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Gram) Hapids Sefiond street M. E. cburch completeil, f8,000. Tho Methodist cliurches of Michigan, report 3.000 conversión during the past few weeks. Jamus Van Kleeok, of Midland, has been appointed cominiseioner of immignttion, by Gov. Alter. Out at Sparta, Kent Co, they ire tn bald in anti-jrrng shop caucu for the uomjnatlon of villaje offleers. Port Huron will have the postt talegrapli whieh will commence luisinois tbis moiith. Rute, 25 woids for 20 cents. At Lupeer the husbands have to tak day board out in order to allow their wives all the time to atlend the roller rluk. Muskcgon owns up to $177,500 of bond' d indebtedness, of whicli $1!0,0ij0 ia in water boud?, and the rest in school securities. The Methodist camp meeting at Bay View, near Petoskey, next suminer, will open on TuewJay, July 21, and will continue till Sumlay eren ing, August y. C. V. R. Pond, of Quincy, has bought a car load of thnber wliich once forined a portion of the stockade it Andersonvilli' pi son, and ba contracted to have 5,000 gavels imide out of the game. And now that omni and never present Tuin Navin, A'lriuh's ex-kid major, left WliHtCOD), W. T. very suddenly a few days since. He h:is gone to South America now. A üreat knave Navin. Ovid has the youngest Kriiht Templar in the stute, Mr. (Jlaience 8. Seott, teller in the Kir.t National bank of that place. tok the Knifht 'l'euiplar degice in St. Johns, February ia. He Is ouly 21 ycaia of aae. Judge Newton - the fiifOon candidate who didn't get there - is judjre of the Genesse circuit and he sentences lijnor déniers who viólate the luw to the fnll extent of the penalty, the 10 duvs iinprisonment inoloüed. Tlie Western Michigan Press AshocIatiou hasabandiined h excursión to New Oileans. i:irtly on account of not seouring satisfuctoiy rales froin southern railroail manareis, and partly from the tact tlmt ouly a few Haalben signitied their desire to join such an excursión. The millions accuuuilated by Jesse Hoyt, out of Michigan aie beins rapidly squ indered ly liis family in a costlv litigation over lus will. By the time Eist Síiírinaw gels her share It will be very small, for the New York City lawyera will have pocketed it all, or uear'.y all. The committee have decided not to cali a reunión of the Third Michigan cavalry before next stuiiiinr or lall. The secretary deslíes that each nieinber should send to O. F. Webster, Ann Ai-bor, tlit names and post-offlee aildress of oomrade, and the nami-s of any that have died slnoe the last reunión. Tbei e was an old raatit tn Dundeo. Mudca ineal on a half cup of lea, Bat tho story It grnw, mi the tlr-l thnii.' xhe knfw, Prona n hidí to h few II wiiH stated as tme - '1 hen i L'allon - tht-n two, TUI old Mrs. MoKew Told the news as ïf truc, That a Mrs. Bel lew. Drank a wondert ut atew ' OÍ a whole box of tea In Duudee. Grand Kapids luis already liegun to raiike arrangements tor the 17th tiimiial reunión of the (Tullunt veterans of the nruiy of the Cumberland, to be held on September 18. At the last reunión tlie larffett citics of tlie Union wcre competHnrc tor this diatinsruMied honor, btit tlie Valley city bore away the prize, and nw slie will leave nothinsi undone to give the " boy in blue " a royal welcoine. The talk abont the northern extensión of the Toledo & Ann Arbor road Is re vived. It is said tliat the Wabash now luis the matter In hand, and will push it through at once. Ir so, there Is a jrood chunca t the road strikin;: this lown and Howcll. In fact, tlie pleasant vallry route is thiown over-board - CPording lothc present ajïretmi' which Huweli is proiiiised the roail f{ $20,000. - Brigh ton Citizen. The board ot' pólice commis8ioner8 of Detroit, have fully and complctely exonerated Supt. Conely í rom charles preIcrrcd lü'iitist liiin. That'g all right, inb:ibly, but why doean't that (fentleman make any priijrrrM toward unearthm;r the inany inurderers who have made the pólice records of Drtroit red with crime tor the past two yeare? Murder after mulder hag heeu coniinited in De troit, and no one either convicted or triec even. It wems as thouirh the man win Imlds the office of chief of pólice of Detroit out;ht to be able to ferret out some of these terrible crimes. Fifteen years aj;o Lcndert De Brazen a Hollander, was a poor ftardener uear K;dania7.oo, Michigan, trylng to make a living off Of some niarshy land he hai purcbased Aftt-r otber things had failed he i'xperimenU'd with celery, and Is now a nch man. What wtis a dozen years af(o a swanip, is to-day a vast celery ilrld be-ide whicl a hundied acre lot i dut a L'.inlcn. The BhlppInfC scasons begins ii July, increases until the holidays, thei ttradually lecieases untll the erop is disdusc-d oi in the sprlujr. Fifty tons daily are now beinr sent out, and tlie erop o 1884 will reach 5.000 tons. Twenty thou sand stalks are raiscd upon an acre. It i said that two tuousaud persons in tua locality are enjjaged in thin industry. Ourlargest and inostextensiveniunufa turers in the land, constantly invent new waysof improving their goods. DeLiiiid' Saleratus and Soda was thoujfht to be per fect yeare ago, but the constant push an cntei prise ot this prosptrou firm, enable them to (liítril)iite to an approciiitive pub lic, the fi'iest, whitest, and purest Salera tus and 8udu ever kuown,


Ann Arbor Courier
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