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Jack Long, at Dexter, Friday evening. Charlie Ilawley, of Lima, has returneU "in Kansas. Messrs. Barnes & Joscph are to open a ew bank at Milan soon. Mrs. J. Wlieelock, of Lima, has gone ast for a two months' visit. L G. Ovenehire and Mrs. Curcy, of Vest Salem, lied Marcli 4th. Holler kating vs. progressive euclne, vhich '-Milan Journal. Both. Mrs. J. Jacobs of Milan, has gone to 'ebraska to join her husband. Hanson & Wilcox have a kiln of 100,000 bricks ready to burn. - Milan Leader. W. J. Dancer is now a member of the firui of H. S. Holmes & Co., Chelsea. J. H. Miller and Win. Kirchgessner of Manchester, have gone to New Orleans. The successful vülage candidates were serenaded at Dexter, by the vlllage band. Gottlieb Gruber, au old Brldgewater pioneer, dled on the27th uit., aged8ö yearg. Voluey H. Potter of Scio, and Miss Mary P. Averv, of Lima, weremarried March4. Will Corbin, of West Salem, goes to Illinois to accept a position in a telegraph office. A. T. Bruegel and wife, of Manchester, lost their ten years old son Budie J., on the 2d inst. j. t. nouKy ïcturod befare the High School at Dexter, on " Law and Lvgul Papers," reccntly. Geo. Crampton, of Dexter, was surprisedbya lot of friends on the 3d inst., it being his 33d birthday. Mis. Fanny Kellogg, one of the old pioueers of Lima, died on the 27th uit., at her daughter's in Ingham Co. The Dexter high school observed Longfel low's birthday Friday, accordlng to tlie Leader. His birthday anniversary Is Feb. 27 th. We are nformed that Mrs. Frank Sweetland clmrns one hundred lbs. of butler per week, and it is of the best quality, too. - Clielsea Herald. The ladieslibrary as9ociati( n of Dexter now has 547 volumes of books, having added 35 vols. recently. They are soon to purchase anotber new lot. A large number of new houses will be erected in the village the coming season The majority will be built in the eastern part of the town. - Milan Journal. Mrs. Conklin, wife of the late Isaac N". Conklin, died at her home In Ypsilanti, last week. The estáte, valued at $300,000. is now beinc sptrlHil in ?¦ r mi court. Milan is now happy. The house bill incorporating the place as a village passed last Tbnrsday, and is now a law. Now for the honor of being the first municipal office re. Eight persons were conflrmed by Bishop Harris, at St. James church, ou Thursday evening last. The sermón and exercises were of morethau usual interest. - Dexter Leader. It was pleasing to see those interested in "that druin '' swarmaround representativo Harper. We are afraid some one will be disappointed in the result of the action.- Manchester Enterprise. S. M. Merithew, of Sharon, and A. F. Freeman, Esq., of this village arrlved home from New Orleans on Saturday uoon and say that they enjoj'ed the trip and the sights very inuch. - Manchester Enterprise. Now that Dr. Maclean bas taken up his residence in Detroit, he is working a scheme to remove the clinical and hospital departmeiils from Ann Arbor to Detroit. Hadn't they better tak th whole unlveraity. - Dexter Leader. Saline, a right smart town of 1000 people, nine miles from Ann Arbor and eleven from Ypsilanti, wants a bank, we have lots to spare in our región - snow banks.- Stockbridge Sun. Wel!, Saline has had hershare of the latter this season, and has one good banking house besides. At Ann Arbor Tuesday, we found our brethren oí the press ou deck and sailing in smooth waters. The county officers busy earning their salaries by giving the people good service. The lawyers serving their clients for good pay, and business men a little in the glum, but looking for Runshine. The nomiuation of Mr.Whitraan for regent takos well witli the alumni of all shades of opinión.- Ypsi. Commercial. Milan Leader : The bell for the new Baptist church arrived this week, and was raised into position this morning. It is a beautiful plece of church furniture, and bears the followinginscription: DAVID II1.K hllKH.KM,, To thefirat Baptist Church of Müan, Mich., February, JS85 God blos the church in yrs to come, May th! sweet bell ever cali us borne, lts truths to hear aud hecd them well, And bli-88 D. B., the t,iver of this bell. At the regular meeting of the Light Guard, held at the armory Wednesday evening the following offleers were cliosen ;o flll vacancies caused by the resigmition of Capt. L. E. Childs. Capt., J. H. Manning; lst Lieut., O. J. Rogers; 2d Lteut., W. J.Hvzer; lstserg't.. Eli Robtoy; 5ih ser;;'',, John Geoghan; 4th serg't., Chas. Kcifjers. We regret to record the resignalion of Capt. Cliild?. He was a very efficiënt and popular commander, and placed the company on a high footing. Hia succcssor is fully competent to Üll the posltion. - Ypsi. Commercial. The following descriptlon of W. E. Boyden's beautlful farm, is taken from a recent issue of the Dexter Leader ; "Mr Boyden'? farm consists of 612 acres, o) wliich 400 are in Webster, 111 In Scio, and 101 in Northfield. 'J'he cunimittee, of the Webster Farmer'sClub, appointed for the parpóse, visited the horse barn flrst. It is u brick nructure 40xfiO; the block pavement In the stalls had settled soine, anc the committee advise the putting in oi plank to raise the floor of the stalls. The cattle barn is 120x30; the stalls ranged on bothsidesof a center alley. A root cellar is located in the south end. More pro tection asainst cold is needed, as some o the roots were badly frosted. The wes eheep barn is 24x40. Mr. Boyden has 170 thorough-bred merino sneep, and one grade lamb. The grain and hay barn i 100x40; a sbeep shed is attached to thi barn. Poultry house 16x20. East shee and grain barn 104x40. The corn crib i over 100 feet long, tooi shed 26x40, sho] 24x40, granary 26x36', wood shed 24-40 The committee thought the wood-she( did not correspond in appearance witb tli house. TUe ice house is 14x20. The com mittee thought pipes should be put in fo under ventilatlon. There are three ten ant houses 16x2. Mr. IJoyden has 4 head of cattlo. He is a breeder of t-hoi t liorna; the families are Rose of Bharon Young Mary, and Phyllls."