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Tuksday, Feb. Jü. - In Bensta a mrmorlal was proHente.l trom th6 Dakota Legislntiiri' nrgingtha kdmiuion ol 8 ¦¦rn Dukots as a State. Mr. Sbapman'a jciint rcsoliitioii providlng tor Bjrtkiug iiifilnls coniiiieiiioriit ÏTe of the dediftatfon of tli Washington Monument was pa After prolonfed diicussion the Pension Appropriatlon liill was passid. In tfc House eonsideration of tlio Post-OflBce - proprlatlon bill waa nesumed, and thonotiou of the committee In catting down the appropnatiou for the letter -carrier ¦ waa criticisod. Heaira. l'lay and K were appointed trlli-rs to count the eleotoral vota. MTKDNESDAT, Feb. 11. - In the Sonate Mr. Morgan iutroduei'd a lili tu make appropriations for rivera and harbors, and Mr. Allison reportod the Army Appropriation bill. The romainder of theienlon WU occupied In eonaidariug the blll to repaaJ the Pre-Eini)tiou and Tiluber-Culture la l. In the House consideration of the Office Apprnpriation liill waa reanmsd. Mr. Horr offered an amundinont, vi Li. ¦:, was agroeil to, increaiing ths approprfiation for the letter-ourier yatem irom $4,100,000 to fifiSbflOO. Thursday, Feb. 12.- The Baiutte passed the joint resolution; tito return of tli" sii-nniiT Alert to the Britlsh Government. The lill repeallng the Timber-Culture law anii the Arm; - propriatiou bill were passod. Int'i.ü itni Uw flnintw! amendmeuts to the ('onsii huand Diplomatic and í'-iisí.uh ApproprtB tion bilis were non-concurred in. T4ie Post-oflice Appropriatior bill wa c-onsidered, and the amount requüred for inland mail transportation wsi flred at M4,(HO,000. The item radaciag poatageoo newspapers and all teoond-olaM m to one cent ier poand or Crai thsreof was agreed to. FlUDAT, Jan. Ki. - In the Senate the Indian Approropriatlon bill was reported, and the bill prohlbiting th impprtation of foreign contract labor was tuken U] and discussed at great length, hut no action was taken. In the House coneurrenee was given to the Sena te amenduients to the bill to prevent theunlawl'ul oicupation of public lands. The Post-offlee;. n bill was further considered in Committee of the Whole and reported to the Houae. At the evening se3ion soveral private bilis were passod. DOMESTIC. Mrs. Hiram Atki.ns eloped froin Norwich, O., on the night of the 9th witta Emanuel Porter, an employé. The reaidence was found blazing a little later, and in the ruins were found the remaius of Mr. Atkins and his two children by a former wife. Current belief was that the fugitives set fire to the stnicture before their departure. John Moxnek robbed a saloon at Philadelphia the other night, and beat a sevenmonths-old childof the proprietor todent h. Gkorok A. Vincknt, alias Charles Perrin, alias Villiamson, the most expert forger of the aj;e, was on the li'th tonvicted of attempting to swindle the St. Louis National Bank of $8,000, and was sent :td to ten years in the penitentiary. The production of pig-iron in the Untted States last year was 489,618tom, against f),14O,7!2 tons in 18KÍ. The stock of pig-lron unsold January 1, 18íñ, was (,000 tona, aga.nst .V,000 tons January 1, 18M. The Edgar Thomson steel-work at B addock, Pa., resumed work on the lOth, giving employmeut, at a slight reduction in wages, to nearly four thousand men who had been idle for eight weeks. A boilkk explosión on the lOth at the Treuton mine, near Pottsvllle, Pa., fatally Injured two men. A portiou of the boiler went through a house sixty yards awuy, fatally wounding an infant in its eradle. The Department of Agrlculture reports the value of oattle in the United States at $1,107,000,000, and of all other domestic aniinals at $2,406,000,000. A Memphis (Tenn. ) undertaker rccently exhumed the body of a little child he had buried and returned it to its mot her because she could not pay two dollars, the pi ice of intermeut. A boiler inCumbler's stone qtiarry near Harrisburg, Pa., exploded on the llth, causing the death of three men. An express train on the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Road was wrecked near Bloomington, Ind., on the llth, four or five persons being injured. The express car, with a lot of merchandise rfnd thousands of dollars, was burned. A DisPATCiiof the llth from San Francisco states that the Chinese Government intends to make an international matter of the recent expulsión of its citizen from Eureka, and to claim indemnity from the United States. The Genesee Brewery, at Rochester, N. Y., was de9troyed by flre a few days ago, the loss reaching $125,000. Txxc t.odiiic rf tiTVi' il-miVii Miin. frozen stiff, were found in a snuwdrift near Loomis, 111., on the llth. They were on a carouse the previous night and probably lost their way while attempting to travel through the snow. A bill to "prevent children from atquiring the habit of using tobáceo" was introduced on the llth in the Michigan Legislature. At Hammondsville, Ky., O. M. Dudgeon killed himself with a razor because of the death of his infant child and the fatal illness of his wife. Theremains of the family were buried in one coffln on the llth. The recent closing of the milis at Manayunk, Pa., bas caused great destitutiou among the 10,000 persons thrown out of employment. Becky Jones, the famous housekeeper of the Hammei sley fumily in New York, having spent several months in Ludlow street jail for contempt, decided on the llth to teil a jury all she kuowg in regard to the will. As escaped lunatic from Séneca Falls, N. Y., was arrested at St. Louis on the llth for threateuing to assassinate President Cleveland. He said the Divine Power hud authorized him to do it. At a dance the other night in Indian Territory whisky sngendared bad blood, i several men belng killed and wounded. Two TitAMPS removed rail afew days ago on the Missouri Pacitlc track, near Mui'thavillf. Mo., wTeddng a train of twelve freigfet-cars and killing the engineer and ñreinan. A mi oo th" 1-Jth destroyel the entlie west side of the public s"ai1 at. Prini-ctowu, Mo. The loss was estiniatedat-JilOO,000. Hkavy snow-storm8 were reported ou the 12th in laollioBÉ of Louisiana, Miséissippi and Alabama. Hailroad traius had been impeded by the snow in M ssissinjii. Rntnnwm asphyxiated by iewargas on the 12th while cleaning a drain in Chicago, and five of thcin died. Dubing January the ln'ef and pork produets exported were valued at $11, 9(15,864, apainst 10,081,877 in Jannary, liM. 'Lioe Parker, whu killed Louis Fox in December, and Rush Johnson, who murdered JohnC. Wall in August, were hanged at Little Rock, Ark., on tho 12th. Richard Trenke was hangod In Philadelphia for tho murder of Augusta Zimm, his paramour. At Hollidaysburg, Pa-, Dr. L. N. Beach was executed for killing his wife last April. ut Upward of one hundred shlps were on the 12th overdue at the port of New York, and the recent terrible gales cnused ,rr'""' anxiety. Near Onkone, W. Va., a Miss Cox, whc died rather suddenly, was hastily buried n few days ago. Dogs raised a disturbante at the grave during the night, and the tomb was reopeued next day, when it was discovered that tho woman had revived. and in her struggle in the coffin had lacerated her body In a terrible inanner, and died of suffocation. One hündred years ago the first bale of cotton was exported to Great Brituin, and on the 12th the centennial of this event wu celebra ted at the expogition In New OrlMtnt. Tas Sociallst-Laboruarty held a ,„ n ... WStT 3 ¦¦. 3b Si SS m msly adopted resolntlons favoring thu ilynainil policy for Irishmen. int: Insane rlepartment of the eounty alius-bouse in Wet PbiladelphU, Pa., ¦ oyed hp'i.' "ii tb" erenlngof the I if ii. NinotoKii liwt thcir livns and several ótken wart roiislag. Th origtn of tho tiro wiir uukuown. Tiur. i'ioi.ifiit hraaamtttod to Congrua on the 12th a miTtttgr favoring the i ditionul approprlatton of $500,000 askad for the relief of the World's ExpoeiMon at New Orleans. The offering for sale in New York OD the 12th of a large har of rcflneil silver led f o inv.-.-,ti-atioii3 which ihewed that it liad boen recently stolen from the miut at PhUadelphia. A corroN-MiT.!., estiiblishcd sixty years ago at Fall Rivet-, Muss,, luis decided to Iranatar uil its m&ohinery to Mexico, and manufacture printed goodl with native lnbor. Thk ol!'n'irif a steamer which arrived in New York on the 12th expressed the fear that Long Island Sound would soon be oompletely snaled up by ice. Wn.i.iAM Thaykr, his wife and grandchild (all colored) were burncd to diath in their house the other uight near New Albany, Ind. Seki.y'.h Bank at Osceola, Pa., was robbed on the l.'ith by four men of $1,300. Two of the burglan had been captured. A OONVKNTION of delégate, representing -i rio iight companien doing business iu the Uuitod States and Cauada, will be held at the Grand Pacific Hulrl, Chicago, on Wcdnesday, February 25. Every electrio lightlng company in the United States and Canada is iuvlted to send delegates properly accredited. Delegates will fiud headquarters established at tho (irand l'aeittc on their arrival. The oost to the Chicago railroads by the recent great storm and inow blookade is estlmated t .S"xx),0O0. A timber-truck i ii a mine near Ashley, Pa., broke loose the other moruing and run dowu flfteeu hundred feet. Five carpen - ters were thrown off on tlie wav. ome being instantly killed and the others probably fatally njured. v Advices to IirndstreeCs on the 13th from all points iudicated that general busiimss lackel vitality. There was coinplaint in all lines that sales were behind thosc oí oue year ago. James M. Murrav was hanged at Portland, Ore., on the 13th for the murdorof his lirother-in-lw, and .Sanford JackSOn (colored) was exneuted at Selma, Ala., fox killing Rufni (íill (colored) iu kturch, U8S. To prevent anothcr raid into üklahoma, flre troops of cavalry and a company fit iufantry aro encanipíKi at the Punca I n- dian agency and Camp Hussi'i. In a tlght at Poplarvilie, Miss., a few ilavs ago betweeu two citifiis, uuned Uoone andSuuders, both were killed. It was believed on the ISth t hut twentysif ii' psraona periihed U,v the recent asvlmn firo in West Philadclpliia. In the United States nnd Canada there were 307 business failures dnjing the peren days ended on the l.'ith, airainst 888 the previous seven days. The dlstrlbn lit.ii wns as follows: Itiddla Statee, t'-'; N, xv England States, SS; Western, !HI Southern, 85i Patiflc States and Tenitorios, !."; Canada, t. PERSONAL AND POLIT1CAL. ff Orover Cleveland, of New York, and Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, were declared by both houses of Congress iu joint asseinbly on the llth elected to the ofllces ot President and President of the United States respectively. At noon precisely the Senators, headed by Mr. Kdmunds, proceeded to the House of Repretentatires. Mr. Edmunds called the aTHfUTlMy feo order, and tho electiou certifipates of the 8tatee were opened in alphabetical order. It was annouuced that Cleveland and Hendricks had received 21Í Electoral votes, against 181 for Blaine and Logan. President Arthur on the llth transmittil to Congress the socond annual report of the Civil-Service Conimission, covering the period from January Ui, 1N84, to Juiuiuiy Ui, 1886, The report says that tne Civil-Service law had been found practicable and effective for the accomplishmeut ot ils purpose. During the year l(ü examinations wero held and ti,347 persons exainined, of bom f),52.r) were males and SU femiiles. Of those examined, 4,141 passed the grade, showing them competent for public service, and 2,206 failed. The average age of all examined was nearly thirty years. The last reception of President Arthur was given on the evening of the llth. Mrs. Rebecca Rinkhart, who claimcd to have wituessed the baltic of Austerlitz, died at Laporte, Ind., on the llth, aged on hundred years. The Illinois Legislature balloted on the lltt for United States Senator, although no quorum was present in either House. The Senate refused to vote as a body. In the House 44 Democrats voted for Morrison, one for Haines and one for Bishop On joint ballot the Republicans abstained from votinc. Morr son received 74 vvt and Haines one. At nine o'clock in the ovoumg fabo atBuiktobu oosupriüoil Ltt Uuiuocrats and 3.'! Republicans. The flrst annual session of the Ke York .State Woman Suffrage Association was held iu New York on the 12th. Ad dresses were made by Mrs. Lillie Deveraui: Blake, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mm. Parnell and others. It was decided on the 12th by the Hous Committee on Poreign Affaire, a.t Washington, to which were referred resolutions in regard to the recent dynamite explosious in London, that it wai beneath the dignlty of the House of Representativo to assume that American citixons had hrvi anything to do with the crímesinqaestion. Miss Eva Mackey, daughterof the California bonanza niillionaire, was married in Paris on the 12th to the Itaiian Prinoe Colonna. The eightieth anniversary of the birthday of David Dudley Field was celebrated at the residence of Cyrus W. Field in New York on the evening of the 13th. COLONBli Thomas Buporo, who killed Judge Elliott seven years &go for rendering a legal decisión against his sister, died on the 13th in the lunatic asylum at Anchorage, Ky. Dr. Henry Helmbold, the famous "buchu" man, was released from the insane asylum at Norristown, Pa., on the l.'üli, where he had been confind since June 21, 1881. Ex-Govebnoh Alkxander Moulto, of Louisiana, died on the llith at his plantation in Lafayette Parish, aged eightyone years. He was Senator for tbat Stato in 1X37, Governor in 1843, and President ol the Secession Convention in 1861. FOREIÜN. Advices wera received at London on the that on the day of the capture of Kliartomn (January J7) by the Fals Prophet General Gordon was stabbed to death and a fearlul rnassacre of the garriEollowed Thu panic-strickeu Kgyptians werf oaptured in tlieir ilight, and put to doath with the most tiendish tortnrt's. Ej ea were gouged out, noses were slit and lies were pulled out ly the root. In niany casos the mutilated parts of the vlcttmi' bodlei vvcre thrust into their moiitlis wiiil" they were still living. The womtn wereñjüo subjected to shamefulindignjties. Edwakü McC'ade, Archblahopof Dublin, [reland, died 'n the lOth, aged ixty-nino ean. Aju i( ks of the lOth from Lake Simon, Qnebec, report that a camp situated six milei from that place was burned, and four men perished in the flamea. General Wolseley telegraphed to London on the llth that scouts sent to Khartooni had returned. They confinned the report of the killint; of Oordon and thn maatacre of his foliowen. Troops had aiready lailed from Gibraltar to reinforce thearmyof the Soudan. In a battle at Bierti General Earle was killed. A.N explosión oceurred the other evening iti the Vale colliery, near Glasgow, Nora Scotla, killiugthirteenmen and ninehorses. General Wolselsy telegraphed the Cairo authorities on the 12th that ho i lieved thers would be no more flghtiag ! along tho Mile until the late General I Earle'a foice reached Berbtr. Zealand on the I2th omr a rnport. r4iat (}ormany has anui"l t.h Jland of ttamna. Si.iniir sbookl Of 'iwt.hipiak -r fU on tho l-'Mi in Allianifl, puin. 'I'hk (')iiiii'lian offloara whn vnluntnorftd to ni.i' reginients tor wri-ic" in Kp:ypt h,i I n taformed taal thereUa chance to 1 i;:irn-(ii ilin , In F.upland, II ther SO desire. An invention bj two Canadians, by whlch telephoniag und telegraphing can be carrii'i "il Biiuultaneously on the nuni wlre, was sui-cessfully tcsted lietwoon Toronto nud Jiamiltonon the 13th. LATER NEWS. Anotiieu joint Renion mi held at Bprlngfleld, DL, on tho Mtli. Thera was a large number i atwentoes, andwhenth roll ai nilli'il (OT rote m tho Senatorsliip no oni' responded axoept BainM, who cast h rote ktorrisoii. MM NCKMKNT KUS lllllllt! OI1 the l."th Ín all parts of the Boeking VhIIcv that no mora aid cnuiii be giran (be striking minera, n'l the man ware adrlsad to go to vork. John iukI Peter Heaver, ljrotliiT.s and a son of the former aed twolve, were kilied on the Mtli hy being run over by a Bee Line en fine al !lei ''land, O. KiiAMis A. DreXTL, tien.l of the groat Drexel banking aouse of Phlladalpbia, ',¦ York and J'aris, died Baddenly on the 14th in New York. Dvnamitkiis' threats to blow up public bnlldingl had on th Htli reasod to alarm people in London. The public was of the opinión that Mie dynamiters were al present cngaRed in awaiting tlin romilt ol the rorthoomiqg trinl of Cunningham fur blowing np the Toiver. Tuk mining cnnip if Alta,, I'. T., was aliii' '.si demollshed by i inow-alide the other night, ilzteen perona being killed, inolud Ing flre children aad two Chiiuinien. The linancial losi w hs about $44,000. The bnnk clearingt of the prlnoipa] cities of tlie United State during the wék ended on thé 14th nmounted i" $710,098,111, a decrease rr $27,335,648 as eompared wlth tluoorresponding weck of I884k Ir ti tl:' I Itli siiuu lial fallen" stendily for iicnrly three days in the Lynchburg i ':.) district. An Piist-li'"nnl Freight train on the Pennsylvnuia Railroad was thrown froin the track the other night by a broken flange, caufling il"iitli of li hiiiirlred sheep, eihty hou and severa! horsas. Durin.h a traoM batwen a contractor and hu men near Banriia, Miss., a few daya ugo three men rare tÜot ilond by th contractor in self-defense. lm. Lxopolo Daxrosor, the distingaished maiiofan, died In New York on the [Ath, nfred tii'ty-three yeora, after being ill luit S feu daj . Advicbs of the iü)i itat thatanamber of persona have partshed and vaiunble property lias lieen destroyed by flonds at Mazatlan, Mexico. A i ahlegram of tlie 14th announcod the ileatli in Paria of B. B. Hotchklw, of Conaectioat, the inmous gun inventor. An'itiikh snow-sturmprevniled through nii [IlinoU, Indiana anl lowa on the l.'itli. Ir the TTnited Stntes Senate on the lith tlie Agricultura] bilí s reportad and tho Indian bilí was consldered. In the House the River and lliuior blll ra lurtherdiscussed. The Postal ppropriation bill waa ¦ I wii'i :i i :-', - [raente Increaslng th tem lor W .. il to S4.S8Ö.0 10.


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