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A business college 11 the latent Mllan entt'ipi M'. The Chelseu oornet band's m isqaende Ht the town hall was a suceess. Geo Bttmpsoo won a pair of skates at the Milali nitato race last week. Ed. Oase aml Miss Lena Uaird, of East Milan, wcre mairied on the 18th lost The rhetoric class in the Dexter high school making considerable progreat. ltev. Mr. Wright, of Whitmore Lake, was beni'lited 0." liv a recent donation. Win. Underwood as Hawyer, is to start ap E. T. Walker' suw mili lu Weet Salem soon. The I. O. O. T. loilge had a benefit given theni by the Milan skating rink tho other night. A grand Washington bal!, at Lake ridre hall, witli a good man to cali, and a $1 lo pay, that's all. Dou't forget the next meeting OÍ the Washtenaw eouuty pioneer luciety, at Clielsea, March lili. Kev. M. C. Stanley recently delivor.d an iiitereatiuj; aikliess betore thu UtiXtac schools upon '"United Otate Hislory." Tli e young nien's band of Ohelsea are to give a umaquerade ball on tüe eveniug ol Ai.iirn lili, in honor ot iDaugunÜon d.iy. Mr. and Mr. Turner, who reside in Dexier towuohip, have lived tOgeUiei as man and wile til years. lie is aguí anü siie 8(iyeais. Pire destroyed the schoo] booie in distnct No. 2,Sylvah, last week. H was built lwo years agu, and valued at $700. Inauri'ii lul' $400 uil building, aOCl S.iMI UU cunte u ts. A great many people thiuk the nortb l'iiic has sint teil üuwu suuiewhere int o Michigau. - Milán Journal. Yes sir, aud a gieat niany peopta are evideulJy goud Uimkers. To-oiorrow evening, Feb. 2Cth, Kt. Rev. Bishop Hal ris, will visie tlie parish ot ïjt. James, at Oexter, in bil otticial capacity, and a cordial mvilaliou ia extended to llie public tube prewDt, "He tiied lu kiss me and I just told liim to beiKive," said an iiale Uexler youuy lady, llie otheieveiiinjí, nfter a alelgtl lide. 'Wcll, did lie kiss yuu f" a.-ked hei friouU. ' Nu, tlie idiut; lie bcliaved." Ti, e editor ut the Dexter Leader beI i Vol that all yniiiig men shouid huid the rem willi bulh liands wlnle out cutterliümy;. Hu lias piubably chauged his ïiiimi on tlie subject siuce hu was a youug man. Tlie Milan Leader witli its next issue will appear as Vol. IV. Nu. 1, unü itsmiles as sweetly as thuugti the wcather was up ainuiiho U's or Os somewliere. 'l'hi' Leader is a tasly juurual and a credit to Milan. Wbitmore Lake correapoodent of the Soutli Lyou Kxcel.iiur : " liie stage was suuwed in at this place last Tuesday aud had to go to Ann Aroor Weduesday oa boraeback 011 secouut of the dntted roadi." McjCullougli's (fbuudry) last week lamed out the largt'st casting that lias ever been made liere at a .single heat, being a balance wheel tor the Curnwells, weighm over 2,200 puuuds. The cisting was fully sucees.-ful. - Ypsüanti Suntinel. The Kev. John A. Kaley, of Carey, Oblo, lias acoepted the cali extended lo hiiii by t lie Coogreguiiooal society of thii place, and entered upou liis duties last ¦Sabbath.- (.'Ih-Imm HeiaUl. Andaieception was riveu liim lust Fiiday eveiiiii:, by Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Hatch. Rftpublicaní upal Cheleen ara nottobe fooleil with uccoidlng to the Herald.which i9 quite right : "Au offlce-seefcer recently uskrd severa! of liis republlcun frlenda to ílgn a petition for him tbat he mlght be appointed pogtmaster. The wiy he wis ¦¦liinl " would have gladdened the lieart ol' IVck's Bad Boy." The Bobemlan Oats Ajaoclatíon is one rthegrandeal wiadlei in country. Secretary Chamberlain, ot'tne Odio statc oaid of agricultura, says that he knows ot' a farmer in Summit county who has leid 300 bushels if thosc oaU three year?, lie associatiiin refuring to take them off hands.- Central (hio Herlew. The meaut man We have heard of for ome time livts at Lima. Although he ïad about four eords of woon in bi yaid ,ist week (you knowhow oold It was), et he reftued to let a stick of it go, nlhotigh offered the nvney tor some. The leraon who tendered htm the money was iDtlrely out, and was obliged to (CO miles ifter a few 11 icks if wood to keep liis famlv warm.- Chelwa Berald. During the funeral services of Bu rton Alley, last SaturJay, most ot our business lou.-es were closed, out of respect to the eoeased, and the M. E. chnrch wascrowded. Hev. A. B. Wood preaohed an admirable sermón frota John xiv, S-8. He was assisted by Prof. Hudson of the Uuiversity. Kev. VV. II. Bonton, of .Saline, was t 'xpected to be present and take part in the services, butthe roads were iinpassable and he could not get here. - Dexter Leader, From our own Correspondent. WKIWTER. Miss Cania Benson is quite sick. V. Baad lias bought a tine span of horses. S. Wheeler lias the futtest steer in the town of Webster. H Wilson is petting ready to commcnce mason business in the spring, by engaging 1 mi men to work for him. üur new arithmetio ! If ayoung man In Webster borrows $5 of une man and $1 of another, to' seiul to [owa, for his fiirl to come and see him, and roes 12 miles to meet her at the depot) and her brotber ciinics and makes hi-r rttnrn home on the tante day, how mueh does he make by the transuction, and how long will it be beforebe will be rkjh snotigh to buy out Win. H. Vanderbilt? Tliere was a meetinjí of tlie J'aiiinrs' Club at William Boyden's, BatardaT the 14th. Abouc 70 persons ware In atteudancc Hon Win. Ball re;ul an essay on 'The Care or Stock in Winter," it was able and "ood. The music, by Mr. Cuibman, E. BhII and : sister, and Miss EfHe Scaddlng, was vry nicc. The next meeting of the club will be at the Town Hall, on Saturday avenlng, Febrnary afith. E. A. Nordniaii is to raad an essay.


Ann Arbor Courier
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