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TAX 8ALE8. STATU OV MICHIGAN. ¦,, Vu OirciM i'Dur' tor tht Uwudy "f Wathltniru-, I ' KttHOéTM. . Tl„ ,„ uiioo ..i WIHIam C. hu v-n, Au.lltoi ... u. rul ..i -.,'.i Hint of MleMgan. ryapeptfullj show Umi in. ¦ I1U ol Ii.imIb lieretnafi'-i .,., lorw u.l 1 Soned A.".-.ntaln adeseripUo of all lnd lu IÍ i ounty m duw upo., wtiioü WXf ""¦ iwseiwea forti .1-. iM.llll.Mie.l Hu ¦i.'iii. nul whioh ware relurued Hdellnqaejl tor non-pajrmeni .K mx. s and v. hun ihm-s ii.iv.' not i n paia; logcllier il II In ¦ lol al HUI. MIMI l)f MX-li !¦ ¦. witli liii.i-ri'M oompuled t the Unie Mx.-.l fomaleaaprovlded by luw. and the cout I uilVfi-iiiliiK iiu.l otber rtlllOM of Kttleoi each ol Mild par eUol land Your peilt km er fimher shows to the ourl tbat iiiil IhihIs rciuriH'il i., ibe Auditor Ueueral ai delinquent tor the non-payment ,.i wild laxei tor ld ears re pecilvely, and Umi aatd delinquent return were made prior to tba fint cuty of Jnly. MW. .... „.,. ïour petlUonar furtlier hows that thesaia tsxaa on Me said denoiibed tana havo remalned unpatd lor more iban one year from tbs flrt iIh.v "I July n.-xlalter tlielr return lo tb Auditor Uenerrtl, and tiie Mild taxos not hiiviiiK been piild. and the lama belng now due and renialnlng unpiild a above set fortn, your pelltloner pruys a decii-e In favor of me state ol Mlobino ucalnt aaob parcel of sald lauda tor Uie pay me i ih.-.-i.v.-nii miiouuu of taxes. Interest, costs of idvertUincana utber expétnea of ule, ¦ oorapoted and extended Inaald uhedule,acalDl tbe -v.-rai naroelsol land oon tal l Hiérela, soa in aelnull .il peyraelrt ol tli said Huveral sums auraputed and extended iwiinst ald laudH, tbat .".il ol sald paroeli of land nmv ba yola for Uie amoanla due thereon as provlded by law. And your prtMoner wlll ever pruy, etc. W1I.I.1AM C. STEVENS. Auditor (leiiural. SCHEIULB A. 1HKO. CITY OK YPSILANTI. f j!S"i J 1 w y, "f h pucel of laurt cuiumciii [nfral j .¦ t-oi uur of w ïi oi ii w l ¦ tlon 1U, iovmi 8 h ruogo7 e,th.iici. K rodttt eocfl II 12 K.iia, tllt-IICt' tt '0 nd8, s 13 rodx. 8.51 ft.M Í0.60 $10 t IMS. lown 2 snuit] , rnrg Í rut. Land bonnded u i.y hlfhw ..c by lown lim ¦ bj mciioii line, w by Vo ', e Hol iK 25 15 1.20 1.13 ¦ K.M 7birn . south, rarure f aai. w part of w H ol e w !, H 60 15. 1U 4.07 .0 19.77 Jbum 1 soulk of range S eatt. i#Kofwr)4,e 40 .St .9 1.9 Toit'ri ! to'tth, rarifje ti rtllf. Land liounfl.-d n bv lii.e, w by Uuddy a:.l h, , 8 by Oulirad, e by tlnnter. tw, 27 7 5.88 tM 0 8.0 7bift U mulh. ranqe ? io. n part of " 7 7i ..7 .85 .B0 4.62 JiotieJ,, l 80 1.44 .S8 .60 2 42 eViofneJi 24 S0 1 11 .38 . 2.12 .'.i.rneH -5 TO !¦ "" al2 WOHeU 25 N) 1.44 .8 .U) 2.12 ItUofieU M Hl 5.4K 1.47 .00 1M e'totswü 83 40 7.71 208 ..II IO. f '4 .il ii w i4 M 40 8.24 1.141 .110 n 'fi CITY OF ANN ARBOR. n ' . uf !i 10, bik 2. n"r 12 e. 5 05 1 .'W .tW 7.01 Lou 11. M and IS, bU 5, sr3w, 4.04 1.09 .0 .r..7:t Abnut 4 acrei ol land nn tho w fide ol Main ?lret;f, lininidert n by J. I). Duiit u land, e by Maiü tf., e by . iilvert, and w by J. M.Wueeleri ud, ' SM 1.43 .o 7.:j h ]. il 7 aeren of land bt.ut dt-ds h M lier ave. w by mili rare, and 8 bv Alli-r's Creek, aud D by Felch "Irert, .'! :..! :!".. .m 17. '2 Lot bd n by Thubh roitd, e by r r, by Blc ck bind, and w by C-SlurnlV land. -'. .71 .60 s 7 A pieco of land bd e by Wlldtz land, by rond, and w to a polnt, and n by llainliii irt-ui, S.00 .."4 60 a.U BROWN AND FULLKR'S ADDlTlOM. B:k Apifcnf lnnd comraenrli n '-i it e w ulong Bruadv;iy I r i .1 tbe e B crtmi-r ol lot 1, h!k 7, th. nee s w 22 It iiloiu' Brosdwny t.i More ' o. 8, Ih.nce n w alnu rhe line ol tald store Oü it, tfaence p e parallel to Broud.Miv - ft, tbenoe s e 80 it te place ol bcglnnii.g. 7 1.20 .:i .60 2.12 The n m 24 V, U In wtiith nff tbe a e -iti fi ín len.h ol the n e W It wide uf lot 1, 8 1.91 .51 .60 3.02 HILL'S ADDITION. Lotü21, 22, 33 mul 24, bik S, 5 76 1.55 .0 7. Hl HISCOCK'b ADDITION. Lot 4, Wk 2, 4 1X1 1.08 B0 5 K8 8 K lulS,bik 11, 6.B7 180 .60 9.07 INGALL'S ADDITION. Und % lot? 7. 9 and 16, bik 2n, rl5.-. t.12 .92 .60 4.4 MAYNARD AND MOKGAN'S ADDITION Lote S, H and J, 2.02 .78 .80 4.30 OKMSBV AND PAGE'S ADDITION. Lots3aud4, bik H, 3 70 1.02 .69 5.41 PARTRIDGE'S ADDITION Lot IS, Wk 1, .DO .44 .80 1.74 Lot 9, bik K, .49 13 .60 1.22 R. S SMITH'S IÏD ADDITION. Lot3, b'.kl, 2 82 .62 .80 3.54 CITY OF YPSILANTI. Parcel of land bonnded w by land of J. Konp, n by Huron river. by an alley, e by laiul ol J Hos-, 1.5 .4 .60 J.61 ORIGINAL PLAT. Lot 40. l.iü .82 .80 2.12 BARTHOLEMEW1 ADDITION. Loú 108, 110, 113 ánd 1M, 4.68 1.28 .60 6.54 DAVIS ADDITIOK. Lot 14 and w ]4 lot 13, 3.92 1.05 .60 5 57 S i lot 23, 1 57 .42 .60 2.59 HUNTIR'S ADDITION. Lot 81 1.57 .42 .60 2.59 H. W. LAKZELKRE'S ADDITION. t.o' W, 1.66 .42 .60 2.58 MORSE AND BAI.ENTIN F.'S ADDITION. Lot G iii.d e i , rod la i.lth oflut 5, bik 3. 9.63 2.57 .60 12 70 NOKRIS AND CROSS1 ADDITION. K "-oriol 287 4.7 1.27 .60 6.59 POST AND LARZALERK'S ADDITION. uuitni d.t i 9h A0 ti M WESTERN ADDITION. E % lot 5, 4.78 1.29 .60 6.6T VILLAGK OF CHELSKA. Town S south, range S eatt. 12% acres . ¦ m n e li, boutidcd n bv Mili creea, e by V.ui Ord tns land, 0 by M. C. K. R., w by B.icb's land. 12 12 .'11 13.40 3.61 .60 17.61 Land bonnded n by Mili ert-t'k, e by Beuhan'uland, s by M. J. K. R., wby Conaty'sland 12 2.06 .55 'M 3 21 VII.LAGE OF DELHI. Ix)t5,blki, 4.3ó 1.17 .60 6.1Ï V1LLAGE OF DEXTBK. Lot 5. bik 3. 2.51 .8 .60 8.8 Lotl2, blk,8, .48 .11 .6J 1.14 VILLAGEOF MANCHESTER. GRANGER AND MOKGAN'S ADDITION. LoIh 1 11..12. hik 2 6.03 1 li-J .60 8.24 VILLAGK OF MILÁN, v KDWARDS ADDITION. Lot6, 1.04 .28 .60 1.92 VILLAGE OF SALEM. Lot6and7. bik 1, .41 .11 .60 1.13 VILLAGE OF SYLVAN. Lot 18, Mk 9, .45 .12 .60 1.17 mccokmick's plat Town á south, rang 7 enst. Lot 3 .6 .25 .00 1.81 PATTEE'S ADDITION Town 3 south, range 7 east. Lt7, .64 .14 .60 188 Auditor Qknkkal's Office, 1, Michioab. V Junuary 31, 1885. ( N..11.V hereby glven tbat the State of Michigan ha iiled lu the Circuit Court f r the County of Wikshleuaw, In Chancery,.a petlllon of wblch the foregotng is a true copy; t hut il claims a decree agalnst each parcet of land Iherein descrlbed for the amouott speclfled rt'.specllvely ; that aucli pelltlon will be Imiinln on lor a ht-u nm and decree at tbe ii.-xt u-rni ol Hal.l court to be held on the flrtst Toeeday of March. lfS5, at Ann Artior In sald County of iishtcnaw, thar all persons lnteri-stf.l Inaneb an.i détlrlng tocoutest the Hen cliiUii ihcivoii for such ttixes. or any e 11 1 tbereof hIulII appev In Haid Court, and file witb tbe cien; thereol thelr objectlo.-i therelo on or before said flrsl Tuesday of March, 1H8."i, and that lu default thereof a decree will be taken as prayed for lu ml petlllon. Nottoe Is lso hcreliy Iven Ihat on the flrat Moiulay of .May, 18S5, the land descrlbed In said petlllon, and for wblch an order of sale shal I be made, wlll be sold for tbe taxes, Interest and charges thereon, as deteriulned liy sald üecref, ut the Counly Treasurer's otflee In the City oí Aun Arbor, In sald Couuty of Washienaw. WILLIAM C. STEVKNS, Auditor Ueueral. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IK ANN ARBOR. Should. advertise in THE COURIER. Mmore monry than at anythingelse by Uk ing an aL'ency lor the hout selllng book 0111. Beginnen) ucceed giandly. None full. Terms free. Hai.i.ïtt Book Co., Portlanfl, Malne. Bucklen'ft Árnica Sal m-. The Best Salve In the world forJCuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Snit Kheiim, Fever Sore8,Teiter, Chapped Haniia, übHUnins, ('unís, and uil Skin Eiiiptioiis, and positively cures PHt-s, or no payrequired. It is puarantceil to trivc prfeet satisfaction, or ïnoncy iclnndfd. Price 25 cents per box. Fbr Salo by Eberbiich & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News