win. H. Clark. The negative by Capt. Manly, Prof. Dorrance and J. H. Stark. Two excellent mans, giving the situation of the armies at tlie time, have been drawn by Dr. Jacksou, with which to Ilústrate the remarks. The post meets in Odd Fellows hall, over Bach & Abel'a store. On Saturday last, the 14th inst., MrLouis P. Hall, of this city, was united in marriage with Miss Lilly Douglas, at Groóse Isle. The last issue of Detroi1 Every Saturday bad the following respectin tlie event: HALL AMD DOUQLASS. (rosse Isle will be the scène of a fanhlonable marriage this afteriioon, the contractlBg partlefi being Mr. Louis I. Hall of Ann Arbor mul Mts Lilly PoiikIumm, the oliarminK daughter of Jiutg" DouglaHS. A special Oar lt-avlng at one oVlook, will convey the inntiy wedding guestA rom this city to Grosse IhIo. There will be present Judge and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, Mr. J. Ü. Campbell, Jr., Mr. Edward Campbell, Mr. Chas II Campbell, Mlsn Nellle Campbell, Ui. Douglass, Mr. Wtlllam Douelaan, the Kate and üarah Douglass, Mr. Sani. T. Douglass, Miss Loulxe Douglass of Ann Arbor, Mr. Israel Hall and fatnlly, father of the f room. Mis Kltty Kucker, Mist Florence ve. Miss MaKKle Blddle, andothers. Itlshop Harrli will offleiate. Like a sensible cotiple tbey returned to Ann Arbor, thuir future home, by the first train, and have gone to keeping house. Their many friends here will all join in tbe best of wishes for future prosperlty nnd happiness.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News