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5ÏLIHB BELtOTE BT THB t. %. WVt TO CABBY THE FABT MAIL ü UOTN(J WEST. ! DKLY LIHE BUHHIWG TWO THKOUGH , TBAI1ÏS DAILY FEOM CHICAGO, PEORI A & ST. LOUIS, ; DENVER, ; %r vi Knnin City and Atchlra.i u Denver, conneming liu"on licpoM al Kanaa. City, AlcUon. omi.u and Uenver witn tnrojgn tralu. ror 8AN FRANCISCO, and all polnta 1d the Far West. Snortest Uueto KANSAS CITY, And all polnta In tne Soutu-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Hliould unt forget Uiefactthal Round Tri""'"1 raduoa rat can be purcliased vla thln (.rrnt Th rouiiï Tl,lae, U) all lue Hwülh and i-laur Y-UgTYOt MEXCO, and all polnta In the Meilcan Republlc. HOME-SEEKERS Bnould a)o remember tnat thli line leadj ding to tnegreat THHOÜOH CAR UNE r America, and U uulveraally admltted to ae tne Fine.t peRaHroad .. rtL W.r.d f.r Canada. vicWandGenan. Oen. PaM. Ag1! Chicago. Baayfw Í&. a. 3U0 Wutihlngton K.. lloalou. Downrlffht Cruplly. To permit yourself nul family t ' Suffer !'" Witli ilekneM when it oaa be pieiwiitea and cuied so easy Wil li Hop Bitters!!! lh. ing cxperienced a frreat deal of " T ron ble! " trom indigestión, so much so that I cainc nwi lotlug my lift ! My troublu alwnys carne atter ciitin;; snv tooü - Ilowever llglit And ülKestllili-. Kor two or three hours at a timo I lid to go through the most KxcTiiciiiting pains, 'And the only w;iy I BTW gol " ' Relief!" Wiis bj throwing up all my Btomach contained, No one can conceive tlie pains tlial I liad to go tlnougli, until "At lust?" I was taken ! "So tint for three weeks I lny in bed and Couid ent notliing ! My sufteiings were so that I called two doctors to rive me tometblng that would ftiip pain ; their Ëflort wen no good to me. At lust 1 heard a gpod deal "Abont your Hop Bitters ! And deteimined to try theni." Gol a bottle- in tour hoort I took the contents of One! Next day I was out of bed, and bare not seen a "Sick !" Hour, from the UtDie ORUSe sinci'. [ havi! reoommended it to hundredsof olhcrs Yon have no such "Advocate ai I ini." - Geo. Kendall, Alistan, Boston, Mas-. Columbue Advocate, Texas, April 31, '83. Dear Editor: I have tried your Hop Bitter, and Önd they re good ter any roinplnint. The best medicine I ever usetJ in my faniily. H. Talener. ËPNonn genulDe withouta bunch of green Il..,s .ui white label. Bban all tlw vlla, polaoooo. Muil wlth "Hop" or "Hops" In ttit-ir name. Acknowledging that we havo been in the wrong II only showing dat we are wiser to-uay thao we were yerterday. A Remarkable Escape. Mrs Mary A. Dalley, of Tunkhaanock, Pa. WRI alllicli d for six yeais witli Asthina and Bronchitis, daring which time the hest pliy-icinns could no n-lief. Her lite iis di'spaiied ot, until in OctobtT phe procurt-d a hot t le of Dr. Kin's Ni-w Diecovei y, wbeo Immedlate relief was fdi, and by ooDtlnaing its ust' tora short time she was CompleteTy cuied. gainiiig in fli-sh 50 lbs In h lew nionths. Free trial bottlM of tbUcertaln cnre of all Tlimat and l.'.nj iliseases at Ebrrliacli & 8on'( drug store. Lárge boules $1.00. ' Well, whal is it Ihat causes the saltncss of the ocean ? " isked a teacher ot her class. "Cndfish," was tue reply. Duainaoe causes sickness; bad blood and improper aetion of the livcrand kidneyt is bad drainage to the human s', stem, which Bunlock Blood Bitters ronjedy. What is the difference between n coat and a baby? The oue is what you wear, and the other II what you were. Ebi-rbach & Sou the Dru}rgist8,who are always looklng al ter the intereatt of thcir cuxtorspn, have now secured the sale of Dr. Hosanko's Cough and Lii"f Syrup, a remedy that never fails to cure Colds, Pallld in the Chest and all Lung Affections. For proof, try h free sample bottle. Regular sie 50 cents and $1 00. In private watch your thouffhtlj in the faniily watch your temper; In conipany watch your tongne. The Duty of State Levislatures. Legislalion In every state sliould regúlate the sale and use of the many poisona rcstoited to by wonicn in tlieirdesperation to obtaln beautilul complexions. There exists in Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic every requlsite to accomplisli the object without Injiii'ing health or endanerlng life. Why is a horse the most curious feedei in the world ? Because he eats best whcn he liasii't a bit in his mouth. Captain Mitchell, of the bark Antoine Sala, New York and Havana trade, camc home In May, entlreh lielpless with rhumatism. He went to the inountains, bui receiving no benefit, at his wife's reqtiesl uegan to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. He Immedlately began to inprore; in twi moiithl bis rheumatlsra was all gone, and he sailed In conini and of bis vessel a wel] man. Hood'sSarsaparilla will help you, Sold by all druggists. It is with narrow souled people as witli narrow-neoked bottles; the less they have in them, the more noise they make pouring it out. Mr9. A. V. Howlantl of Providence.R I.. Bftvi: - l I must cheerfolly reoommend Hint's [Kldney and l.iver] Re.medt as 8 safe and rcliable cure for kidney disease and it is the only medicine I have evei tound that does exaclly what it is advertí-, il todo." Komider Rays his wifc is the Ilght-wall Champion, She always stayst up lili ht comes home. These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system re"ulator ever placed withi.i the ranch of suf ferinR liunianity, truly is Electric Bitters Inactivityof the LI ver, Bilioiisness, Jaundice, Constiparon, Weak Kidney, or any disense of the nrinary organf, or whoevet requives an anpetitser, tonic or mild stimulant, will alwnys liud Electric Bitter thf best and only certain cure known. Thev act sur. ly and qulckly, every bottle iruar anti'ed to giveentire s-ilisfaction or muney irfunded. Sold ut lifly cent a bottle b Eberbach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
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