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Hortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVINO BKBN MADK IN THB 1 condilion ol a mttlii inilenture ol mortKatte Á íxecnted by I.Hiira iíurki'i to .lohu Lynch, boto of Ann Arhor, In Ihe county of Washtenaw In ihe state ofMichlgm, huur n(f date, cichteenth rtay i il October, A. D., 18T7 and recorded in the utnee ¦r the Ilrirlitor f Deed lor iho ' "ii lyofWihfinaw. In Lthor M of Mortcnp, fige IK andan { signad on the 'ÍSih dny l SUjl 1881, 'V wrnti-n , ilgnneot to Jota Bmlth, ol lm Arbor U wnshln ti !n ' ¦ '.iinty atorpsalil, irnl li'fli aMlKOmeol fa rfcotded In the offlee aforetmiri in I.ibcr yoTen 'f Asnigniiienta of Mortemrt, on pêg 182. and by whicn delanlt. ihu power of salo contaimd In -airt mortgago havtng becoroo operativa, nd no Milt or procedin[ at law or In quity, havinK beeu lnttituted to r. cver the amounl (lui? on sala mortK({0 or the bond accc mpanyinjr the sanie, and in re beiug nuw claimed to be due n iuid Imnd and mortRaie the iutn of Fonr hundri'd and oijjhty-niin! dollar and ninety-tr j cent i48í'.(r). NOTICK In therefore hereby Klven, that said Mortgae wlll bo forclosed on SaiQ'day, the 18 h day of April, A. I). 1885, at ten o'clock In ti.e fomnoon of that day, by a alt at public auction to tht htghrat bidder, at the Biet Door of the Court Houae, In the City of Ann Arbor, in theConnty aforexaid.faaid Court Huuse, beitiij the place ol holding the rlrcolt Coort for Kaid Couuty) of tlie mortRaired premises, discribed ín n.iid mortiije or o much thereof, as may bo necesnary to Mtlafy tbe ( amount ot prlucipal and Intereat ri'mainiiii; j pald upon said mortiai?e. with reasonable cowih and tzpMfltaí whlch iirtMUli-ei are iW---t lh.-il iu ald murttiaue aa lollowa : All those ciriaiu plecn or parcela of land, Itnated and bclnfr In he ('Itv , 01 add Arbor, in thti Coanty of Waxhtenuw and State ot Mi'hiyiin. and declbed as tollos, to ¦ wit : The west-half ot lot numbrr Filteen and teiu, in lilock nnmber Flve (ó) nouti "f Hurón i ¦ tre't, in Kaoue number Klifht eau, nRreeabiy t the Ann Arbor Land C'ompanj'u additlon to tbc j eald c'ity of Ann Arb(r. Dated, January IS, A. D. 18S5. , JOHN 8MITH. E. D. KINNK, Ai)iinue of Mnrttage. Atl'y for Aailgnee. l!0-4i. , - ] Real Hitste Tor Sale. OTATKOK HKJHKíAN.Countyof Washtenaw.nn. In thu Matt'.T of he Kutatu of Loiñ D. Uurnelt , and Walter B. Biirnttt, mlimrH. Nonen ia hereby jriven, that In pursuance of an order ranted to the ni'.dersiKnral ïUidtaSrtb Ketate of Baid minora. b the Hon. Judü ol I'r bate for the County of" Wasbtcnaw, oti thi' Kifth dayot May, A. D. ISS4, thi're wlll be nld at puhlir vendue, to the hit'i't'ft bidder, at the Eist front door of the Court Hunne, In ih' City of Anu Arbor, in Cmmt) of Waahtenaw. 1" snld Stalt-, on Tucaday, the tenth day ol March, A. D. lütiC. at ten o'clock iu the forenoon ol that day (eunject to all enctimbrancea by ruortaiie or otherwlui' exIstliiK at the time of the aale), all tho right, tltle and intoset of lid mlnorB in the folios Ing de(¦rrllx'd ri-nl p-iate. tu-wit : L'ommenclnv at ttaa certor ol the road DO the onth -idc of cecilou foaiie'in (11) in the townablp ¦ t Loitl, i.hhn-naw cnuuty. in MIchi(;:in, ata polm ti ry 'Cour (.54) rodn vret of enter iine of Mld i-iction and running thenco due n.irth elghly (t)ü) rod. theiic due West thiriy ('Oi rod-, tbenci' duu uutb elghty (80) rod thence due eact to the p'aci: ol bitliaxtluit, containing Uiteen (15) aerea of AMN K. BURNETT, ,iinr'll:m. Dated, Jsnuary IT, 188,r. I1M :W otlce to Credltors. SrATHOFMICHK4AN,CountyofWaKhtenaw,P.. Noties i Hereby eivun, that by an ordfr ol the Probate Court for the County of Wanhtenaw, made on the twentyalzth day ol .lanua y, A. D. 1886. ix muDtbi fmm ihat datf ere allowed for crediior to pr-.'iit ilnii clainii axainst ihc Batata oí Hannah M. Cate, late ol -aid coUDty , decuued, and that mII oradlton of tald deceaped are reqnired to iircaenl tlieir tlaimi lo eaid Irobatc Court, at the l'robato Ofticc, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination ani' allowance, on or beaan ihe 27ih day ol Jaly nL'it, and that aacb cluinis will be lu-ard ne fore aid conrt, ou Monriny, the '7th day ol Apr.l and on Honday, the 27 1 h day ol July next, at ten o'ciock Iu the forenoon ¦¦! pach ol nald dajs. Dated, Anu Arbor, January 27, A. D. l-'i. WILL1AM D. HAKKIMA.N, VM-V&i Judu'i' ol PMMte. Kotice to ('rrditnrs. n'l'Ai OK MICHIGAN. County ol WMhtenur, Notice I hereby trSB, (Bat by bij order oí the P.o'mte Cou-t for r lie Coanly of Washtenaw, tnade on thn 2Hth day of .lannay. A. D. 1HH5. six montks.lrom tliat were allowed !r creditorc to present tlit;ir claims againt tne PÉtte of G'orire Kinff, late of aaid couijly, deteaied, and tbat uil credltors of pald diceiiped re icquircd to piesent th' ir claim to said Probate Court. at ihe Probate otlke in city ot Ann Aiborjfor ezamlnatton and allowance, on or before ilie 2Hth d.iy of July uext, and Ihat iucb claiui wlll be hea:d helor said Conrt, on Tucrday tbe 2Sth day of April, and ou Til' naay the íílh day ot July iicxt. at KI o'clock in the forenooQ of each ol iaid daya. Dated, Ann Arbor, Junuary 2H. A. 1). 18X5. WIU.IAM D I1AKH1MAN, Judiie ol Probate. Coiiuuls.sloner.i' Notlce. STATE OF MK:ilIGAN,CounlyorWa8htenHv,9H. The andergigned haviuK been appointed by the Probate Court for ptiid County. Commicfliouerö to receive. examine and adjuft all claim! and demands ot all pernon aalnat the estáte of Nancy Whceler, late of -aid county, decea-ed. hereby kívc notice tbatï'ix montht Irom date are allowed, by ordei "f said Probate Court, for creditorn to present their claims againat the ceUte of waid deceaped, and tnat they will meet at the atore of C BHat A on in the city of Arn Arbor, in eaid county. on Saiurday, the ninlh day of May, and on Monda;, the tenth day of Aumitfl next, at ten o'clock A, M. "i each of naid days, to receive, examine and adjuat Haid claimt. Dated, Febraary 9. 1885. BKNJAMIN UROWN. I rnmmio,ionPTH JOE T. JACOBS. Oommlssioners. Commissioners' Nutice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaPhtenaw, as. The underBifjned havine been appointed by the Probate Court for iald county, Commiftsionen? to receive, examine and adjuRt all claims and demands ol all persons against the estáte of Nathau Wcbb. late of said cnunty.deceased, hereby give notice tbat slxmonths from date are allowed, by order of naid Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of sald dtceased, and that they will meet at the late resldence of said deceased In the tcnvnship of Plitsf.eUl, iu said county, on Monday the eleventh day of May, and on Tueday the eleventh day of August nc-xt, at ten o'cloí'k a. ni . of each of said daje, to receive, examine and adjust said clainiM. Dated, February II, 1885. F. K. OWKN, ( MYKON CADY, i Commisnioncr?. OPIUM HABIT! Suffn-n from thii pmirious habit will do wrll to wi-ite to DR. 1ARNH, of Qiiütcj, kk., who hu w.nlj wide Kputatiun for thanirM hthu mada dorin th past twalvc fmn. The min pomfa to b commuuirtKl re Urn prrNit stmt of hMltli, lm tb oitimused, nd present irnmint of druKUMrd per Mk. Banltarium Trtmnt hn dirf-!. Kr-id for tctitnonia)i trom Iffiint physicians and. reitMBttlv uia and woiuca cuièd. CSgfJHMapMV Irinf ia..i ieCLI...,JM. ¦¦BB the truth U'Ut I'ih ,,ur ¦üg$6Ö.5T0 ¦HBV WAGON SCALK3. ¦ ál B neftin Box Tr, IWia TrciKht ¦ ¦¦ l'l !¦ Paicl. Frr, Prici' I.i-I. Evory Rue. JLAlM .Udre. J0HI5 OF BnJSHAJtTOS, SS9Uï BINCiliAMTON.N. X. W. TREMAIN, ENERAL Imraiii mj OKITICK : Oyer ' Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HUKON AND FOURTH STS.. North British Insurance Co., Of Lonilon and Edlnbiirtr. Capital, 13,000,O0O, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurunce CoM Cash Aaaets $600,000. Sprinfleld Ins. Co. of Massachnsetts, Cash Aisets $1,800.000. Howanl Ihs. Company of New York, Cash Assets $1,000,000. .iKTH'iilt nral Ins. Co., Walcrtow n. N.Y., Caah Assets (1,200,000. Loeaet Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Pald. A FINE SUITE OF Rooms for Olees OVER TH B NEW POST-OFFICE. 8UPPUED "WITH WATEU AND 8TEAM. Those receutly occupled by Db. Wii-son can now be rentei] by lnqnlrlng at the COUaiKR OFFICK.


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