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ricu. d, riooper, 01 uecroir, is 111 towu. W1I1 Hatch haa been "t the sick list the past week. J. C. Watts, of Bast Baginaw wm in town Monday. Kred J, Schlode goet to Chicago to ilny to l)uy a new outüt. John M. Wheeler on West Huron st., is quite seriously ill. Mrs. Sam Blitz and children are spendIng the week In Detroit. County Clerk Robison has been in Detroit several days this week. T. J. Keech werit out to Whitmore yesterday upon telei)hone business. A. L. Noble has been confined to lis house since Saturday by siekness. C. S. Eldert, of Pinckney, has been visUlng, friends hero for the past week. Ex-Warden Pond and family Uke up thcir residence In Ann Arbor again. Miss Katie J. Rogers, the artist, after a long painful illness is slowly recoverlng. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. White are enjoying the strawberries and mild atmoaphere of Florida. A. R. Hall, who liascarried on a bakery here ever since Ann Arbor put on its first punta, was 70 years oíd a few days since. The families of David Godfrey, S. P. Jewcltand L. M. Lyon.all on West Huron st.,are sufferiug more or less sickness. Will Worden sptaincd hia ankle yesterday in jumping out of a cutter, and has now a s welling thercon as big as his head. George Washington Gilbert is a new society man who cameto Ann Arbor Feb. 22, 1885, welgblnK just 11 % lbs. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erastus N. Gilbert, expect bim to rcnuln with them Hveral years. We notice by a Washington dispatch that J. Albaft Case, formerly city editor of the Courier, lias been promoted ander the civil service rules and by exainination, to a hlgher berth, and increased remuneralion. He has a $1,300 poiltion now. None will be more pleased to note Mr. Case's upward progress thun bis Ann Arbor friends. Dr. E. C Rogers, of Chicago, is at present in the city, and expects to remain here the baltnce of his days. Dr. Rogers is a brother of Handolph Rogers, tbesculptor, and Moses Rogers, of this city, and has been a very sucoeaafu] praotltloner. The Dr. was one of the first students at tlie univeisity medical departraeat, though not a gradúate.