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' BACH A ABEL'S COLUMN. We are told there is no such thing as selling merchandise for less than its The very words are self-contradictory. Merchants will sell goods for what they'll fetch ; and that is their Is it true or not ? When we give you Your choice of Cloaks in our Cloak Department for $15.00, do you doubt for a moment but that a great many of them are being sold for less than their Value? Judgingfrom the largenumbers sold during the past ten days you did As we are still over-loaded, we will continue this sale ten days longer Remember you have your choice of all styles in Silk, Wool and Plush garments at 315.00 6-4 Ladies' Cloths this week ot former price $100 Towels will be sold this week at less than their value. 15 doz. Towels at 12c. wortfc 2Oc 20 " " " 15c. ¦' 25c. This towel in Solid dozens only, we sell at $1.50 per 25 dozen very large towels at 25c worth 30cHosiery this week will be sold less than its 25 Ladies' pin stripe Hose, full, regular made, at 25c worth 40c 25 Ladies Solid Colors in Seal, Navy, Cardinal, Wine and Black Hose at 25c worth 40c These Goods are Oil Colors and full, regular madeCashmeres this week less than their value 10 pieces cut Cashmeres at 40c worth 60 in all colors Black Cashmeres for confirmatien dresses less than their value : Black Cashmeres as 50c. worth 00. Black " ' " 65c. cheap at 75. Black " " ' 75c. worth 90. Black " " fi.oo cheap at $1.00 and $1.15. We have just received a cargo of the goods and we have made special prices on them during this monthTricots in all colors at $100 worth $130 Every thing sold cheap this MonthBACH & ABEL. GHAND OPERA HOUSE! TUESDAY BVB., MARCH 17th, '85. THE GREAT Realistic and Spectacular Melo-Drama, THE ROMANY RYE! A drama depictlng the seven human passlons: LOVE, FE AR, HOPE,JEALOUSY, REMORSE, REVENGE, HATE. The following llfe pictures vlvidly Illustrated : Craig's Nest by Moonlight. Hampton Kaes Course. Hayeroft Cellar near Thames Biver St. Giles Street, London. London by Sunrise. Wreek of the Saratoga in Talmouth Harbor. The same production here whlch this great play recelved in Detroit aod Chicago. Mukliiu tliis beyond doubt the greatest production of modern times. PRICES, - 75, 50, and 35 Cents. Seata now on Salo wl'hont extra charge at Boughton's Post Mii.v News Depot. The Circuit Conrt. The following cases have been disposcel of in the circuit court up to this, Wetlnesday morning: The People vs Patrlck Shoridan , lareeny. Information road and pleaof not guilty entered. P. McKernnan appointed to defend. Kound no guilty. Wm. D Harriman, Jadge of Probate, vs. Merchant H. Goodrich and E. W. Morgan Jury by plaintiff. Case. Contlnued by consent. The People vs. Jeremlah Sheehey, bastardy. Continupd and defendaut recognlzed in the sum of $500 wlth Patrlck Shwehey as surety John Walker vs. Martba Walker, Dlvorce. Doeree granted. Louis M. Plerce vs. Albert Pierce, Divorce. Decree granted aud fees paid. Chrlstlan Welnmann vs. Chrlstine Weinmanu, Dlvorce. Decree gran ted. Thomas Nelson Degau, admitted to cltlzenshlp. Henry C. Waldron vs. The Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk Kallway Co. Jury by plaintiff. KJectment. On trial. Three Peculiarities Hood's Saraaparilla, the great blood pnrifler and regulating medicine, is charactcrized by tiree peculiarities, namely : I 1 B The comblnation of tlio various Ivli remedial agents used. f J The proportton in whlch the root, Q B herbs, barks, etc, are mixed. ty i Tho proces by which tbe active OQ ¦ mediclual properties are secured. The result is a medicine of unnsual strengtli and curative power, which cffects cures heretofore unequalled. These pecullarlties belong I cxcluslvely to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and are Unknown to Others Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared with the greatest BkiU and care, by pharmacists of education and long experience. Henee It is a medicine worthy of entire confidenco. II you suffer f rom scrofula, salt rheum, or any disease of the blood, dyspopsia, billousness, slck headache, or kidney and liver complaints, catarrh or rheumatlsm, do not fail to try Hood's Sarsaparilla "I recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all my friends as the best blood purifler on earth." Wm. Gaff, drugglst, Hamllton, O. " Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me ol scrofnlous humor, and dono me worlds of good othcrwisc." C. A. Akkold, Arnold, Me. A book containing many additloual statements oí cures will be sent to all who desire. Hood's Sarsaparilla gold by all druggists. f 1 ; six for $5. Mado only by O. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. , lOO'i Doses One Dollar.


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