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tai uut otJtofKn Ét vé . a ovt XO OAEBY THE FA8T MAIL GOING WEST. OüTLY LIIÍE EUNlflHO TWO THE0UOH ÏKAIHS DAILY FfiOJÍ CHICAGO,PEOBJA&ST.LOUIS, e Tbrougta the Heart of tbe Continent bj way I vt Pací tic JUQCtlon or Om&ha to I DENVER, ;rvia Kansas Cltrand Atchlio.i to Denver, . nerllngln Union Jinm Kansas Cliy, Alculson, ¦ Ornaba and letiver wllh thrOJgb tralua for v SAN FRANCISCO, í and atl poluta Id th Far West, bbortest IJneto (. KAMSAS CITY, And all polnts Ín tbe Wesu TOURISTS AND HEALTH-SEEKERS HJioulil not fnrget tho fart that Rouud Trlp tickets at . rvdti'vd raws caá be purchaRwl vla thln (ircitt u Throitgh Une loan lüe ll-allb and I'leaaur . Retorta or tbe went and Booth-Weat, licluding ] ttvMonnialns of COLORADO, U Valle? oí lúe I Y i -senil 16, Uie CITY OF MEXICO, rimI all poluta In tbe Mexican Republlc HOME-SEEKERS ., Bnoold also rememiwr tbat thls line leds direct to j tliM hart oí the Oovernment and Kalmad Lauda Ín ,. N.-omika, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Waalilngh "Tihíknow'o'ai Uie gremt THBOÜGH CAR UMS ' f Aniertua, vid U uulversally admltted to be tbe L Fiuest Eqalppil Bailrand in the World Cor all clnme of Travel. ' Ttarongh Ticket vía tliln Une for sale at all Rail¦ roso Coupon Tickot UtUce lu tbe Uulted btates and Uauaüth T.J. POTTKR, I Vio. Pr. and Oen.nag-. Mw Gen. Paas. Ag'i Chicago, í JNU. Q. A. Kastern Ak"i, .U7 Broadway, N-w York, uul . JUO WadiUuxtoa &t.. BouIolu I Mort gage frale. DEFAÏT THWINíí Uf-EN' MADTC IN TI1B i-nnrtitKitm o' ft cerUtn iurieriture of niorttraee i secnted by Laura Btirkcr to Jotib Lynch, bmb wf - Aiii Aror, Id the county of vVHBhienaw ii iho State '¦ M ichtg m, beur ne date, the t-iuhteei th Hnv O' 'ctuber. A. Ü.. 1877, ard recordad in the oflire of the HuiHdter f DcudH tor the ('un ny of v , h te"awt1n Ltbcr 56 of Mortuavei. p g; ¦ 1'. and as lgnd "Ti the 'J'itli áhy of May 1881, 'y wriitcn - Biffnmuni tu Johu Smiti:, ¦! Ai n A-bor u wnthlp ín Uie oouiity uioríiitl. and hch ntlffiiiniit i- rcid'din tbti office ul-cc-uid in Líber Srven f . Aííle-inicntH of MurtCftftM, on pêgfi 162 hik. by which dci.iiilt. the power of nulo contaliied in , ai a mortgftfre bavlnx breóme opentlve, and no -uit or prooekdlngi' al iaw or i i -quit, havine ln-fii i ¦Utnttd to r c 'ver ttie anioant riue on phííI t mortt'HK ir he bood cc nipdtjUMK the tnme.and l i re btflog u-w 'i.-iunt ó tu be due "n tHtd bond and the an f Foar l"undr'd and . - and uinet-tw tí; NOTICK i there'oe ht-rchy eiven, thit unid Monea ewill furrlosed on Shiu dav, the 18 b day of April. A, I). ISító. al ten o'clock in fe Fo eooon ot thtt diiy, by a tn!e at pnblic auction to i hih'ghrei birtder, it ihe Evt Door of ïhu lïonrt House, in th Cily of Ann Arbor, Id ihe Cuniy i iresald, (safd "ourt 11 ue, being the place oí hukJinc ihf ircuit Court for 8aid Cotmt}) of the mortftured premlwa, divcríbfd lu 8id mortffftn or bo muco tbere i, aay b ¦ d i essary t -ni't the Nmoant oí principal and inrero! r mimin.' unpid npon 8iiid mort aire, wth rewonaMe cota and rxp'-iiwt-e ; whi'h premtefl are le-crlted in f-aid mor:a. f p foliowi : Al) th m rcrtnin pieps or ti ui ala ni la; d, tltiuted ai.d beinir la ího Ctty ol Anu Arbor. Ín Mu (.'ouiity o Sla-lttentiw and Staie "t Mi liiíiin. nd der-cíbefl ao wit : The went-hait "t lotu tuunht-r Filteen and Sixie- D, in t-lock i nmher Pive (5) -ruth irf Hurón stiet, in H ñire nuinher Kiulii .(, jírretüibi to ih' Ano t Land mpai:V additloD to U,e taid Cily of Ann Albor. Oat.d, Jantia.y 19. A. D. 1886. JOHN RMTTH, K. D. KINNK, Awlgnueol f'rt;njfe. .H'y lor AttigMS. 1ÍU-'Í'. Kal KM uto for Sale. QTATEOF HlUHtGAN,Ooiinvof Waahtenaw.M. In the Matter of the Estáte of Loia D. Barneit itil Wal tr B. Banwtt, miuurf. Notice ig herehy frjven. that in puru me-' ol au orjler t:raHtei to the BiideTsigntid uuai dian ot thKsLate of hald minore. b ihe fln. Jude ol Pi b.itt: for the County of Wubtf B1W, Oil ÜM'filth day oi May, A. IJ. iSM, ih-re wil bu eold at public vendue, t the bfjrbewi bidder, ut the Kift trnl door ot tbe Oouit Houe, lu th Cit of Aon A i b ir, in the OuDNt) ol WuBlitenaw. in sairt Siatc, on Tuceday, Tiit: tenth day ol MHrch, A. D. 18S5, t ten oV ck in ihe forenoon ol that day (u''ject to uil encnmbraiicep b nioftae or othei wine ei Utilizar the tim; of the hhU-). ail ihe rlght, tule mm intcii ol H.ud nlnon iu ihe fullo.tiug deecribed real estáte, t cwll : rommencini; at the curtir of the road on the hmi:ij ïé of ¦aoiloa fouiie-n (11) in ihe t"wn-hip of Lofii, u ;i-iiiriitv couniy ut Mlchi'ii. at a poiiu fl ty-iour t.51) rod we;t of tbe Center line ot fuifi ectlon und ronii'nii tbuoce due n-rih eighiy (80) rodt. tht-nce nue West thirty (30) iod-, tbeuce duu B' uth eijïhty (80) rodn th -nee dueeaj-t to t ie place of ix'iíiuiiitiíí, cjiittining ñteeu (15) acres of land. ANN E. BURNB1T, Gntr i in. Dated, Jannary 17, 1885, 12W :yj CoinniisMiuuers' Notice. STATE OP MlUUGAN,Cnii.tyof WHBhteniw,. Th1 underlgnt'd ha ving bet-n npeoinied by the Probate Court fur aaid Canty, CommihsioiuTH to rt-'C'ive. examine and adjuft all claimr and deniaiids f f all penons aainst the t-ctate ot Nai cy v h eler, late of -aid countv de ea-ed. hereby give notice (hatnix raoutht Irom date Hllowed, by order of eaid Probate Court, lor credit or? to present their claims ug.iinM tbe etttnte ol aid deceaned.and that they wiil meet at the ptore of c. Blict A ou In the city of Ai n Arbor, in eaid cunty.on a(urday, tlie ninth day of M iy, and on Moiiday, the tenth day of Aniiust next, at ten o'clock . M. .f eachofnaid days, to recuive, examine and a dj ast said claimt. Duted, K.bruary 9, 1S5. JOB T "oOBg. [ Commi.sloner,. Coiiiuiissioners' otico. STATE OP MIL'HIMAN, County of Waihtensw, ss. The undersigned tiavniK ïeeu ppointt-d by the Probate (Jourl Ur Huid coulity,C"mmÍK8oijerH 'o receive, examine and Hdjust all claime und demanda ol all perfuma aainst tne estáte ol N'ithan V. bh, lateol tiaid (¦"Uiity,tl'-ccnHctl.hfrely ivc notice tbat sixmonthf from date are allovvt'd, by order of nald Probate Juurt, fur croditurs to present thelrcltiinie iiiiiiiimi the esiate of B:iid ¦! c'ud. und Mist thi-y will meet at the 1. te residente of suld dc am-d in thu toimship of Pi tffteM. 1" said cuunt . on Monday the eleventh day of Mmt, and on 'i'ueïtdjiy the eleven'h day of Aooe-t next, ai ten o'clock . m. of each of aid daj s, to receive, examlue and adjust !a'd claiina. Dited, Fobrnarv 11, 1885. F. K. ()W ES, ( M nuN C vUY, i CommiBílotHTs. OPIUM HABIT! Snffrir r from tint jkttiÍcWm haWt will do wrll to writ trt PR. miRSII, of Üuiofj-, lilfb whohM world id n]utAti..n bc the curo ho naa unirte iluruy: the ji.vt (Hw yrars. Th mam pointt to be coiiiniuji;1et are Ml- Ut Mni'o of hfilth, Irr.irth of timud. nnl prentinontof drnj um-(Ï per wk. Banituium Trcfttment iiMI desired. leu (..r ts'imonila trum lotuiuif physiciMi uid rcprtsciiutlYó moa tuid wouu-a curtd. !5Sm?i BHBf Lying Agentt can't PKLI-nndtel ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦l the truth alxmt JoNts. put ur ¦ni $60. 5 TON MVM WAGON SCALE3. ¦ !¦ H Boam Box. Tare Bani Freiffhí ¦ Ê WM Wm raid. Fn-c IViw Lit. Evcry Slio. JMUJl addn JOKES OF BIÏIQHAMTOIT, SSSSHHb BLNÜllAJUrON.W. Y. aTfThangsterfer CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, si: Li. MIX II CÉNELES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick Candy for 15 rent pr r pou"l Ht A. F. HANGSTERKEU'S, 28 South Main Street. i __ i French Mixed Candles for 15 ernts per pound, at A. F. HANÜSTERFER'S, 28 Main Street. Nice Oranges only 15 cent per loze-, at A. F. HANOSTERFER'S at 28 Maiu street. AU kinds of NUTS, FI0S, DATES, RAIÜIJfS and MALAGA 0 RAPES, at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, Nr. 28 Muin Street, - Ann Arbnr. AH n 1 1 F Scnd alx cents for postage. and reVU I L celvi'free. a coslljr box ofgood whlch [. win help all, of i'lther ox. to more 1 ¦ w' monfy rlght away chsn anythtng t'lse . In thlt world. Fortunes awalt tbe c workers abaoluU'ly sure. At onof addreii Tkli - Cd.. Augiiata, Main. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN ANK ItllOK. Shovild advertise in THE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News