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TAX 8ALE8. 8TATK0F MICHIGAN. m tU OreuU Oourt tor il" OrnUv ''S e AlttSTWlHtaa '¦¦ Btóv.D..Aam. Í „ , . ó -.i,l Slateof mi.Mkh,,. ,.-.,;¦ o ,v how.tbal the ItüUof Ihii.18 l:;i.ift.' „ i U il i-r wlib total urnouut i auc i-. , ,Ti ," eompnted thereoo lo Um Urn , "Ml I 'sN HH„n.Vl.l.-ül. -I..W. :...! lh.-.-..Mt , "adveriMim and othet of sale of i lhat)S landi were r.-tmn.-.i WUw Auditor , Uaueralaa delluqnent tor Ui m„-pave I „i „Ki.l taxei toraald yen r y, ... i tbat wld delluquenl return were nade prior uYou,";,"i',i:;Mi':'uM";H.wsthatthoani t,Xf, „ , me iaid deMsrlbcd laudi ttave remulned anpald ur more iban one year Irom U„ 0l dai ol July next a.tor tHelr return o t Mulllor Oeneral and si.i laic nut hlvlnic been pald. and tbe urne boinKnow due Hivl remuliiliix uiipaid ax above sol rortli, voor petltloner a deoree In favor of t"e auTteol Ml.hiKananalnBteachparcelol Mld Ubdi fortbepaymentoltbeieveralamottnlj o! taxen tDtaraU, ooaü of advwUalng Bd utber ezpnaa ol lal, al eotnputed mul cxtendcd In sald cbedule, agaliwl UM sevenil i.Hroelaol land non tal lied ihcreln. aml In d.uÏil of paymeut uf lbo aaid wveral lama oompat and eiíended upünat iM lasida. Ibáteacb oi aald tU ol land nmy bowjld rnrlheamoonta iue ttaanonu provlded by lftW ALayourp,.UHon,,.;,v,fi!,u, AiKiitoi (iiüieral. BCHEDULE . 1SSO. CITY OF YPS1LANTI. I i i I I I a W ', ni pircel ol IhüiI cuiumenciiKt a e cornrr uf w H ol ii ¦ 14 1-'( ¦ tion 1U, lo ii ' k rng7 e.ihHnce w 20 rodi,t bd e ?od' LSeaíuí?.i. ia n tw. loum H êouth, rnvqe t tat. Land bounded n iy hithwny.o b) ¦ lown Une. by KctloB fine, wbjr Vota, " ¦ 14 ni reü !S IS I.M ' '¦ 7bm 4 nnulh, range t ful. "l"rtOtWWS"rS0W!Í'l5..0 4.07 .60 !.n 7'oim 1 ouM o ranje S asi. 8o'4ofBwlr!,6 40 1.10 .29 .0 1 N Tbwn 5 soulh, range MÍ. Land bonnded nby llue, w by Huddy and Huesee, b by Ouuran, bv Ifouter. wH. 27 7 5.88 1.58 .0 R.06 7Kn '. tovih, range 7 a. Dpartoffw!4 7 s.n . .bo . w'íofeeti M 0 1.44 .: 60 2.42 "t?5eí M 80 144 .W .( i!! e'íofneJi 26 M 1.44 . .88 .0 .41 „f.oueí a 0 1.44 .88 .0 2.43 efofBe' at 40 5.46 1.47 .W) 7.53 „LO(,wt :i 41) 7.74 2 OS H) 10 41 e w 4 of u w ü 36 40 6.24 I.W .KO S.M CITY OF ANN ARI1OR. n ; of lots aud 10, bik J, orlle, 5 a-, l.:ití ,W 7.01 UiU 11. !¦: and 13, !¦! 5, Br3w, lili 1.09 . S.78 Abont 4 acres of land on the w tlde ol Main ftreet, boanded n by J. D. DuncaL'i land, e by Main '., s hy i alvert, and w by J. M. Wlieeler'ë land, B.M 1.43 .m 7..Í6 h }$ ol 7 acres of land I..uided8bv Milleravo.. w hy mili rure, and by AIIit.'s Creek, and n by Felch ítreot, IÍ.88 8.88 .8 17.89 Lot bd n by Chubh road, e by r r, b by Hiscnck'B laúd, and w by C.Sturm'í land! 2.66 .71 .0 8.9T A ptece of land bd e by Wildtz land. ¦ by Chabb'8 rodd.and w tn a iKimt, and n by Hamliii Btreet, Ï.0O M .80 8.14 KROWN AND FULLIH'S ADDIT1ON. Blk A plecc of land commeno li'K 22 !t w .UoiiL' Broadway Inirn the 8 e corner of lot 1, bik 7, thence b w 22 It lontr Broadway to slore o. 3, Ihunce n w along the line of Baid Btore fiO It, thence n e fiarallel to Hrmd a ii t, Ihence h e 60 ft to pluce of beginniiig. 7 1.20 :.' .88 S.I1 The n w 244 ft In width cfl' thee e 40 ft in ler.g.h 01 thu 11 e UO it wlde of lot 1, 8 .1.91 .51 .80 3. OS HII.L'.s ADDITION. Lots 21, 22, 23 and 1, hlk 3, 5 70 1.55 .60 7.91 HISCOCK's ADDITION. Lnt 4, blk 2. 4 0(1 1.08 .fiO S.ffi s H lol 6, bik 11, 6.67 180 M 9.07 INGALL'S ADDITION. Und y, lote 7, 9 aud 16, blk 2o,rlSe, 3.42 .2 .60 4 94 MAYNAKD ASD MOROAN's ADDITION Lote E, Huid J, 292 .78 .60 4.30 OKM5BY AND PAGe's ADDITION. Lot3aud 4, b'K H, 3 79 1.02 .69 5.41 PAKTR1DGES ADDITION Lnt 1 blk I, .t' .24 .60 1.74 Lot 9, blk ti, .49 13 .60 1.24 R. S SMITII'S 3d ADDITION. Lot3. blk 1, 2 32 .62 .00 3.54 CITY OF YPSILANTI. Parrel of lamí bouuded w by lamí nf J. Kotfi ii ly hurón nvtT. c by n alK-y.e by land ol'j Kos-, 1.59 .42 .60 2.61 ORIGINAL PLAT. Lot 40. l.iO .32 .60 2.12 BARTHOLHMBW'd ADDITION. Lots 100, 110, 112 in.l 114. 4.1)8 1.26 .60 6.54 DAVIS ADDITION. Lot 14 and w i lol 13, 3.92 1.05 .60 .3 57 S Ü lot 22, ' 1 M .42 .60 2.59 HUNTER'S ADDITION. Lot 81 157 .42 .60 2.59 H. W. LANZELERF.'s ADDITION. Loi 38, 1.6 .42 .60 2.58 MORSE AND BALENTINE'S ADDITION. Lot 6 ai d e Vi rud íu whiiü ol lut 5, bIR 3. 9.53 2.57 .60 12.70 NORMls AND CROSS1 ADDITION. KMol'lol2K7 4.72 1.27 .60 6.59 POST AND LAHZALBRK'S ADDITION. Lot 481 4.b8 1.2K .60 6.54 WESTERN ADDITION. EK'o'5. -W l '-¦' ¦''' 6 67 VILLAGK OF CHELSEA. Tuxvn i soulh, range } eitit. 12J4 eres . í "i ii o %, otiiiiirifd d li Mili c-ecK, e b Vju urd illa land, e by M. C'. K. K., w by Bict)'eliid. 12 12 50 13.40 3.61 .60 17.61 Liiud bounded n by Mili c-i k.uhy lieulmu'slaiicl. 8 by M. 0. K. R., w by CouHiy'sland 12 2.06 .55 .60 3.21 VILLAGK OF DELHI. Lot 5, blk 2, 4.;ó 1.17 .60 6.12 VILLAGK OF DEXTEK. Lot 5 blk 3. 2.5 i .68 .60 3.82 Lot 13, blk '8. .43 .11 .6J 1.14 V1LLAGEOF MANCHESTER. GItANGKR AND MOUGAN's ADDITION. Lots Iaul2, Ilk2 8.0 162 .60 8.24 VILLAGK OF MILÁN. KDWARDS ADDITION. Lot6, 1.04 .28 .80 1.92 VILLAGE OF SALEM. Lots 6 and 7. biü 1, .41 .11 .60 1.12 VILLAGK OF SYLVAN. Lotl3,hlk9, .40 .12 .60 1.17 MC CORMICK'S PLAT Toxvn S touth, range 7 tast. Lot 3 Wí .25 .10 1.8 FAITEE1 ADDITION Town S êouth, range 7 eat. Lot", .14 .14 .69 1.S8 Auditor Gkjjkrai-'s Office, i, Micuiuar. Jaauary 31, 1885. Notice 1 hereby glven that the State o MlcliltjHn lias flled In the Circuit Court f r the Uuunty of VValiiin:iw, in Chancery, u pellllon of whlch the foregoing Ís a true copy that l olatrai a decrre ugulnsl each parcel o land thereln dncrltxd lur tlie amounW specl (led reapeaUyoly ; that such peiltlun wlll be brought (ín lur 'a hea ln and decree al the next te mi ol Bukl court lo be held on the firs Tuesday of Maren. ltö, al Ann Arbor In utid , Coanty o( Wasbtcnaw, all persons luterested in sucb lands ana deslrlug tocontes the Hen claim tlureon for such taxes. or any put lliercol sball appear In snl.l Court, and UK' wltli Ihe clern Ihereot thelr objection tliereu on or before sald flrt Tuesday o Maren, 1885, aud that In default thereof a decree wlll be lak'-n as prayed for In saU petlilon, Notloe Is also hereby Rlven that on the flrs Uuuday of Muy, 1885, the lnnds dencrlbed In sald petltlon, and for whlch an order of salt simll be made, will be Rold for the taxes, lu terest and charges determluei ly Raid decree, at the County Treasurer's offlee Id the City of Aun Arbor, In sald County of Washienaw. I WILLIAM C. STEVENS, , Auditor Ueneral. ; EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN ANX AKBOR. Should. advertise in TE COURIER. , Perc HTHcIntba f&y, all that tobáceo is . good for is to kill insect. Jus' a.s (ioiiii. Many unscrnpulous dealers may teil you ¦ tliey liave rctiicilie for Couglis and Coldg . eqiml in met t and Inevcry rpspeotju9ta l (fond as the old ri'liable Dr. Bosanko Congli und Liing Syrup, unlessydu itisis tipon thl remedv and wil! take no other y ¦ i u uro 1 ililc to be jrreatly deceived Prtee 60 cents and $1.00. Sold by Eber b&ch & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News