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BALL'S CORSETS The OXLT CORSET made that can be returned hy it9 purcilMer aCu-r tlnv weeks wenr, if not found PERKEC7UY SATISFACTORY Inerery rcspt-.t, and lts pnce refimdi-Jiiv sellen Mode in a vark-ty of Btyles nnd prlees. Sold by tlrst-Wass dealers everywhert-. Beware of worthless imitations. None (jfiuiiiic uniera it hna linll's nante on the box. CHICAGO CORSET CO., Chicago, III. For wale only hy W INE8 & WORDEN DrCLARKE KO TEE I Establised 18S1 I Merrill Cita BettsrI 1 DETROIT, MICH. f BlOCk. BJUM- saSM Thrreenlaroldestabllihed S5aTPTO?II I'hjsieimi and Sui Reon DB. Il Vr'vïlYil' XAKKE at the M number ¦ff y"Twï3r fllcontinuts to trcat witli his usual SÁ hC JBÖr ll3BrcB kl11 a" private, 811 7 J& liochronlc, nervous and special IIVSïiAllaUeaaeii. DR. CI.AKKK is llsjfaj SlltheoUlest Advcrtising I'hysician, B - ""Vj ' ¦' nies of Papers show and all oíd Kesidcnts know. Age and experience Important. cy Nerrons dlieases (with or without dreams.) or deblllty and loss of nette power treated scientifically by new methods witn never {ailinj; success. fSf It malees no diSerence what y ou have taken or who has failed to cure you. fy ïoung men and mlddle-aged men and all who suffer should consult the celebmted Dr. CUrke at once. E" The terrible polaons of all bad lilood and kin dl-eases of cvery kind, name and nature comnletely eradicated. Kemcmber, that one horrible dlsaase, if nelected or improperly treated, curses the present and comine generations. fL& Dlseased discharge curcd promptiy without hindrance to business. Both sexes consult conüdentlally. If intronble, callorwrite. Delaysaredaneeroua. Trocrastloutlon is the tlilef of time." A wrlttta warranty of oure glveu la cvery oase undertaken, f5" Send two stamps for Gelebrated rorki onCIlronlc. Nervous and Delicate Diseases. You have an exhauitlve ymptomatoloiry by which to study ycurowDCtm. Consultation, pcrsonally or bv letter, Uree. Consult the old uoctsr. Thouaanda cured. Office and Darton private. You see no one but the Doctor, lïcf ore contidinpyour case consult Dr. CLARKK, A Iriendly letter or cali may save future suffering and shame, and add golden years to life. Medicines sent cvery wherc secure from expolure. - llours, 8to 8; Sundsy, 9 to 12. Adíese lettere: F. I. (I., Alt UK. H. O., Merrill Block, Cor. Woodivjrd & JeHerson Aves., DETROIT, MICH. Oh, Clara, dld you see that Miss WhIters was m:inietl the otlierday?" "Was tbs, ilcaiic? 1 hope the wedding wis ,i happy one." " Oh, I mess it was. She liad a s:itiu train thiee yards long." Quinsy troublcd me for twenty years. Since I gtarted using Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011, have not had an attack. Mrs. Letta Cotrrad, Standish, M!ch. At the muKDm. SMe: "Uh, look at that Indtan wtth his feather head-dress." He: ' 1 m, ftae feather." She: " Well. wliy do the Indiana wear thein that wayy" Hè: " To keep his wigwam." Cure for IMeg. The lirst symptom of Piles is an intense telling at ïiifjlit atlcigetting warm. This anpleasant senMtlnn is iinmérflately relieved by an application of Dr Bosanko'g Pile Kciiicdy. Files m all forma, Itcli, Salt Rhcum and Kiiigworm can be perinaiiciHly curr.l hv the nse of this great reraedy. l'i-iit; ."in CPfils. Manufactured by Che Dr, BoMnko Medicine Company, Piqua, O. Sohl by Mheiliai'h A Sm 1202-1258. SUBSCRIBE for the CDUKIEB.


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