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Speaker Caruslb and ex-Speaker Randall linve crossed swords in an apjiointrncnt for office under Cleveland, and Jnrl i.-le lias Iipimi dnwned. A free tnide gtraw for soine of Michigan'sinug-wuinps to cliew on. Natcre has its compensatinns. Xow that Oliioans are not wanted to fill tlie offices nt Washington, diamonda are belnjt found along thelr rlver banks. A stuiie rícently fcnrod wtiglis 42 carat?, and is wortfa over $6.000. After June i'ext there will be nocoinmlRoioner of Immlgratlon in Michigan. There never ouglit to have been one n the rir-t plnoe, It lias been a needlcss expiiisc. The slate is making H solid ero w Ib, and a mosbroom growtli is not OMlred. Dr. Palmer, a grecnbacker, lias been arpointed by Gov. Alger, as surjieon at tlie state prison, in strict conformity to tlie civil si-rvice rcgulations laid down by President Clerélfind. Ten democratie state senatois, elected by pioliibition votes, caused tlie failure of tlie proposition to submit the prohibitory amendnr.ent to the people. It was spite work thnt elected them.and the result li rhatsplte work aiwuvs biing, dlauter. Mr. ('i.kvki.anü has issued liis first proclaraatlon as president, orderiug the Oklaliom i boomers to disperse and keep off tlie líinds of the noble red men in the Tci ritory. Itremains to be aten Wbether Uiey will íiiind or not. The npxt thlng i to proclaim polygamous Mormons oullawa, and enforce tbe proclamation. Dan Mankino - excuse us, Mr. Secretary [annillg- don't propose to have any fnnlltho" In bil burean. He lias liad 500 dlsmlcMl Maiiks printed, and sent word to his New York pal8 to "come on." But over liis door is a slgn bearing the egend, "No Ohio man need apply." That's the kind of a spring chicken Dan s ! Oh, civil service reform, and Oeoige Win. Curtis, where art thou? An ANALY3I3 of the vote upou rcttrlng Gen. Orant, shows that two-thirils of the members of congress from the southern atates voted againut the bill. And yetif uiy one refers to the south as lncking n patriotism, the demócrata howl about waving the bloody sliirt! Well, the bioody shirt was a unión shirt, anyway. Thk iction of the r'publlcan convention at Lanslnu lat Wednesüay, In ao enthuslRilcn ly nnd ummlmously enclorslng Judge Cooley, the proh'bltlon candldate, was tlie most KciiN thlng that p:iry has ben fcuilty of In a long time. It la to them an asHurance of vlctory, so far i s the Judgtwhlp lK conoerned.- Orand Uapids 1'uM. Dear, dear, you don't say so! 'NVho'd o'thought it? But what about the proliibitlon party "unanimously nominatiag " a man outside its own ranks ju-t becau8C its leaders feit morally certain that he vould be nominated and elected In spite of them? A " most sensible thing," certainly.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News