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Chili our South Amerivnu Hate, bsretofore wedded to the catliolic faith. has abolished that religión :is the establUhed one, aml nmv decíales tor fii'eilom 10 EBligious views. Ex Mayor Thos. J. Navin, of Adrian, has been captuml at New Orleang, and s now on lus way back to the city lic so suddenly left some three years ago. 8 rich developments ure expected. The ckv of Gen. Gordon's, ' Sniasli the Mahdi," wliioh s jnst now reverbrating through England, teems to be an easier thing to shout than to accomplUb. The False I'roi)het gaining strcntli duily, and congtitntly becoiuing harder t smash. JIostcomery BCHütlxb, fortnerly it' Marshal!, is now tho mannginsr editor of üarper's Weekly. It is to be hoped that he will manage to put souie poütical discretlon in the heads of his superiors, the flarper and Geo. Wm. Cortlt, for inslance. i it ie r.ii.i, uini'ii paneu tlietionse niative to inereasing the number and salaries of the justices of the state supreme court, run on to a snag before it -fot to the senate in theshape of a constitutional provisión that itdidn"t jibe wlth. Conaequently it has been latd np to dry for a time. It was too green. Chinese cheap labor is being wrestled with by the legialative autliorities of our neighbor across Mie border, Canada. The latest thing they propose to do is to levy a tax of $10 per liead, for every man, woman or chlld of that natlonality landing on BritUb Coluinbia soil. Queer sort of a protective tari ff that. Thk prohibitoiv araendment failed of securing a two-third vote in the senato, because of the lobyingof some rampant proliibitionisls who didu't want it submitted. Very well. tho reDUÖllcaaa BftB now wash their hands of It There is do one to blame for ts failure but the prohibitioi.ists themselves. A numbkr of Detroit citizcns bKVfl memorialized tlie legislature reapectiug the propriety of placing a statue of Gen. Lewis Cass, as one of the illustriou3 men of Michigan, in tlie national capítol. Wliilc other states have Statnei ot' tlicir eminent sons, Michigan has not one. An appropriation ought to be made for tb at puipose. Mus. Vice President Hendmcks, being very ambitíous, de-ires to shine as the "lady of tlie white house," during Bachelor Cleveland's administi ation. And it looks very mnch as thoujrh she would be gratified. The president" lady relatives are not sufliciently brilliaut, and versed in tlie wiiys of society to take the position, so Washington correspondente say, and they know everytliing. The bilí, of Representative Ford providinjr a deeth penalty In oer tal d aggrevated cases of mnrder and rape, lias patted the houM by rote Of "j'.i to 29. We have always held that the state had no right to take humiii life, or in olhcr word?, to lffjulize morder, but the events of the past few years have changed our inind to acertain cxtent. Capital punbhment should be the penalty for those crimes In Wayne couiity, if not in the wiiole state. OovERNOn Ar.dEit has appointed ExRepresentatiTi! James Van Kleeck of Midland state commUatooer of immigration. He was boni in Monroe couutyi Michigan, in 184G, and served jrallantly throughout the war of the rebellion in the 17th Michigan infaiitry. He was severely wounded at the battle of An tietiim. He graduated f rom the law department of the Michigan University in the class of 1870, and soon after removed to Midlund, wliere he has since piacticfd his profesiion. He was forsix year prose. cuting attorney of Midland couiity, and an able and useful member of the Michigan house of representatives daring the sefsion of 1883.- Iinsing Bepabllcao. South Dakotu is going forward with all the preliminaries necessary to miike her a state. She has called a const'itutioiial convention to meet at Sioux Falls next Sejitember, iitul will elect state offlcers next full. Good lawyers have decieed that by previous acts of cocgress Uakota can come into the Union, and the national house of represen tatives cannot help herself. But If the demócrata persist in keeping her out, where wlll be helr boa3ted love of freeJom and ho nesty? ;